Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P24 (10-23-23)
Follow the Way of Love, Be a TRUTH Teller
~ If a person is in Christ Jesus, Love and TRUTH lives in them. We are to follow the way of love and to eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy, which is TRUTH telling. However, most are NOT TRUTH telling today. And even within the body of Christ, many get angry when they hear the truth in regards to things of the world and the word of God. Most gloss over Truth and instead give lip service to the Word of God. Quite frankly, most can’t handle the Truth, because it upsets them too much to think about the ramifications of Truth. Some will say, “I don’t like that verse in scripture” even though they know what the verse means and says. They want all the sweet smelling verses and none of the warnings from the word of God that expose evil, identify what is going on in the world today and clearly state the consequences of things, even when those warnings come directly from Jesus himself. By the way, Jesus gave plenty of warnings and spelled out the consequences clearly to people in the scriptures. The seven woes given by Jesus that are written in the book of Matthew and Luke are examples, as well as MANY other consequences that are clearly defined throughout the word of God from Genesis, to the book of John and through to the book of Revelation. So are we to ignore the warnings in the word of God and gloss over them? NO way! God doesn’t just give the sweet smelling verses of being in Christ Jesus, but He also gives the direct consequences of Not believing and following the lies of the world and Satan. All of this is directly from the word of God. Love is NOT just sharing the sweet smelling words of God, but it also sharing the word of God that shows what the consequences are too. And by the way, eternal DEATH is the harshest of all consequences to consider for everyone who is NOT in Christ Jesus. That is Truth. And in these last days, Truth is more important than ever before, for Satan, the god of this world has blinded the eyes of the whole world, and the body of Christ needs to understand the TRUTH of that today. Because even the very elect can be deceived (if that were possible) because the deception is so strong. They can be hoodwinked into not sharing the full truth of the word of God.
~ Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy. For anyone who speaks in a tongue a does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church. I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, I would rather have you prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be edified. 1 Corinthians 14:1-5
~ The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4
~ For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. Matthew 24:24
~ “Chapter 14 follow the way of love, eagerly desire, spiritual gifts and that word desire in there is putting it into practice, eagerly desire to be doing your gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. And folks prophecy is truth telling in a clarity that everybody can understand. And I think you got to understand that when you’re talking about a prophet, like a John the Baptist, what made him a prophet was he spoke so clearly it was hard not to understand him. I mean, the person comes in and says Jesus is the Way the Truth the life no one comes to the Father but through him. Not a way not a truth, not a lie, but the way truth and life. That’s pretty clear in it. You have little trouble confusing. Now what did you say on that again? And there’s no other way to God except through Him to say it’s pretty clear, isn’t it? There’s, it’s kind of hard to say, well, you know, maybe it didn’t mean what he was saying. It was very clear, very audible and very clear. That’s what prophecy does. The gift of prophecy is forth telling truth, clearly distinctly distinctly so that you can understand what’s being said.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
You tell me how you can live with that attitude. You tell me how you can love with that attitude that I’m spirit filled but you’re not because of the way I know I am was because I speak in tongues and you don’t or because of some other things. You tell me how you can remain in a loving attitude. You can tell me how you can remain impartial and in a loving attitude. When someone has told you that you have a language I can community Get with God that someone else doesn’t have. So in other words, you got kind of a pipeline to God and other people don’t. You tell me how you can remain in a loving attitude in that. You tell me how pride cannot help from creeping in with that kind of an attitude. If you can explain how you can do that, I guess I’ll probably look at the word of God differently. But I don’t know how you can do it, I couldn’t do it. I’ll guarantee you.
