Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P25 (10-24-23)
Get Back to The Foundation ~ Jesus
~ Jesus is our very foundation. Jesus is our wisdom (not the wisdom of the world). Jesus is our Truth (not the lies of the world). Jesus is our righteousness (not our own self righteousness). Jesus is our Life (not the world we live in). Jesus is our meaning and purpose to life (not the things of the world). Yet even the very elect forget these key aspects of abiding in Christ Jesus, and go out in the energy of their flesh and think they are doing something for God. We all tend to forget that our flesh can easily be stirred up by Satan. And that is important for each of us to also understand.
But in these recent times, God is waking up the sleeping children of God and is making us aware of many things that are happening in the world today. For knowledge is increasing and in great measure. Many are seeing with His eyes. Many are hearing with His ears. He is teaching us all many things. He is always in the process of renewing our minds. Now for the person that is not willing to abide in Christ, it is a rough ride on them, for they will be fighting against God, and when it hits them, it will be like hitting a brick wall. Their eyes will be open to the complete truth of the word of God, and they will see the world as it really is. The word of God will be revealed to those that are willing to listen to Him. He wants us to know information and in great abundance. Everything is important today. Details matter in everything. The details of the word of God, explain exactly what is happening in the world today. The question to the child of God, Are you willing to listen to the teaching of the Holy Spirit?
Trust in no man, (no one) but only trust in the Holy Spirit to show you ALL truth. For we who are in Christ Jesus all have the same Teacher, who we have directly living in us. And that makes each of us special (to each other) in the family of God. For we all belong to one another, because we are the body of Christ Jesus.
Some of you know that what you have heard in the world are lies, yet you still latch on to them. Some of you don’t like hearing the truth, because it makes you feel uncomfortable in the flesh. Some of you go out of your way to ignore key aspects of the word of God, because in the flesh you have convinced yourself that you only want to focus on the pretty stuff and not focus on any of the negatives in the word of God. Well, the word of God gives both the positives and the negatives (many times both at the same time) and we are not there to be of selective hearing or of selective speaking, based on our flesh feeling good, and only focus on the positives.
The bottom line, for All those who are NOT in Christ Jesus, eternal torment is where a person is headed. The lake of fire (Rev. 20:14). That is ultimate spiritual death to the lost. Share the message of Truth, Jesus with them, because it is a matter of Life and death. So, the time is short, and allow the Holy Spirit to share Truth in and through you. Don’t let anyone deceive you by playing to your flesh, and have you NOT be a Foretelling Truth Teller in Everything within the word of God.
~ Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy (foretelling truth). 2 Corinthians 4:1
~ For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. Matthew 24:24
~ For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.2 Timothy 4:3
~ But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Daniel 12:4
~ “Now, we’ve had a lot of talk, and you’ve seen and heard a lot of talk about the people will come up and ask you if you’ve been baptized in the Spirit, well there isn’t anybody baptized in the Spirit, it is baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ. And that is something that occurs at spiritual birth. You and I were born again of the Spirit, the very moment that we turn to Christ by faith, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit of God comes to live within us bringing Jesus to our hearts. He then places us baptizes us into the body of Christ. So we are in dwelt by the Spirit at the very moment of spiritual birth. There is no such thing as accepting Christ one day being born again yesterday and receiving the Spirit of God tomorrow, that’s an impossibility. If the Spirit of God, the Scripture tells us does not live in you, you do not belong to Him. Now I’ve known people that have been brought up and taught in the subsequent deals, all their lives messed up in one form or another, and will never let go of that teaching. And folks, and if we did, truth is going to set you free, you cannot hang on to error and ever expect to be free in your experience, you’re not going to. And if your premise is off, your findings are going to be off, and you’ve got to back off and back up to the original premise and the truth of the Word of God. And rely on that truth from the foundation up. You can’t say, Well, I’m going to understand the grace of God, but the foundation is still cracked, you’re going to be cracked. And the fact of the matter is that if you are not experiencing freedom in your life, go back to the basics, start at the foundation and work back up again. Because that didn’t get to do you any good to try to deal with the roof when the foundations cracked. And there are many people who have been taught this kind of a teaching that will not let go of it, and for all of their Christian experience are wondering why things just don’t work, always seeking something different, always looking for something new. And the Bible says