Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P20 (10-11-23)
Jesus, God in Flesh is/was the Only Truly Normal Man From God’s Perspective
~ We live in a world where man sets himself up as the final authority on all things instead of God. We ignore the word of God and go to all types of human institutions to try and figure ourselves and our children out. We pump ourselves up with pharmakeia (drugs and poisons) in order to try and change our behaviors. And even in fear we take things that quite frankly are what the word of God refers to as sorcery, pharmakeia. But most don’t believe that. They continue to trust in man instead of God. Take a close look at the details of the word pharmakeia in Greek. It’s directly where we get big pharma from, and it means exactly what it says below. Pay attention to the details.
Strong’s #5331: pharmakeia (pronounced far-mak-i’-ah)
from 5332; medication (“pharmacy”), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):–sorcery, witchcraft.
Thayer’s Greek Lexicon:
1) the use or the administering of drugs
2) poisoning
3) sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
4) metaphorically the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
Part of Speech: noun feminine
Relation: from G5332
This word is used 3 times:
Galatians 5:20: “Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions,”
Revelation 9:21: “murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their”
Revelation 18:23: “of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations”
And, in our own understanding of things, we still ignore the word of God. We are told what is going on in the world today directly through the word of God, yet most people give lip service to God’s very words and do NOT pay attention to any of the details. And when push comes to shove, the world collectively goes back to running to man for everything. They watch the news everyday on Tele-a-Vison (and are programmed by it). Why do you think TVs are so cheap today and have channel programs? Satan wants to more easily program you with his lies. People love their movies and their movie stars too. All of the well known actors work for team Satan. People listen to the lies on radio too, which feeds directly to their fears and emotions. They will listen to their friends, neighbors and coworkers over the word of God. They refuse to “come and let us reason together” with the Holy Spirit. They would rather believe the lies of the world than deal with the Truth because they are more comfortable with the lies of the world, and bring to themselves what their itching ears want to hear; just as scripture says. And then they take the pharmekiea sorcery poison which ultimately blocks the Holy Spirit from being heard in them. And most will no longer listen to us speak to them either. For they are in strong delusion today, all of this according to the word of God. Folks, this is No coincidence. Pay attention to the details, for details matter in EVERYTHING. Do not be as the world is. Stop believing the lies and exercise faith in TRUTH. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you ALL Truth.
~ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:1-5
~ “And they did not repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries [φαρμάκων (pharmakōn)], nor of their sexual immorality, nor of their thefts.” Revelation 9:21
~ “And the light of lamp shall never shine in you any longer, and the voice of a bridegroom and a bride shall never be heard in you any longer. For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, because by your sorcery [φαρμακείᾳ (pharmakeia)] all the nations were deceived.” Revelation 18:23
~ “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” 2 Thessalonians 2:11
~ “Now that’s some world we live in isn’t it? And it took me to live in a world with a school systems that quite frankly, I think needs a total revolt against a school system that says that you can talk and conjure up spirits and talk about new age and talk about visualization. Teach visualization, a world that has gotten to the point where all you got to do is to get a kid that’s a little squirmy, and you got to put them on Ritalin and somebody determining how squirmy is squirmy. And the thing that gets me a since when did kids when were kids ever not squirmy? I wonder sometimes, who is it that setting the standard of behavior? Who is it that has set himself up to determine what is proper behavior and what is improper behavior? Who is it that has set himself up to determine what is normal and what isn’t normal? I want tell you something who does that, man. The only man that ever walked on the face of this earth from God’s vantage point that was normal was called Jesus. And they called him a wine bibber and a glutton, crazy, demon possessed and ended up nailing him to across the only normal human being that ever walked on the face of this earth perceived by man. Is that normal? That shows you the qualification man has to analyze anything. And we set ourselves up in that category to try to analyze what is normal behavior, and how squirmy a kid ought to be and what his concentration span ought to be. I hear them say, he didn’t concentrate well, how old is he? Six. I mean, how many six and seven year old kids do you see, just don’t bother me, I’m concentrating on my mom. And sticking them on Ritalin in order to numb their brain so that by the time they’re 12, they’ll be dependent on drugs for everything. And we call that progress.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Now that’s some world we live in isn’t it? And it took me to live in a world with a school systems that quite frankly, I think needs a total revolt against a school system that says that you can talk and conjure up spirits and talk about new age and talk about visualization. Teach visualization, a world that has gotten to the point where all you got to do is to get a kid that’s a little squirmy, and you got to put them on Ritalin and somebody determining how squirmy is squirmy. And the thing that gets me a since when did kids when were kids ever not squirmy? I wonder sometimes, who is it that setting the standard of behavior? Who is it that has set himself up to determine what is proper behavior and what is improper behavior? Who is it that has set himself up to determine what is normal and what isn’t normal? I want tell you something who does that, man. The only man that ever walked on the face of this earth from God’s vantage point that was normal was called Jesus. And they called him a wine bibber and a glutton, crazy, demon possessed and ended up nailing him to across the only normal human being that ever walked on the face of this earth perceived by man. Is that normal? That shows you the qualification man has to analyze anything. And we set ourselves up in that category to try to analyze what is normal behavior, and how squirmy a kid ought to be and what his concentration span ought to be. I hear them say, he didn’t concentrate well, how old is he? Six. I mean, how many six and seven year old kids do you see, just don’t bother me, I’m concentrating on my mom. And sticking them on Ritalin in order to numb their brain so that by the time they’re 12, they’ll be dependent on drugs for everything. And we call that progress.