And so we’re into a situation where we are building and trying to, instead of seeing one another as what God says I am the head, not you, you’re a part of this body. And there are some parts of the body that are very unsightly that you’d better not try to do without. There’s other parts of the body that are more visible. There’s other parts of the body that have different uses. But I want to tell you something if all on aren’t functioning then you’re in trouble. And they’re in any one part any more than the other. If God made you a finger, then he made to make you a finger and he says wiggle, do what it’s supposed to do not be sitting there saying well, yeah, I’m doing that. But I’m not going up a storm like that nose up there. If I want to make a nose, he said I made your nose, made your finger, wiggle. I made your nose sniff and quit looking at what you are in comparison with someone else is. Because all it’ll do is puff you up with a bunch of spiritual pride. To thinking that I’ve got something that someone else doesn’t have, you’ll never love that one.
Chapter 14 follow the way of love, eagerly desire, spiritual gifts and that word desire in there is putting it into practice, eagerly desire to be doing your gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. And folks prophecy is truth telling in a clarity that everybody can understand. And I think you got to understand that when you’re talking about a prophet, like a John the Baptist, what made him a prophet was he spoke so clearly it was hard not to understand him. I mean, the person comes in and says Jesus is the Way the Truth the life no one comes to the Father but through him. Not a way not a truth, not a lie, but the way truth and life. That’s pretty clear in it. You have little trouble confusing. Now what did you say on that again? And there’s no other way to God except through Him to say it’s pretty clear, isn’t it? There’s, it’s kind of hard to say, well, you know, maybe it didn’t mean what he was saying. It was very clear, very audible and very clear. That’s what prophecy does. The gift of prophecy is forth telling truth, clearly distinctly distinctly so that you can understand what’s being said. For anyone who speaks in a tongue in another language in a foreign language as an example does not speak to men but he speaks to God. Now look at the context at this. Is Amy out here I wish she was on I’d like for her to come out if she’s back in the back. speaks in a tongue speaks to men doesn’t speak to men but to God. Now, if does anyone know how to speak a foreign language here? Anyone in here know how to speak a foreign language. Get up and say something to us and what language you speak. That’s good when no one here understands that get out and say something in Portuguese to us. That’s why I thought too. Okay, now, let me ask you a question. Do they want to understand what he said? I mean, it a little hard to say Amen. Hallelujah brother didn’t it to that right. little tough to do that. Now, let me ask you a question. Were you speaking anything spiritual? Okay, if you were speaking something to God, they’re good. You know, could you Can you recite John 316? Or something like that in Portuguese? Or, or say, God, I love you or something. Yeah. And let’s say he was doing that. Who would he be talking to? He’d be talking to God. Would it be talking to men? No, we don’t always say it. It’s like Bob Davis tells about this relative of his they went to the Thanksgiving dinner one time and, and they asked his relative to his to pray. And so he went down and he said, Dear God, I’m in my mumble back and it’s Amen. And somebody get up said, I didn’t hear what you said. He said, That’s okay. I wasn’t talking to you anyway.
You see if you had to be verbalizing truth, can you see the idiocy is? Can we all have a moment of silent prayer? Well, if God is only waiting, here he is, listen to your talk. Why would you ever say Let’s have a moment of silent prayer? You get what I’m talking about? What if you’re in a concentration camp someplace that they prohibited you from speaking out loud would your prayer life stop? Oh, no. I can talk up a storm to myself and to God, without ever opening my mouth. If speaking in a tongue, whether it be a tongue of Portuguese or German, or English, or angel, or whatever you’re talking about, if that made you more spiritual or did anything, what about the deaf and dumb? How would they communicate? What if you had been over in a concentration camp in Japan or whatever it was during World War 2, or whatever it could be? And somebody cuts your tongue out and you couldn’t speak? How would you talk to God? That you would not be able to talk to him anymore? Would you? Would it stop your communication with God? Of course not. So anyone who is speaking regardless how they’re speaking, if you’re speaking in a language that I don’t understand in Portuguese, I would say to him, brother, I really appreciate the fact that you can speak in Portuguese, but we don’t know what you’re saying. Can you lay all English on us? And we might be able to understand that. Would there be any need in him at all to come in and speak in Portuguese to us in this group? Not at all. And if he did, I’d probably say Would you mind sitting down we’ll know what you’re talking about. Indeed, no one understands him. he utters mysteries