seek and you will find, well, if you found Why do you still seek. And it’s and the reason you’re still seeking is because you may have found something on the roof, but your foundation is cracked. And we have to come to a point where whether or not this word of God is true, or whether it isn’t true. And if it is true, then rely on it doesn’t make any difference what you and I have been taught in the past, go to the Word and there find truth. Now you’re not gonna get a clearer than this passage of Scripture regarding that issue. And again, as it says, in Romans, If the Spirit of God does not live in you, you don’t belong to Him. Now, that doesn’t mean some experience that means you’re lost. When you and I were born again, we were born again of what? The Spirit so you couldn’t if that means the Spirit comes and brings life to your dead spirit. And that’s what salvation is. It’s the imputation of life, Christ’s life living in you your only hope of glory. That’s what salvation is, while we were yet enemies we were that’s past tense, reconciled to God through the death, of His Son. And reconciliation is the accounting term meaning the deck has been cleared. In other words, he paid a debt that he didn’t owe for you owed a debt that you couldn’t pay. And so the debt was cleared. So that’s what he did at the cross. While we read enemies, he did that at the cross, before you were ever saved. He did that at the cross. And that’s why John was able to say that not only the die for our sins, but the sins of the whole world, Christ died for all men sin. Now, the the reason people don’t want to latch on to that is because they say, well, then you saying all men are saved if salvation was getting your sins forgiven, that everybody would have been saved, but that isn’t what salvation is. He cleared the deck at the cross in order to bring about life, a life called eternal life. And that’s why the Scripture again says, while we were yet enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more having been reconciled, it’s done, shall we be saved by His life? So we’re not saved by the death of Christ, you’re saved for the life of Christ. What are you save from? The wages of sin, which is what? Death. And the only solution to death is what? Life and that’s why he said, I came that you might have life on the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE on the resurrection and the life he has the Son has the life, the whole issue of salvation is around life and death.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
Let’s open our time together and word of prayer. Father, we want to thank you for the love of God that has been given to us in Christ Jesus. And I thank you for the continual reminder of the fact that you do love us and accept us perfectly. I thank You Father, that as we gather here today, that we can open up the Word of God freely and openly, without fear of persecution, without fear of reprisal. And to be able to look into the perfect word of God, and to have our lives changed by it. I thank you for these our brothers and sisters in Christ and the privilege that we have of co-laboring together in this harvest field of Jesus Christ. I thank You, Father, for our families, for our wives, and our mothers and fathers. And I thank you that we can come today to pay homage to our mothers. And we thank you for all these things in Christ’s name, Amen.
Let’s turn to First Corinthians 13. For those of you that are visiting with us today, we’ve been teaching rapidly through the book of Hebrews and think we are in chapter one, verse two. But we came to the part to the part in the book of Hebrews where it talks about how that God distributed different gifts and did different miracles as he chose to do those. And we picked up in chapter two there in verse four, you don’t need to turn there. But God testified to his message by signs and wonders and various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed, according to His will. And we’ve been camping for the last few weeks on just exactly what that is about, and how it came about. And just exactly what the signs and wonders and the various miracles that God performed in order to solidify his word, and how that he distributes those things, and distributed those things, according to His will, not according to our will. And one of the things that course has taken place, I don’t think it’s necessarily modern day teaching, but through media and radio and television, why teaching regardless what it is gets spread more widely, then probably then it should. And there’s a lot of teaching in regard to miracles and gifts and signs and wonders where we’re out there trying to get ourselves to. In other words, we can get those that our will instead of seeing that those are things that God gives at his will. And we’ve been studying about the body of Christ, and how there is no place in the body for any of us to be sitting around thinking of ourselves as a super saint, more spiritual than someone else more gifted than someone else. If, if you do have a gift that is from God, it is given by God and it is nothing to be puffed up over. And so we see ourselves as the body of Christ. And in the 12th chapter of Corinthians, he dealt with that how the body is a unit. And though it’s made up of many parts, and those parts are many, that it forms one body, and as it says, so it is with Christ, that we were all each and every one of us were baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ into one body, and that is Christ Jesus. And that’s in verse 12, Chapter 12.