I remember, when I was living out in Los Angeles, I stood out there like choking, where you can’t even breathe. When you take a deep breath, you chip your tooth. And you’re sitting out there in this place, and I looked around and my buddy, I said, it’s a lot of progress, isn’t it? Man, we’ve made a lot of progress. We used to out here used to be orange groves out here, if you could smell now you can’t even breathe, people walk around masks on her face a lot of progress. Man is really smart. We’ll just progress ourselves right into the point where you can’t even breathe anymore. So we’re the ones setting those standards when we’ve lost sight that God alone is the standard of truth, there is no standard of truth outside of God, He alone is it. And when man refuses to go to the Word of God to establish a standard of truth, we are left with nothing except. I will, I will establish it. And when you’re talking about human behavior, and establishing what is human behavior, right and wrong, remember who had was that killed the only normal person that ever walked on the face of this earth Jesus of Nazareth. So it is talking here that we are one body. And we’ve been given one body, we are given the same Spirit to drink it is not for division, but it is for unity.
Now let’s go back to chapter 12, to the beginning there and let’s read through that together as it relates to spiritual gifts, and especially through the abuse in the church of Corinth, in regard to this gift of languages. Now about spiritual gifts, brother, I want you I don’t want you to be ignorant. I know that some when that when you were pagans, somehow or another you were influenced and led astray by mute idols. So Paul is very suddenly reminding them where they came from. Therefore, I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says Jesus be cursed. And no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. Now folks, that doesn’t mean that you if you were an actor couldn’t say Jesus Lord is Lord. But that’s what you have to be. It doesn’t mean that somebody couldn’t learn some vernacular in the church and hear it long enough. And maybe sometimes that Jesus is, Lord. How many of you remember when you first became a Christian? How many remember that? hHow many of you remember how hard it was to say the word Jesus Christ? Remember that? Now, you could say it in the gym. In a curse word. I said that many times. That wasn’t hard to say. You could say, The Good Lord. The good Lords gonna do that for me, the old Good lord. And you hear a lot of the good Lord, you know, you hear a lot of that one. And you’ll hear about God, know God, that God and God and God, but to say the name Jesus Christ, I will tell you a gag on it. You can’t say it. You can be in all kinds of situations, it almost sounds like you know, a Dracula deer with a cross or that type of thing. But I will tell you be in certain situations, and you hear the name Jesus Christ, and it’ll throw you off in a hurry. The name Jesus Christ has power to it, because it’s associated with God Himself, who was here on this earth, and you will remember that, and it’s only the Spirit of God who is alive living in us that enables you and me to freely be able to verbalize Jesus Christ, the Lord God, Jesus Christ. You don’t have the Spirit of God living in you, you try to communicate that and you’ll gag on it. Like I say, you use the big boy upstairs and the good Lord and God and all that not the word Jesus Christ, and for sure not the word that Jesus Christ is Lord. It takes a Spirit of God living in now said there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit.
