Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P29 (11-01-23)
True Man Was Always to Be Indwelt By God
~ Jesus, God in the flesh, arrived on the scene to correct the problem of man. For all men are born spiritually dead and are in need of Life. When Adam and Eve sinned, the Spirit of God departed from their bodies. And all men are born in the image of Adam today. They do not have the spirit of God living in them to begin with. When a person becomes born again of the Spirit of God, they become a new creation, and are then born again in the image of God. For God’s Holy Spirit lives in every born again believer in Christ Jesus. And the Holy Spirit will never ever leave a person, no matter what. And don’t be deceived, for someday (soon) we who are in Christ Jesus will once again rule with Christ and we will even judge angels. So understand this, the person who is in Christ Jesus judges all things today, and we are told that directly in the word of God. And don’t let anyone use something out of context in the word of God to tell you not to judge, as though it is bad to judge someone or something. This is what Satan wants you to fall for. Misunderstandings of the word of God. For the details matter in everything, so pay attention to the details always, and especially when it involves the word of God.
~ Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. John 3:6
~ The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. John 6:63
~ Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! 1 Corinthians 6:3
~ The spiritual man judges all things, but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgment. 1 Corinthians 2:15
~ “So in order to give you and me life called eternal life, he had to deal with what killed man to begin with, sin, once and for all. That’s what the Cross did. And it was at the cross by taking away sin that he can offer you and me a life that can never be lost. The only thing that caused the Spirit of God to depart from Adam was what? Sin. The only thing that caused the Spirit of God to depart from Jesus was what? Sin. Who’s sin? Ours. Why our what would be the only thing that could cause the Spirit of God once you’re born again of the Spirit to depart from you? Sin. Why can’t it? Because of the cross. The cross is what prohibited life to ever depart from you and me again, once we have received the life of Christ, it is the total saving life of Christ. See that you understand that? And so to man, God is talking to man about the fact that I have provided this purification for sin, I have set down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. And now I am prepared to make you what I created you to be. And that is man in its totality.
Now to pick up in chapter two, verse five, we’re going to see something here in this Master Plan of God. With God created, Adam, he did not create Adam to fall, He created him to live forever. But that did not occur. There was an intervention that took place in God’s plan. God’s plan for when He created man was to have man in a position someday in the ruling, and in the order of the universe, to be higher than that of the angels. In other words, he created angelic beings. And then He created man and said, I’m going to make man the ruler. And that hacked one of the angels called Lucifer. And Lucifer as an angelic being, started a rebellion in heaven. And decided, that I want to be like God. And he was cast out of heaven, with a determination to destroy God’s creation, who God said, was made in my image, and is going to rule the universe. And the war started. And he convinced Adam, that he could be God without God and Adam fell, he thought, I got him, I got him. Because from now on, every man born is going to be born in Adam no longer in God no longer in the image of God and we will be rulers.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
That’s why man walks around empty inside. That’s why you cannot be satisfied. That’s why as Pascal said, there is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man that can only be filled by God through his Son, Jesus Christ. That’s why St. Augustine said thou has made us for thyself, oh God, and our hearts are restless, until they find the rest in thee. It is a spiritual vacuum that is created inside of man that says I feel empty. And the reason you feel empty is because you are empty and what you’re empty of is the life of God living in you, which is your only hope of glory. And until a man comes to the point of recognizing his condition, dead, empty and receiving God’s provision of life, we walk around two thirds whole and wonder what’s wrong with us. There’s always something missing. Every notice, remember that, always something missing. You could get all the money that you had Donald Trump had that still empty still looking for something. You can get all the sex you want and still missing. So all you have to do is read Solomon’s life. He had all that had it all. I mean, you couldn’t have gotten a more than he did. I don’t know how I lived. And and so if you were talking about abundance, brother, he had abundance. And he said it’s all vanity doesn’t mean anything. Doesn’t mean anything. You can get all the prestige in the world doesn’t mean anything. Because there’s still something stirring inside of this human heart of us that says something’s missing. Something’s missing. Something’s missing. And God has said, Yeah, it’s me living in you When I created man, I created man in such a way that he would never be complete without God living in him. In other words, God, the Creator, in his creation indispensable to man’s humanity. Man is not a human being without God living in him, a true human being that is, from God’s vantage point, he’s two thirds there. And so God says, what I want to do is to restore you to normality, to be a normal human being. Normal that is from God’s vantage point, not normal from ours, but from his. And the way that he restored us to normality is through providing the only thing that we did not have and that’s life.