Now, we’ve had a lot of talk, and you’ve seen and heard a lot of talk about the people will come up and ask you if you’ve been baptized in the Spirit, well there isn’t anybody baptized in the Spirit, it is baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ. And that is something that occurs at spiritual birth. You and I were born again of the Spirit, the very moment that we turn to Christ by faith, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit of God comes to live within us bringing Jesus to our hearts. He then places us baptizes us into the body of Christ. So we are in dwelt by the Spirit at the very moment of spiritual birth. There is no such thing as accepting Christ one day being born again yesterday and receiving the Spirit of God tomorrow, that’s an impossibility. If the Spirit of God, the Scripture tells us does not live in you, you do not belong to Him. Now I’ve known people that have been brought up and taught in the subsequent deals, all their lives messed up in one form or another, and will never let go of that teaching. And folks, and if we did, truth is going to set you free, you cannot hang on to error and ever expect to be free in your experience, you’re not going to. And if your premise is off, your findings are going to be off, and you’ve got to back off and back up to the original premise and the truth of the Word of God. And rely on that truth from the foundation up. You can’t say, Well, I’m going to understand the grace of God, but the foundation is still cracked, you’re going to be cracked. And the fact of the matter is that if you are not experiencing freedom in your life, go back to the basics, start at the foundation and work back up again. Because they didn’t get to do you any good to try to deal with the roof when the foundations cracked. And there are many people who have been taught this kind of a teaching that will not let go of it, and for all of their Christian experience are wondering why things just don’t work, always seeking something different, always looking for something new. And the Bible says seek and you will find, well, if you found Why do you still seek. And it’s and the reason you’re still seeking is because you may have found something on the roof, but your foundation is cracked. And we have to come to a point where whether or not this word of God is true, or whether it isn’t true. And if it is true, then rely on it doesn’t make any difference what you and I have been taught in the past, go to the Word and there find truth. Now you’re not gonna get a clearer than this passage of Scripture regarding that issue. And again, as it says, in Romans, If the Spirit of God does not live in you, you don’t belong to Him. Now, that doesn’t mean some experience that means you’re lost. When you and I were born again, we were born again of what? The Spirit so you couldn’t if that means the Spirit comes and brings life to your dead spirit. And that’s what salvation is. It’s the imputation of life, Christ’s life living in you your only hope of glory. That’s what salvation is, while we were yet enemies we were that’s past tense, reconciled to God through the death, of His Son. And reconciliation is the accounting term meaning the deck has been cleared. In other words, he paid a debt that he didn’t owe for you owed a debt that you couldn’t pay. And so the debt was cleared. So that’s what he did at the cross. While we read enemies, he did that at the cross, before you were ever saved. He did that at the cross. And that’s why John was able to say that not only the die for our sins, but the sins of the whole world, Christ died for all men sin. Now, the the reason people don’t want to latch on to that is because they say, well, then you saying all men are saved if salvation was getting your sins forgiven, that everybody would have been saved, but that isn’t what salvation is. He cleared the deck at the cross in order to bring about life, a life called eternal life. And that’s why the Scripture again says, while we were yet enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more having been reconciled, it’s done, shall we be saved by His life? So we’re not saved by the death of Christ, you’re saved for the life of Christ. What are you save from? The wages of sin, which is what? Death. And the only solution to death is what? Life and that’s why he said, I came that you might have life on the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE on the resurrection and the life he has the Son has the life, the whole issue of salvation is around life and death.