There are different kinds of service. but the same Lord, there are different kinds of workings. But the same God works all works all of them in all men. Now to each one, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. We talked about that last week, gifts are given for the common good of the body, to one there has given through the Spirit, the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge, by means of the same Spirit, To another faith, by the same Spirit, same Spirit that gave one faith gave another wisdom, same Spirit, good one wisdom gave another one faith gave somebody knowledge, to another gifts of healing, by that one Spirit, same Spirit. Do another distinguishing between spirits, in other words, distinguishing when a spirit is true, or whether it’s false. I’ve had people come up, you know, and I’ve got the gift of something. And I said, Good, I got the gift of discernment. And I think you’re a phony. You’re going to claim one mine as well claim them all.
To another, the gift of speaking a different types of tongues languages, to still another interpretation of tongues, languages. All of these work of one and the same Spirit. He gives them to each one, just as who determines? He determines. Now you see folks that you have in this day and age, and not trampling on any gift that God may have given anybody. But can you see how idiotic it is if God’s given you a gift to go out and try to market it to somebody else? Who gave it to you? Oh, God, then leave it alone. You don’t go out and teach somebody your gift, or market it or tell somebody if you don’t have that specific gift I have, you’re not spiritual as I am. There’s the damage. There’s the damage. And that has happened, quite frankly, with the gift of tongues. That what has happened is we have taken off on that. I remember talking to Malcolm Smith, one time he said he was among the group that said in New York, when they coined the name charismatic, they knew they couldn’t get Pentecostal into evangelical churches. They knew they couldn’t get it into Catholic churches, they knew they couldn’t get it into there. So they said, let’s come up with a name that we could get it in all over the place. And so they came up with a name charismatic, nobody could argue with it. But he said when that little c became a capital C and only took one year for it to occur, and that says that that’s when I dropped out. In other words, we made gifts, replaced Christ. And we started talking about gifts we gathered around our centrality was not around Christ, it was around our gifts. And you had that and you had people who were thought were dear brothers in Christ who acted like they liked you always wanted to promote you into a gift. And if you didn’t want to do it, brother, it was as cold as eyes. I’ve seen people have just grinning eyes is beaming at me and me. And I’d say some truth to them and turn around. And it looks like I’m staring in the face of the devil and walk away, angry, shouting every obscenity that you can imagine. I’ve seen it all in regard to what goes on, in the name of Christ.
Now, he is saying to us that, that there are different gifts. And, and each one of the gifts that are given are given by God, just as He determines to give it. So you can’t go out and promote what God gives you. Are we together all that? Do we understand the heresy of that type of a mentality that says you come in I’m going to teach you to speak in tongues. Or it’d be like we say, we’re going to have a meeting, I’m going to teach you to teach, and then I’m going to teach you how to give and I’m going to tell I’m gonna have deals on that. And we’re gonna sit around, we’re gonna make you we’re gonna throw the money out on the table and teach how to give and all and all that type of thing. God is the one who puts it in you, and he’s the one that’s going to put a through you and if he doesn’t do it, it’s man made. I don’t care who does it. It’s man made and it’s of the devil. So gifts, not that you’re discouraging or diminishing any gifts. It’s the abuse of the gifts that is dividing the body of Christ. And quite frankly, makes you recoil against it. Somebody comes up to me and says I have to speak in tongues to be spiritual, or to be saved. You’re not dealing with my joy. I had a guy one time saying you can’t take my joy away from me. said Yeah, but you’re trying to take my salvation away from it. I’d rather have my salvation and be a little less joyful than I would to lose my joy. And instead of my salvation. You don’t, you don’t understand what you’re doing. When you’re telling somebody that if you’re not speaking in tongues or in a gift that you’re not saved, you’re destroying a person’s salvation. Now, there’s another thing it says, if you’re not doing a specific gift, and basically speaking in tongues or whatever it might be that you’re not as spiritual as someone else, then how could Paul then talk about people who were speaking in tongues being a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal? Because he said, you could be speaking in the tongues of men or angels. And if you don’t have love, you’re a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal, that means you could be doing it but God calls you an old clanging cymbal and a noisy gong. So don’t ever think that that is has anything to do with being spirit in the spirit. Another thing that you will see come up is people talk about I’m a spirit filled Christian. Are you really? What minute? Do you know what be spirit filled means? It means to be controlled by. It would be like saying, I’m controlled with a Spirit. Only if you are then you’re controlled by what? What does it mean to be controlled with the Spirit? It means to be controlled with the love of God. It tells you in the book of Ephesians exactly what it means to know the height and depth and breadth and width of the love of God and to know this love that surpasses knowledge so that you will be filled to the measure with the fullness of God, how could you be filled with the major the fullness of God and not be filled to Spirit? Could you? Of course not how come? No because the Spirit is God.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:12