with His Spirit. He may know what he’s saying. That’s what uttering mysteries in your spirit, all that’s talking about is you’re you’re speaking inside spiritually where the Spirit lives. It’s like you and I sometimes talk to God at night or whatever it might be. How many times do we talk without verbalizing with flapping our lips, was talking to God. We call it under a breath. Before we knew God, we talked to ourselves. It’s our spirit, our spirit, utters mysteries. But everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening. In other words, if you’re communicating the Word of God clearly, in audible tones that you can understand, you’re going to be strengthened by that encouragement and comfort. That’s why you prophesy that’s when you speak truth to one another in love, which is what he said you have been called to freedom my brothers now don’t use your freedom to indulge the flesh but rather use your freedom to speak truth in love. So a person who is speaking the truth in love is strengthening encouraging and comforting, he who speaks in a language In Portuguese edifies himself he knows what he’s saying. But he prophesies prophesies edifies the body. I hope that I’m edifying you more and what I’m saying then him in speaking in Portuguese now he got up and spoke the truth in English and we could understand it and we’d say he’s edifying us, right. Nothing wrong with him. It’s a language you speak. I’d like for every one of you to speak in tongues while you’re going to see over here in verse 22. If you look over there, tongues are a sign. Look at verse 22. Chapter 14, tongues are a sign, not for believers. But for unbelievers. Prophecy, however, is for believers not for unbelievers, tongues was a sign to unbelievers. And that’s what happened on the day of Pentecost. Was it a sign? Well, of course, what happened? Well, the apostle stood up and spoke in all of the different dialects and languages of the people who were there and communicated the gospel in languages and never learned. And people got up and said, I understand this, these people from Galilee, they’re a bunch of dumb fishermen how in the world, they learn all this. And it made them listen to the message. 5000 people came to the Lord. So it was a sign to the unbeliever. So he said, I’d like for every one of you to speak in other languages. Man, if I was gonna go to Portugal, I’d want him with me would’t you. And Paul spoke in many, many different languages, in his travels, to proclaim the gospel, marvelous gift of God. But I’d rather I’d like for every one of you to speak in tongues, but I’d rather you prophesy, folks, the thing that gets me is when people sometimes will come down and and again, I hope you’re taking us in the spirit. There are many, many sincere people who have been totally taught something contrary to the Word of God. And that’s what I’m trying to go through the word to get you to look at it yourself and to make a determination. No one’s there trying to knock somebody or make fun of somebody. It just this is what the word saying.
How many times have you said, Well, the Bible says, How many times have you heard somebody say, Well, the Bible says Paul said he wished everybody spoke in tongues. You ever heard anyone say that to you try to get promoted? Yeah. Once you read the rest of the verse. But I’d rather you prophesy. What about that one? I’d rather you prophesied rather you speak in a language that people can understand. Who who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in a tongue. In other language, unless he says he interprets, so the church edified, ain’t gonna do him any good back here, stand up and be laying on some spiritual pride speaking in language he’s never learned unless you turn around and translate what he just said to us. Now, if he can turn around and translate and say we just said to us, then I’ll be edified by that. And I say amen to that. Is that right or wrong? But I can’t say meant what he said or what he said. Is that are in mysteries to me. You speak in any spirit. They may have been talking to God, of course, he’s talking to God, you wouldn’t talk to me. Now, brothers, he says, If I come to you, and speak in languages, tongues, what good will be to you unless I bring you some revelation, what’s revelation? What it means, what God’s revealed what it means, what goods are going to do unless I can tell you what it means. Or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction. Even in the case of lightless things that make sounds such as a flute or a harp howl anything know what tune is being played list is a distinction in the notes. You can’t differentiate the notes how do you know what it is it’s like some kid gigs insane gorilla getting on that piano over there and going to just all over the place it just notes all over. There’s no distinction. Don’t know what it’s trying to do. Again, if the trumpet does not sound, a clear call who will get ready for battle? So it is with you unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you’re saying? If you can’t speak something intelligible that how is anyone going to know what in the world you’re talking about? You’re just be speaking into the air. So all you’re doing speaking into the air, you don’t know what you’re saying. God doesn’t know what you’re saying. No one knows what you’re saying.