And so, when you and I were born again, and we could have never been born again into a life called eternal life, had the cross not finalized the thing that killed us to begin with, sin. And so sin had to be dealt with once and for all, and that it was at the cross of Jesus Christ. And that’s why the cross is the dividing line of all human history. And it was at the cross where Jesus unlike other lambs and goats, a sacrificial system that God put into practice in order to enable a man to live and not be buried totally by guilt to it to alleviate his guilt, because you can’t live with guilt folks, that’s all there is to it. You can’t live with guilt. And so a sacrificial system was developed by God until the final payment was made in Christ Jesus whereby you could go once a year, or where how many oftentimes it was back to the temple and get your sins forgiven, covered for the year. But those sacrificial systems couldn’t take away sin, cover sin, yes, take it away. No. Now when the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world came, he went to a cross died for sins once and for all, and took them away. That’s it, that issue has been dealt with and sin has been dealt with once and for all. And it says, by that one offering He made forever perfect now in the sight of God you who he has made holy, He made you perfect, He made you holy, He made you, a new child of God, totally forgiven a joint heir with Jesus Christ, He made you righteous, He did all of those things for you, that you could have never done for yourself. And so that all occurred at spiritual birth. The cross in order to handle the thing that killed man to begin with sin once and for all that he did, once and for all. If there was any further forgiveness to be executed on your behalf, he would have to come and die again, he is not going to do that. So the only thing you can conclude is what he said at the cross was true, it is finished. And that’s what he said, it’s finished, it’s over. I’ve done it, it has been taken away. Now he did that. So that raised from the dead, that life that raised Him from the dead can come and raise you and me from the dead into the newness of life that is ours through Christ Jesus, that is spiritual birth, the Spirit of God who is alive, coming to live in my spirit that was dead, bringing life to that spirit raising you and me from the dead into the newness of life, that is ours through Christ Jesus, spiritual birth. When did that occur? One time when? Whenever you were born, again, born from above, it is not something that happens one day and then another. And so we have to understand that otherwise, we’re going to sit around confused at the foundation. So we were born again at one time in that point in time in history. Now, it says then at that very instant, the Spirit that has now come to live within you places you into the body of Christ. And you and I are called now, children of God, the living God, that’s your identity, folks. That’s the only identity from God standpoint that you have, quite frankly, it’s the only identity that I want, isn’t it with you? I don’t want to any other identity anymore. I used to not know who it was. And so I’d latch on to an identity I could get a hold of. But you don’t need to do that anymore. Thank God for that I’ve got one identity, and that’s I’m a child of the living God. And that’s who I will be forever. He is the head. We have been placed into his body called children now of the living God, the body of Christ. That’s what the church is. That’s what the ecclesia is, are believers in Christ. So all of us, we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body, whether Judean, Greek, slave or free. And we were all given that one spirit to drink. So whether you’re a Judean or Gentile is totally irrelevant today. Here’s only three categories of people from God’s van vantage point, Judean, Gentile children of God, that’s it, Judean, Gentile children of God, what is children a God? People that have been converted both Judean and Gentile. Now with a brand new identity.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:57
So I don’t want to walk around being proud of being a Judean are proud of being a Gentile, the Christian world that we should they were Jews instead of children of God, it’s unbelievable. They’d rather be in Israel than in Christ. And Judeans sitting around wanting to hang on to their identity instead of realizing my I have a brand new identity. In Christ, I’m neither Judean or Gentile, slave or free. So in a sense, talking around wanting to hang on to my Judean traditions and Judean identity. I’m a child of God. The Gentiles sitting around senators, no need my trying to handle it and being proud of being a Gentile. I’m a child of God. That’s who we are children of a living God, no Judean nor Gentile, no slave, no free, just a child of God, new identity. It was not a birth that we got from our mom and dad. It was not a natural birth. It was a spiritual birth from God and from God alone. And it’s occurs to every single person on the face of this earth and to any person who by faith will reach up to his God see his need. See his condition. Lost, see his conditions sins that had to be forgiven. See the reality of the provision of God, I did it. I did that. Bob, I died on the cross for the forgiveness of all your sins and to