So instead of camping on five on the fifth chapter, Be not drunk with wine wherein excess be filled with the Spirit and let that be anything you want to it might help to read it in context, and read Chapter three before you read five and you’ll know what it means when it says it in five. It means to be controlled with a level of God. What constrained the Apostle Paul controlled him? The love of God, what control Jesus are the love of God, what is to control you and me for the love of God? So when a person comes out and says, I’m spirit filled, that’s a lie. Unless you just happen to be controlled with the love of God that moment. And probably if you’re saying to me your spirit filled you are not because you’re probably bragging, which is not filled with love. So to walk around saying I’m a spirit filled Christian is a ludicrous statement because it just depends on what moment of the day you happen to be controlled by love. How many of you are controlled by love all day long? I mean, you are all of your patient just every minute of the day just wake up until morning till night and patient and kind and never keep records of wrongs? To do how many of you are me are in that boat? So how can I say I’m spirit filled That’s what the Bible is trying to say. Folks, you can go through all of these shenanigans you want to if you don’t have love, it is not worth a flip you can be the greatest teacher that God ever created if you don’t have love you mind as well keep him. You can be the biggest giver that God’s ever placed on the face of the earth, if you don’t have love, doesn’t mean anything. You could speak every language that was What good do you just be able to speak more languages is every time you open your mouth it was verbiage of hate and bitterness and resentment and nonsense and error. So God is saying to us very simply so again, that’s again getting back the point not to think more highly of ourselves and we ought that there is nothing you cannot make the statement I am a spirit filled Christian. Do you understand that? People call in on sometimes I’m a spirit field Christian. I’m going to divorce my husband that slob.
Now we’ve camped on to those terms, my friends. And I understand that I’m not being critical until we’ve camped on the terms. But before we can’t on the terms and remain on terms, we have got to analyze those things. And it’s not unusual. Foks, I’ve camped on to stuff too. I kept for number of years on spiritual breathing. I mean, I was spiritual breathing and spiritual panting and hyperventilating and every time you sin and you had to confess your sin appropriate power of the Holy Spirit. Well, there was another little formula why I learned it. And I verbalized it taught it, and some great illustrations on it.Hated to give them up. But it’s not true. It’s not true. And if something’s not true, you gotta be willing to stand and say it’s not true. I was wrong. You know, folks, we dread more than anything else is appearing to be stupid. You know, that’s one of the greatest fears of man is I don’t want to look stupid. That’s why we hate new jobs. Really just hate to go a new job. Well, how come? Well, first week, you just feel like a dumb bunny. Have you ever noticed that? I mean, everybody’s walk. That’s what keeps many kids out on the streets into crime instead of into schools is because they’ve been convinced you can’t learn that stuff. Why? Well, when you first start learning, it’s weird to you. I grew up in a legal home, I grew up and my dad was an attorney. I got A’s and every law course I ever took in school. It wasn’t a mystery to me. I went in heard the language heard the lingo just read the stuff I heard on my whole life. I had to sit down to business courses and memorize what a wholesaler was, and a retailer. I didn’t know what they were hearing about capital gains. Hear about commissions, I didn’t know what commissions were. I didn’t know any of that stuff was. I knew nothing about business and said wow, I’ll never learn this. I remember when I decided to get my real estate license, I will set in those classes and they started talking about all this stuff. And they were talking about after a week, I knew the vernacular and the terminology, was able to put it together and get the license, get the degrees all the things you’re talking about and hard to learn. Just hang in there long enough. You get. There’s one thing that might be an exception to that with me and that’s computers. But but I’m become convinced that I could probably learn that too. You see, we don’t want to feel dumb. We hate that. Don’t worry, when someone appears as if they think you’re dumb. There’s nothing that can enrage you like that,.We don’t like to feel dumb. Well, I want to tell you something. The fact of the matter is, is when you and I are in Christ, whose mind do we have? The mind of Christ. So