Now if anyone has any doubt, and again, I’m not saying what I’m saying to knock anything. I’m saying what I’m saying, because it’s a clear teaching of the Word of God. And you get tired of hearing people pervert the word. I don’t care whether they’re trying to pervert it in regard to this, or trying to pervert it in regard to legalism perversion, is perversion. And there are people who want to come up and say, Well, there’s two different kinds of tongues in the Bible. There’s the gifts yell, but then there’s this heavenly language. I’ll tell you something. Paul negates that right now, undoubtedly, there are all sorts of languages in the world. Paul is not talking about gibberish. He’s talking about languages. I suppose there are all sorts of languages in the world yet none of them is without meaning, if they don’t have any meaning, they cease to be a language. There is no such thing as a language without meaning. If I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I’m a foreigner to the speaker and he is a foreigner to me, I don’t know he’s talking about
I’ll tell you, brother, you go over to you go down to Brazil, where they speak Portuguese, or assume it’s the same that language is not known by hardly anybody. That is one hard language to learn. And you can go down there with Spanish and think, Well, I’m gonna get along pretty good with Spanish, I’m gonna tell you, they don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s a hard language. And it’s the same thing if I don’t know what someone is saying, I’m a foreigner to it. So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church. Like the ones you mentioned in the book of Romans. Try to excel in something to build up the church, not in something that creates pride in you.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 16:16
Now folks, I want to ask you something, am I saying that there is no spiritual gift of language? No, no for sure. But if it is of God, if it is God given spiritual gift, it is going to be a language that can be interpreted. It is going to be a language that can be understand not by some angel that you could never prove. But by some man. In other words, somebody some place listening to you speak and tell you that’s exactly what you just said. And speak it back to you. And if that cannot be done. That is not the gift of tongues, from the Bible.
Can Satan duplicate gifts? Absolutely. And he can get duplicate the gift of teaching just as easy as a gift of tongues. And I’ve asked ever stand up and start teaching you a bunch of garbage, I’ll guarantee you that’s a perversion of my gift. And I’m not too important to think I can’t have my gift for perverted. I’ll guarantee you my gift can be perverted. And don’t you think you’re too something to have yours perverted. That’s pride.
Though it is with you try to excel in gifts and build up the church. So for this reason, anyone who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret what he says. In other words, if that brother is going to get up and pray in Portuguese, be prepared to turn around and say what he just said in English so we can understand it. Or if I pray on the tongue, if he’s praying in Portuguese, his spirit may be praying, but his mind is unfruitful. So what shall I do? Well, I’ll pray with my spirit. In other words, I’ll pray underneath down under here where I pray, and also pray with my mind. I’ll bring it up here and say something that you may understand. I’ll seem with my spirit that’s down here. But also sing with my mind, so that you can understand what I’m saying. If you’re praising God with your spirit, how can one who finds himself among those who do not understand say, amen to your thanksgiving, he doesn’t know what you’re saying? In other words, if I’m praying or talking just underneath my breath, or speaking in a language that you don’t understand how in the world is anyone going to say, Amen and thanksgiving? Since I don’t know what you’re talking about. You may give me given thanks well enough, but the other man’s not edified. Now what is the purpose of a gift? To edify the body, one another. And if it didn’t help and one another, it’s not of God. I thank God that I speak tongues speak in tongues more than any of you here’s another one. It’s quoted all the time. See, Paul says that he did. He spoke in more language in probably you and I ever think of. How did he speak them? The way he’s describing it there. You have people sit up and say, See there and then go right back to the gibberish that has no meaning to anyone and say that’s tons. I’m sorry, my friends. That’s not tongue so the Bible. I wish I could say it was because it’d be easier. It’s not the tongues of the Bible. The tongues of the Bible is first of all, a lot. language that is understandable. Secondly, it is assigned to unbelievers tongues is not for believers it’s for unbelievers. And so he’s talking about I’m thank God I talk in these languages more than any but in the church, I’d rather speak five intelligible words, to instruct others than 10,000 words in a tongue that you don’t understand. He’d be saying my brother back there, I’d rather speak five words in English that all of you can understand, understand there and speak 10,000 words in Portuguese that none of you understand. Would that be true or not? Of course. How come because how’s the body going to say, Amen, how’s the body going to be edified if I don’t know what you’re saying? Brothers who says again, stop thinking like children grow up. Get rid of your little toy things and play things and start thinking like an adult and majoring on the majors. Instead of minoring on the majors on the minors, major on the minors