So in order to give you and me life called eternal life, he had to deal with what killed man to begin with, sin, once and for all. That’s what the Cross did. And it was at the cross by taking away sin that he can offer you and me a life that can never be lost. The only thing that caused the Spirit of God to depart from Adam was what? Sin. The only thing that caused the Spirit of God to depart from Jesus was what? Sin. Who’s sin? Ours. Why our what would be the only thing that could cause the Spirit of God once you’re born again of the Spirit to depart from you? Sin. Why can’t it? Because of the cross. The cross is what prohibited life to ever depart from you and me again, once we have received the life of Christ, it is the total saving life of Christ. See that you understand that? And so to man, God is talking to man about the fact that I have provided this purification for sin, I have set down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. And now I am prepared to make you what I created you to be. And that is man in its totality.
Now to pick up in chapter two, verse five, we’re going to see something here in this Master Plan of God. With God created, Adam, he did not create Adam to fall, He created him to live forever. But that did not occur. There was an intervention that took place in God’s plan. God’s plan for when He created man was to have man in a position someday in the ruling, and in the order of the universe, to be higher than that of the angels. In other words, he created angelic beings. And then He created man and said, I’m going to make man the ruler. And that hacked one of the angels called Lucifer. And Lucifer as an angelic being, started a rebellion in heaven. And decided, that I want to be like God. And he was cast out of heaven, with a determination to destroy God’s creation, who God said, was made in my image, and is going to rule the universe. And the war started. And he convinced Adam, that he could be God without God and Adam fell, he thought, I got him, I got him. Because from now on, every man born is going to be born in Adam no longer in God no longer in the image of God and we will be rulers.
Now look at verse five, is not to angels, that he has subjected the world to come about which it’s not to angels that he has subjected the world to come, in other words put subject to that which we’re speaking. But there’s a place where someone has testified what is man that you’re mindful of him? And the Son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the angels you crowned him with glory and honor and put everything under his feet. In putting everything under him, God left nothing that is not subject to him. Yet at present, we do not see everything subject to him. He made man that everything would be subject to it. And yet at present, we don’t see everything subject to it. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death. So that by the grace of God, he might taste death for everyone.
You see, Satan was convinced that once death entered in the world, that was it, man was doomed for life. That was it. And so God took upon himself our own flesh and blood came to this earth walked on this earth fulfilled the law through his life went to a cross, suffered death, which is the wages of sin for all men. For all men, raised from the dead, so that he could offer life once again to all men, that was eternal, that Satan could never destroy again. He blew his plan. But the warfare folks that we are in is a warfare between the riff between the angelic beings that fell under Satan’s leadership, with one purpose only, and that is to mess up and destroy God’s creation of mankind, of mankind. Because there’s some day with Christ’s going to rule, the entirety of the Earth and the universe. It’s like a jealous brother who doesn’t like it, that maybe the brother is going to take over the business. So it’s like an older brother there who says, I’m the rightful I’m the rightful heir of this deal. But his younger brother there is 10 times as sharp. And the father says, no he’s going to run a business. And the older brother, say, that really makes me mad. And I’m gonna disown the family, and I’m gonna spend the rest of my life making life miserable for that young, stupid brother of mine. And that’s a picture of what’s going on in the universe today. Now, it says in bringing many sons to glory, in other words, God had a provision for that fallen man, and that was to create sons of God, which is what you are, when you’re in Christ, you’re in Christ, now called a son of a living God, a new creation. And what made us so new is the fact that the life that was imparted to you and me can never be destroyed by sin again, only because of what? The cross.
So making the sons of glory, this brand new creation, If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation, you’re not just a new creation, because of what’s happened to you. You’re a new creation over anything that’s ever been created before. God never created anyone like us since the day of Pentecost. No man has ever been created. No, Moses was created like this. No, Abraham was created like this. There was no one prior to the day of Pentecost that was born again of the Spirit that could never leave you. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came upon people for specialized duty and then left. In are case, when the cross has been finalized. He comes to live in us forever, never ever to leave us nor forsake us. No people have ever been created like that, folks. Isn’t it amazing when you look at your own life, to say you could have been born, you could have been born on either side of this cross, you could have been born any of this thing. You could have been born in a country where you weren’t free to sit like we’re doing today and study the Word of God. And you say, Why? Why me, Lord? And then you say, well, whatever the reason, thank you. But I am unbelievably grateful that I was privileged to have been born again, under the New Covenant whereby sin would never cause the Spirit of God to depart from me again. I’m thankful to God that I would never have to pray that prayer of David’s Lord, please don’t withdraw your Holy Spirit from me. Aren’t you glad you don’t have to pray that one? He did, because the Holy Spirit came upon him, but not in him. Today, we are indwelt by the living Christ. Unbelievable beings. You see, you’re going to spend eternity one of these days, just see like he said, you don’t see that yet. At present, we don’t see everything subject to mankind, our humanity. But one of these days when Christ comes to reign, we will come to reign with Him and reign over the entire universe. That’s hard to imagine. But that’s what our destiny is as children of God.