say, thank you, Lord, the car condition dead and that hammered spiritually to see His provision. I am Life. And if you’re dead, and you see that he has Life, and I’m offering that like to you, you would have to be a numbskull in order to refuse that, and there are a lot of numbskulls running around. And pride is what keeps you from that. Pride is what keeps a man from refusing life. You see, man, we have built a salvation message around forgiveness, and around good deeds, and around how we behave. And so pride comes even when Satan uses that our own theology that is wrong. And he uses that. And he uses pride that’s within man to refuse that poor theology and you run from the true God. Pride is what says, Well, I’m not so bad. You have live pretty good life up compared Obama, I’ve done pretty good. And that’s true. You see, but you can compare your life with other men all over the place. That’s not the issue. The law condemns the best a man. And Grace saves the worst of men, and doesn’t have a thing in the world to do with how good you’ve been or how bad you’ve been. The issue is, do you see yourself from God’s standpoint, dead, and in need of life? And if you can see, when God says when you were dead, dead in your sins, and the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you what? Alive with Christ. So as a you has the Son has what? Life, he does not have a son does not have what? Life, well if you don’t have life, what are you? Dead, you have to be real keen of mind, figure that out. Now, if you’re dead in the sight of God, to me, I would think the only thing you’d want would be life. And pride keeps a man from saying he says I’ll do it my way. Well, that’s as dumb as a corpse land in the grave, then I’ll do it my way. You sure will. You’ll rot your way, very uniquely your way. And that’s exactly what this whole issue of spiritual birth is about. We were all given each and every person, the minute of spiritual birth, we’re given the same Spirit in which to drink. Now it says you are the body and each of you are a part of it. And so if you’re the body of Christ, and each and every one of us are a part of it, then he says, what is it that drew us to the Lord to begin with? Love. That’s why you responded to God so loved you. That he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. So what drew you to him? Love. Now, he said, as I have loved you, so what? Love one another. It’s what it talks about with husband and wife to love your wife as you love your own body, after all, no one ever hates his own body loves it and cares for it. And we do, don’t we, we care for our own bodies, we get up and wash yourself and brush your teeth, I hope and wash your feet, I hope and all those things. And, and we care for this body of ours, we feed it and we protect it and we give it shelter and everything else. So we’re very concerned. And some people are overly concerned about the care of these bodies of ours. So we love our own bodies, enough to care for them. They’re ours. So take care of them. Now he says that in the same way as the body of Christ. And each one of you have parts love one another. And, and so he’s going to show us a more excellent way. In other words, he’s going to say I want you to understand that you’ve been placed into this body, you’re a finger, your thumb, you’re an arm, you’re an elbow, whatever it might be. And that’s important for you to know. But it isn’t important for you to know for the body just to stand there like that. And let her by look at it and say what are you I’m thumb, but the body is there to do something and that’s the serve. And so he’s saying to us is what good does it do you to be a part of the body unless you see yourself as a part of the body there to serve the rest of the body. And so it isn’t for us to be bragging about whether I’m a nose or an ear or a thumb or whether I leakin tongues are where they have the gift of healing or where they got, that’s all ludicrous to be bragging over those kinds of things. God if you have something God gave it to you to begin with, so use what he gave you without trying to divide the body. bragging on what you think you’ve got. And that’s what he’s talking about with all spiritual gifts that are making a difference what they are, if you’ve got a gift, use it. If it’s serving serve, if it’s giving, give if it’s teaching, teach. And don’t do it with a proud attitude that, look, what I’m doing for you is I really got me a gift. He said, No, no, no. And then he goes ahead to say, let me show you a more excellent way because it’s in that excellent way that we realize that what good would it do us to have a hand if the hand wasn’t gonna do anything, it may as well not be there. If the hand didn’t get to pick up something for you tie your shoe for you put food in your mouth for you. Might as well not have it don’t need not gonna do anything anyway. And so he said, let me show you a more excellent way. And a more excellent way is concentrate not on your gift, not on the signs and on the wonders. But concentrate on serving one another in love, it is a more excellent way. That’s our focus on loving one another. Not on whether I’m a finger or a nose. Are you in the body? Yeah. Use it. Are there other people in the body? Yeah. Aren’t you glad you got some of the parts you’ve got? Now, I’m glad they’re serving this body ours.