In regard to evil, be infant’s but in regard, but in your thinking be adults. That’s currently set in the law. In the books of the law. It said it’s written though of strange tongues and through the lips of foreigners, I’ll speak to this people but then they won’t even listen to it, says the Lord. Tounges then are a sign, not for believers, but for unbelievers. Prophecy however, is for believers not for unbelievers. So if the whole church comes together, and everyone speaks in languages, all of a sudden he got him started speaking Portuguese and Amy got there and started speaking in Russian into then German and someone else got up and started speaking and something else, everybody’s in here babblin and foreign language and some who don’t understand are some unbelievers come in? Won’t they say you’re out of your mind? Is groups out of their mind. Say Yeah, that’s exactly what you think. When you go into that wherever an unbeliever someone who does not understand comes in while everybody is prophesying speaking the truth clearly intelligible in love. There’ll be convinced that all by all that he is a sinner, and it’ll be judged by all and the secrets of his heart will be laid bare, and they will fall down and worship God exclaiming, God is really among you.
What did Jesus say the world would said they will know you’re my disciples by? By you’re speaking in tongues? The world renew your mind disciple by your spiritual gifts? The world will know you’re my disciples by how big your budget is? The world will know you’re my disciples by your tithing record? What did he say? He said, The world will know you’re my disciples by your loved one for one another. My friend, the very opposite of agape love, is pride. Pride is never patient. Pride always keeps records of wrongs. Pride never thinks the best. The very opposite of First Corinthians 13 love is not hate, its pride. And anything that pumps us up with pride giving us the idea that I got something that you don’t have. Pride sets in and keeps us from love. And if God’s goal for you and me, is love, and that’s what maturity is growing up in love. That he says, put away those childish things. If they’re not real, put them away, and substitute a better way. which is love. If there’s a true gift of God that you possess, it will be in accordance with the Word of God, totally in accordance with. If it is exercise of according to how God says to exercise, never with pride. But in order to build up the body, and when we do that, then it says the body will be built up until we’re all thinking alike in unity of purpose, to go into the world and serve him love well, let’s pray together and I hope this has been helpful to you to open up the Word of God.
Father, you said your word that if we don’t agree with these things that you have written then it says if he ignores it himself will be ignored. What we’ve tried to do is to open up the Word of God and to look at it in its fullness instead of playing spiritual hopscotch through it. And Father, there’s many things in our lives that are true. And there’s a bunch that are in error. I pray that we’ll each and every one of us, and that includes myself, always have our hearts open, to be able to say if something is true, I want to latch on to it. And if it isn’t, I want to reject it. And if what was taught today is not true. Why then I sure would never want to teach it again. But I believe we’ve looked into the Word of God and seeing what your teaching was in regard to these issues. And I pray that we will continue to see that you and you alone are the one that’s sufficient. Whenever we have a gathering point, or a focal point, together, that is not a You, it becomes perverted. Our focal point rallying point is not in our gift. We don’t gather together because we all have the same gifts. Our rallying point is because we have the same God. It’s a unity that can be developed in the midst of our diversity. And there’s diversity in this body and every gift of the Spirit that is given by you represented here. And you say, to exercise that according to truth, and in the spirit of love, and a body will never be divided over it. And I thank You, Father for the clear teaching of your word. And I pray these things in Christ’s name.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”