In bringing many sons to this glory, in other words, bringing some of the glory is making known what God has done. It was fitting for God for for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. So it was through Christ’s suffering that he was made perfect from our standpoint, in other words to made complete, and he was made complete by His death and His burial and His resurrection. And he made your salvation complete. Both the one who makes men holy, and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers. He says, I will declare your name to my brothers, in the presence of the congregation, I will sing your praises to who? My brothers. And again, he says, I will put my trust in Him. And again, he says, Here I am, and the children God has given me. Since children have flesh and blood, he to shared in their humanity so that by his death, he might destroy him who holds the power of death, that is the devil and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death. And so Christ freed us from the fear of death, also freed us from the capability of spiritual death. And that’s why we are a new creation. That’s why we are made higher literally, elevated now to a position that is higher than all other creation in the universe. And will some day as I said, reign with Him. For surely it is not the angels he helps but Abraham’s descendants. For this reason, he had to be made like his brothers in every way in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make the NIV makes a terrible translation here, atonement, looked down the footnote, and that he might turn aside God’s wrath taking away the sins of the people.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 14:11
You say why in the world with NIV translators put atonement in there? Well, because when you read commentaries, it’ll say well, atonement is put in there and used in there because over four through three a lot through theological usage, it has become acceptable through theological usage. Well, what it does is negates it absolutely perverts the totality of the cross. In other words, when you think of atonement, the Atonement is you think of the lambs and again, the covering of sin. Jesus didn’t come to cover sin, he came to what? To take away sin. World a difference in the two. And a book of Hebrews incidentally deals very strongly with that issue as we continue on it. Because he himself suffered when he was tempted he is able to help those who are being tempted. Now I want to take a look there at just one more verse of scripture before we close up in 11, both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are the same family. Now, once again, Hebrews 1014 will say by that one offering He made forever perfect in the sight of God, all of those whom he has, is making holy. And the ones that are being made holy are the ones who have been made holy.
Now, again, that word holy. Now we get, we get that when all messed up, and it’s also it’s the same root word as sanctified. And we hear that word, and you get the religious and they say, I’m going to sanctify myself. And so I’m gonna go out and I’m gonna try to look sanctified. And so we get our big Bibles under our arms, and we tilt her head over to one side, we walk around looking sanctified, everybody glassy eyed and stupid looking. And, and we try to act religious. And so if I dress a certain way, I will look religious. And we try to set ourselves apart instead of realizing you have already been set apart. Sanctification, holy, is, as an example, in Old Testament, you had dishes that were called sanctified and holy, didn’t you. Was a little hard to, to see Ooh, that’s a good dish. It’s a moral one doesn’t dance or anything. And well, you see is when you’re talking about a set aside a holy and sanctified it certainly didn’t have anything to do with morals, it had something to do with the fact that you set something apart for an intelligent usage for which it was created. You probably have guest towels in your bathroom that are holy and sanctified, they’re there, you’d better not use them to dry your hands with you’ve got them there for another purpose all together, they’re they’re set apart to look at what not to use. They call them towels. Why? I don’t know, but you’re supposed to look at it. Now, sanctification is the most practical term in the Word of God, and all it means is to be set apart for usage according to the intelligent purpose for which it was created. If you have shoes on, I hope you do. You are using those shoes for the intelligent purpose for which they are created. You could have come in hang them on your ears, you want to and think they’re a nice looking decorated piece. But but that would not be sanctified, you could use them that way. But you wouldn’t be sanctifying your shoes, you wouldn’t be using them for the purpose that they were created. Shoes were created to put on your feet. If you put them on your feet, you’re sanctifying them, making them holy. Holy shoes, instead of socks. You as an example, some of you have glasses on, if you have glasses on your sanctifying your glasses you are using your glasses for the intelligent purpose for which they are created, they were made by the manufacturer to be able to help you to see. So when you’re putting them on so as you can see, you’re sanctifying your glasses. Now you can use them stir your coffee if you want to, or whatever else you’re thinking of, but you’re not sanctifying them you’re not using them for the purpose they were created. They’re there you’re using them but not for the purpose that they were created. You look at your watch, and you see what time it is you’re sanctifying your watch, you’re using your watch for the intelligent purpose for which it was created in order to tell you what time it is. I’ve seen Senator, what if you sanctifying your watches here recently. And that’s what you’re doing. You’re looking at your watch to see what time it is. That’s what the watch was made for was to show you what time it is when you’re looking at it you’re sanctifying it. Now isn’t that a real religious term? And we’ve tried to make that and then we come in to things like progressive sanctification. There isn’t any progressive sanctification. The Bible says you were sanctified, you were set apart, you have been made holy, you have been set apart. God, the very moment that Christ entered into you, you stepped out Adam into Christ, Christ stepped out of heaven into you, you were made into a brand new creation set apart from the world for the intelligent purpose for which God created you. He said you are in the world but now you are not of the world. I didn’t create you and recreate you to be of the world. He created you to be in the world but not of the world. And therefore we see our identity is in Christ Jesus and him alone. I am a child of the living God. I am not set apart by the way I dress or how I act or all this other stuff. I am set apart because God has set you apart. And if you’re sitting here today in Christ, Christ has selected you to be set apart, as a child of God that will someday Ray and rule this universe. Don’t see it now it says. But that’s what’s going to be. In the meantime, you and I are engaged, as I said, in this satanic, demonic battle that came from the angelic beings who fell, mad as a hornet over what God’s plan was in regard to putting us in the position that he’s putting us in. And we’re in a process of someone wanting to destroy this humanity in the meantime, and it’s doing a pretty good job of it. God set you and I aside to be representatives of the kingdom of God here on this earth. That’s why I call His ambassadors and he said, your citizenship is where? It’s in heaven. So I can sing God bless America. And I’m glad for that I’m glad that I was born here. But in reality, my Memorial Day and your Memorial Day, is in the fact that we are citizens of the United States of America physically, but eternally, we are citizens of heaven.