if you’ve kind of had a lot of rejection in your life where people thought you were done, praise God, because after you come to Christ, everybody’s good. Thank you. So you have a lot of experience behind you that way. The hardest thing in the world is when you’ve been in a situation where people thought you were smart, then you come to Christ. It’s hard to tolerate the rejection. When you’re in Christ today, as far as the world out there is concerned, how smart are you? Why you’re just poor little innocent little thing over there only knows what they’re talking about. So folks, when you’re first starting into things, or whatever it might be, there’s things I’ve done and taught and believed that we’re wrong. We have to be free enough in Christ to be able to say, I was wrong, I was wrong. No big deal. Won’t be the first or the last time. So when we use terminology, and walk around, as I said, with terminology, like I am a spirit filled Christian, that is not true, you understand that? It is not true, unless at that moment, and probably, as I said, if you’re talking about it, that takes care of that one. But at that moment, whether you’re being controlled with a love of God. Now are there times during the day or week or whatever it might be, when the love of God is controlling your life? Sure, that occurs, and miracles occur. I mean, it’s, it’s just unbelievable. See, I never get surprised or amazed when anything lousy comes out of me, which shocks me when anything good comes out of here. That’s a miracle. That’s God doing it. That’s God doing it.
Now, it goes ahead, then to say that the body is not made up of one part, but many, a lot of different parts in here, if the food should say, because I’m not a hand, I don’t belong to the body, it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. And if the ears should say, because I’m not an ear, I do not belong to the body, it would not for that reason cease to be a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact, God has arranged the parts of the body every one of them just as he wanted them to be. My friends you know, some there is not a problem of your heart that cannot be met in this body. I’ll guarantee you God has arranged in this body of his children every gift necessary to meet every heart problem you could ever hope to have. Now I want you notice I did not say that any need of your heart can be met by me. I’m a spiritual hamburger joint. If you want some hamburgers, I can give you some good hamburgers. But I can’t give you a balanced diet. That’s why this thing of discipling people and everybody’s talking about discipling and people taking them from the womb to the tomb. One on One discipleship, I will tell you that you will not see one on one discipleship in the New Testament, you will see one on one evangelism. But you can’t disciple somebody, it takes the body of Christ is the disciple. I don’t have all the gifts necessary to meet your needs. But this body does. And when we understand that, we see the importance of this body. And then the importance of fellowshipping together and the importance of being together, and of getting to know one another, and interacting with one another. Because you never know when you’re a person that walks in here sometimes and needs encouragement. You don’t know who it is with the gift of encouragement, but God does. And you know what to do if you let him put you together. I can’t tell you the number of times that just somebody come up out of nowhere and just a word of encouragement to me what it’s done to me. I don’t know when you need help. God does. And He will take a person with a gift of helps put you together if you let it but that’s the body working. It’s the body working. We need to get away from the idea that I can take a person or you’re going to grow in your Christian faith by listening to teaching alone. It doesn’t work that way. It’s as you hear and put it into practice. It’s what James says don’t be a hearer of the word BE A DOER as well. And take these things and put it Then the practice and we start ministering to one another as the body of Christ. There is no one man who is a discipler. It’s the body of Christ that disciples. And I can guarantee you that every spiritual gift that is listed in the Bible, for the benefit of this body is in this room in multitude. And it is as we get to know each other, and God puts us together, that we’ll find ourselves being ministered to and ministering to one another. In Christ. It makes it fun. That’s what makes all this body exciting. So he’s talking about has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but there is one BODY.
Well, you and I are a part of this magnitude of people around the country, who are in Christ, and he’s called us into assembly here, or wherever else that might be. And our role then is to be served by him and to serve one another in love. And that’s what the gifts are for. The gifts are not for my edification. They’re for yours. Isn’t going to do me any good to sit around in my closet and teach myself. If you want anyone to teach, I couldn’t, I couldn’t exercise a gift. If there wasn’t a body around to exercise mercy to, you couldn’t exercise your gift if there wasn’t anybody, to give to you couldn’t exercise your gift of giving. And so God places a body together so that we can be ministered to by him and our spirits, and then the Minister to one another on the level of the soul. And we’ll cover more about that next week.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