Now it goes ahead and says, Let me show you more excellent way. Chapter 13. He said if I could speak in the tongues of men and angels that’s called in biblical interpretation or hyperbole. And what that is, is an exaggeration in order to make a point, it’s like main saying, If I had all the money in heaven and earth, but I didn’t have love. It’s an exaggeration. To make a point. Where people get in at Teach there’s Angel language, or that I speak in Angel tongue. It wouldn’t make a difference. If you didn’t even have a tongue. God would hear you wouldn’t he. I mean, are the deaf and dumb some kind of second rate citizens? You if you had your tongue cut out, would you not be able to communicate with God anymore? If we have to have a tongue to communicate with God, why would we ever say let’s have a season of silent prayer? Why would you ever have silent prayer? If you had to be speaking for God to hear you? You see what I’m getting at? And so it wouldn’t make any difference. And that’s why I said I want to show you an excellent way. It just wouldn’t make any difference. It doesn’t make any difference what you’re doing, he got all the money in heaven and earth, speak all the languages of earth and heaven. If you don’t have love, you’re just a resounding gong and a clanging cymbal. He’s just making a bunch of noise and it didn’t mean anything because it doesn’t manifest itself and communicate love to people. You certainly aren’t communicating love I’m not communicating love if I’m out trying to divide the body with spiritual upmanship trying to tell somebody I got some you don’t have I don’t have anything you don’t him.
So people say well why don’t you go to him and let him pray for you he’s got a hotline to God. Well, that’s ridiculous. Are you in Christ? Well, who is he? Well, he is your Father. Would you go to your brother and ask him would you mind talking to dad on my behalf? What for? Unless you thought I didn’t like it then that true why would I need to go talk to my brother to talk to my father when I talk to my father and yet we have that idea, well, let’s let those old people that full time work pray because they got a direct line right that God no they don’t got same line you guys want to talk to God? It says go boldly in the presence of God calling him what? Daddy Abba Father, he’s your Father. Say why haven’t been acting very good. Well, what kid has we have that idea that I can only go into the presence of God if I got my act cleaned up. Well, if you didn’t get your own act cleaned up, you’d be gone. That’s why it says to go in in time of need in order to find mercy in your time of need, well, why would you need to go find mercy if you were just doing everything right? And so we have a Heavenly Father and my friends, that’s what we have talked about. If you’re going to grow in grace, then you’re going to have to grow in grace, by putting your faith in him and what he is doing in the midst of whatever you’re doing. And you grow in grace, when you’re messing up, you better believe it’s the only way you and I can grow on Grace, because we’re messing up most of the time. From God’s vantage point. Not from ours, we look pretty good to each other thought about from His. How do you grow and grace? Why by keeping your eyes on him and what he’s doing, in the midst, whatever you’re doing, feel say, Lord, I just acted like a fool. I’m thinking like an idiot. I’m doing things that are totally contrary to who I am. And in the midst of it, you love me, and accept me and will never leave me nor forsake me. And will never disown me. And you and you just keep saying I just love you, Bob, I just accept you. I said, Lord, I don’t understand that. Because I know you don’t. That’s why you’re not God. Don’t pull God down to our level. Don’t bring him down to where we are trying to say, Well, this must be the way God is because that’s the way I am I tell you got that reversed. God is God. God is the one who has that capability of loving you and me in the midst of ourselves in spite of ourselves. And that is the love of God.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”