And he said, you’re an ambassador here on this earth. And the job of an ambassador is to represent your country. If you are an ambassador to France, it would not be your job to go to France and picket Moulin Rouge. And, and try to change the government how evil is drink wine, and, and all of the other and try to get the politics changed. Your job as an ambassador in France would be to represent the United States of America, in that country wouldn’t it? That’s what you’re there for, to represent the United States of America, in France, it isn’t to get involved in their government. It isn’t to try to change the morals of the country. It is to represent your kingdom. We are citizens of heaven. We are an ambassador here on this earth. And our job is to represent the Lord Jesus Christ, to a world that is empty and lost, and needs to know about the life of Christ. It does not do you one ounce of good to get someone’s life cleaned up, and to be unregenerate. Again, all you got is a clean look and corpse. Morticians do that every day. Hey, clean up this whole stinking body suit everybody walked by and say, looking good. And it’s what we do. The old corpse walked by cleaned it up, painted up. So we look back and say if you see the knee look good in there. That’s an old corpse in there. And that’s what religion does, tries clean up a corpse, make it look good. Christ came to bring life to that corpse so that you and I can be restored to true humanity. And in that setting apart, as I said, we are citizens of heaven an ambassador here on this earth to represent the good news of Jesus Christ. And it’s a privilege to do that when you know the good news. So to me, our memorial day service is a wonderful thing. Thank God, I was born in this country, thank God, we have the privilege as we do. We’re losing a lot of them. But in the midst of that, we represent a kingdom much greater than America, or France, or England or anyplace else, we represent the kingdom of God. That is here on this earth. We’re in the world not of the world, representing Christ Jesus, to a fallen world. Well, let’s pray together.
Father coming to you is coming to a point of recognizing that if indeed you are God, and if indeed Christ Jesus is who he claimed to be, and that is God. And if he isn’t God and claimed that he was he had just been a maniac and we’d be kind of stupid to sit around learning about him. If he knew that he wasn’t God and claimed that he was he would be an imposter an imposter and a liar and a con artist and they would also be a little stupid to be meeting every Sunday and through the week to talk about him. And the only conclusion that we’re left with is that man, Jesus of Nazareth that walked on the face of this earth was exactly who he claimed to be. And that’s God. He said, I am the Father one. If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father, I am the Way, the Truth, the life, no man comes to the Father but through Me. I am the resurrection and the life. And whosoever believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whoever lives and believes in me, will never die. That’s quite a claim for someone to make if they’re not God. And so Father, we come to a point in our lives where we recognize our deadness, we realize we’re bouncing prayers off of the ceiling, we realize that we are really not complete, there’s an emptiness inside of us. A restlessness that we can’t explain. And the living loving God comes and says, that’s because I’m not resident there. I went to a cross 2000 years ago to die for the forgiveness of all of your sins. And I was raised from the dead so that that life that raised me from the dead could be offered to you, and raise you from the dead. And your only decision is, do you want to remain dead? Or do you want life? And that life is a new life in Christ, restored to true humanity. So that we can walk on the face of this earth in true freedom, not in bondage and freedom. And until we’re prepared to die, we’re really not prepared to live. And the only thing that can ever solve a fear of death is to realize eternal life. And that’s what enables us to walk in the newness of life. So Father it’s my prayer that if anyone is here today that is never understood, and accepted the truth of the gospel that today will be that day. To be able to say, Lord Jesus, thank you for what you did on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. I see that I am dead and I need your life. And I asked you to come in and give me your life. And I thank you for doing that. In Christ’s name. Amen.
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
