Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/05/2025

He First Loved Us

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P48 (02-05-25)

Serve Each Other Because We Who Are in Christ Jesus are of ONE Body

~ “For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but think of yourself with sober judgment, according to the measure of faith God has given you. Just as each of us has one body with many members, and not all members have the same function, so in Christ we who are many are one body, and each member belongs to one another.”

We are all in this together. We who are children of God, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, are now a part of the body of Christ Jesus. He wants to use us to serve each other in HIS Love. And folks, Love is not what most think it is. First and foremost it is recognizing Truth and identifying the lies of Satan, of which there are many today. “Love must be sincere and detest what is evil and cling to GOOD.” And then we need to help each other in need, for there are many today (even those who … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/27/2024

Marriage a Matter of Identification

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P973 (09-27-24)

True Man and True Woman Have The Spirit of God Living in Them

~ When two people a True Man and a True Woman are married and are in Christ Jesus, then the two are one. Why? Because they have the mind of Christ Jesus living in them. The Holy Spirit is alive in both of them and He is constantly renewing our mind. However, when two people are married, and one is in Christ and the other is not, then they are unequally yoked together. Now that may have happened at the beginning of the relationship, or it may have happened sometime in the middle of being married. But do not lose heart, and the word of God speaks to this also. If you can hang in there, hang in there for the one in Christ. Because you never know if your spouse may eventually come to know the Lord and become born again of the Spirit of God.

And this is so important to understand, that without both being in Christ, you may find situations where the husband or the wife is listening to their mom or dad for … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 01/25/2024

Faith Says Thank You For Forgiveness

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P901 (01-25-24)

Faith Says Thank You to God For Completed Forgiveness at the Cross

~ Today, we have a world filled with false teachers that continue to spread the lies of Satan in regards to getting more forgiveness by God. Most people refuse to walk by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. They have not finalized the cross in their own minds, and they keep on asking God for what He has already done. There is no more forgiveness that God is going to give out. Forgiveness was completed at the cross. No one, NO ONE gets their sins forgiven today, because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness by God. And God is never going to go to the cross again. And when He returns, he is not coming back to earth to deal with sin, He is returning to bring ultimate salvation for all the saints waiting for Him.

Stop listening to the false teachers that spread the lies of Satan today. Stop programming your mind with false teaching, and there is an abundance of false teaching going on today. Instead freely allow the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/19/2024

A Closer Look at The Truth About Prayer

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P900 (01-19-24)

According to the Will of God

~ Jesus replied, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” John 6:9 The will of God is first and foremost we believe in Jesus. That’s the main thing that counts with everything. And once a person believes and places faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit enters into a person and brings eternal life to them immediately. From there, we are to abide in the the Holy Spirit. We are to listen to the Holy Spirit teach us all truth. And folks, there is much much truth that needs to be taught to all of us. Don’t ever think you know it all, because that is the flesh talking. The Holy Spirit will also show you the meaning of everything if you study and pay attention to the details. Jesus gave an example of a woman who never stopped pleading for justice to an UNJUST judge. The judge finally relented and essentially was tired of her pleadings, and so he granted her justice against her adversary. The judge didn’t fear God, nor did he care what the people thought … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/25/2023

Jesus Gave Us New Commands of Belief and Love

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P26 (10-25-23)

Serve One Another in Love ~ Love is Jesus ~ Truth

~ Much of what we do today is skewed based on our misunderstanding of things. For example, the word Love as defined in the word of God is completely misunderstood today, even big time misunderstanding within the body of Christ too. We are told to serve one another in love, by following the way of Love. But here is where it gets important to understand what love is and what it is NOT. First off, we have to understand that Love lives in the true child of God today. We are told in the scriptures that Love is Jesus, and that He lives in every true child of God. That doesn’t mean that Love has a muzzle over their mouth. It doesn’t mean that Love is not a foreteller of truth.

And because of our misunderstanding of love, we let the flesh get in the way of allowing love to flow in and through us. We let our flesh talk to us, because truth seems too harsh a reality sometimes and we are worried what people may think of us. We … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/24/2023

Jesus Sent His Holy Spirit to Teach Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P25 (10-24-23)

Get Back to The Foundation ~ Jesus

~ Jesus is our very foundation. Jesus is our wisdom (not the wisdom of the world). Jesus is our Truth (not the lies of the world). Jesus is our righteousness (not our own self righteousness). Jesus is our Life (not the world we live in). Jesus is our meaning and purpose to life (not the things of the world). Yet even the very elect forget these key aspects of abiding in Christ Jesus, and go out in the energy of their flesh and think they are doing something for God. We all tend to forget that our flesh can easily be stirred up by Satan. And that is important for each of us to also understand.

But in these recent times, God is waking up the sleeping children of God and is making us aware of many things that are happening in the world today. For knowledge is increasing and in great measure. Many are seeing with His eyes. Many are hearing with His ears. He is teaching us all many things. He is always in the process of renewing our minds. Now for the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More