Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P89 (04-08-24)
Atonement Covered Sins – Jesus Took Away Sins Forever
~ Don’t listen to anyone that says, “the atoning death of Jesus,” because that is a lie. Jesus did NOT atone for sins. Jesus took away all sins at the cross. The two are completely different meanings to the words in the Greek. And Satan loves to muddy the waters, and uses his transformed agents of self righteousness to spread his lies of deceit to all that follow them. This is key for today. For if you listen to people that teach these lies, you will be listening to a perverted person. For their minds are perverted with Satan’s lies, instead of the Truth of the Word of God. Proof is at your fingertips today. To be a Berean is simple. Study God’s Word for yourself. And furthermore, if you have the Holy Spirit living in you, He will show you All Truth. And those of you that are in Christ Jesus, know exactly what we are talking about today. For we have all seen it first hand ourselves. And the tribulation will come upon you when you teach Truth. Because the world will not accept Truth, after all, the world killed Jesus. And so, why would we think we would have it any better? But understand this, we have a better hope that we look forward to. For He lives in us, and will never leave us no matter what happens in our life. So stand firm on the foundation of Jesus. Rest in the Finality of the Cross.
~ And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world. 1 John 2:2
~ Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. 1 John 5:12,13
~ It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1
~ “The law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming—not the realities themselves. For this reason it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship. Otherwise, would they not have stopped being offered? For the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all, and would no longer have felt guilty for their sins. But those sacrifices are an annual reminder of sins. It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.” Hebrews 10:1-4
~ “And so Christ Jesus was the the forerunner, and he was the absolute ultimate in regard to the sacrifice that was going to be for our sins and the old testament, as we’ve talked about, there was the atonement that took place that was a covering of sin that was taken place by the blood of bulls and goats. But as we studied in Hebrews, the bulls of blood and goats could never take away sin. And then as much as there was a sacrifice that had to be done over and over, and over and over and over again, it said it prohibited a believer from ever drawing nearer to God in perfect worship, that the blood of bulls and goats could never make someone perfect in the sight of a perfect God. And so the blood of bulls and goats could cover sin, but it could never take away sin. And the problem with atonement was not that sins could not be forgiven, because they were forgiven. That’s what atonement was for a place to forgive sins. So as far as the forgiveness of sins, God already had a system established to do that. The problem with that system was that it was never ended, that you had to be forgiven today, and then go back and be forgiven tomorrow, and then go back and be forgiven the next day, and then go back and be forgiven over and over and over again. And until sin was able to be dealt with once and for all, it kept you preoccupied as not only an annual reminder of your sins, but a daily reminder of it, and therefore kept you preoccupied with sin, instead of life.” ~ Bob George
Bible Study Booklets
Join Bob George in this chapter by chapter exposition of the book of Hebrews. Available for download the complete series on the Book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews is key to understanding the New Covenant.
Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:28
Well, let’s pick up in the book of Hebrews where we had left off and see what the Lord has for us today in chapter 10. We just have been going through the book of Hebrews showing the superiority of Christ and then the sacrifice that Christ Jesus made. And this whole book is about faith. And it’s not just Faith in faith. There’s an object to our faith. And that object is Christ Jesus and His finished work on the cross, and his finished work in His resurrection. And he’s finished work in regard to Christ being raised from the dead and coming to live in you and me, which is our only hope of glory. And so when you’re talking about faith, that isn’t something that faith means something I can brag on how much I have, because Christ said, if any of us had faith, the size of a mustard seed, we could move mountains. And none of us have moved very many of those lately. So as far as the size of our faith, we know it’s somewhat smaller than that of a mustard seed. So that kind of eliminates the idea of going out and trying to get big faith, and to be powerful and strong in our faith. But it’s the object of our faith, it is coming to the point of understanding that we have a God that not only loves us, but he demonstrated that love to us. And it’s a God that we can trust and a God that we can rely on. And that’s what this whole book is about is pointing us to the reliance upon Christ Jesus and him alone as a result of the object of our faith. Not that we have big faith, but we have a huge God. And so in the 10th chapter, we studied about the fact about comparing Christ’s work to the law that was merely a foreshadowing of the reality that was going to come in Him and Him alone, not a shadow, but a reality in Christ Jesus. And in the 10th chapter, we talked about this brand New Covenant that God made with man and how that covenant went into effect. On the day that Christ Jesus died, that a will is in effect only when someone dies, and you have a will, and that will will go into effect on the day that you die. And the benefactors of whatever you put in that will will be the recipients of what you have left to them, the day that you die, not a day before. So a will does not go into effect until the one who made it dies. But when they do die, it does go into effect. And you and I, as the recipients can either receive what was left to us, or you can refuse what was left to us, but you cannot alter what was left to us. That is in concrete, it is left and there was a brand New Covenant, a brand new agreement that went into effect between God and man. And that went into effect on the day of Christ Jesus death. And this is the covenant that he says where their sins and their lawless acts, I’ll remember no more. Now there was a reason why that new New Covenant had to go into effect after his death, because it was through His death, that he provided totality for your sins, he was would not have been able to have said prior to his finished work on the cross your sins and lawless deeds, I will remember no more, because it was through his act on the cross that provided the way and the means whereby he would not have to remember your sins and lawless acts anymore. It was at the cross that he took upon himself the sins of the entire world, all of them all past all future throughout all eternity, even going back to the payment of sins in the Old Testament saints who were saved by believing in the fact that a Messiah was going to die for their sins. In other words, they too were saved by faith, in an event that was going to occur. We are saved by an event that has already occurred. But all of it was the pinnacle of all human history, going back to the cross forward to the cross and back to the cross, and that takes care of all history.
And so Christ Jesus was the the forerunner, and he was the absolute ultimate in regard to the sacrifice that was going to be for our sins and the old testament, as we’ve talked about, there was the atonement that took place that was a covering of sin that was taken place by the blood of bulls and goats. But as we studied in Hebrews, the bulls of blood and goats could never take away sin. And then as much as there was a sacrifice that had to be done over and over, and over and over and over again, it said it prohibited a believer from ever drawing nearer to God in perfect worship, that the blood of bulls and goats could never make someone perfect in the sight of a perfect God. And so the blood of bulls and goats could cover sin, but it could never take away sin. And the problem with atonement was not that sins could not be forgiven, because they were forgiven. That’s what atonement was for a place to forgive sins. So as far as the forgiveness of sins, God already had a system established to do that. The problem with that system was that it was never ended, that you had to be forgiven today, and then go back and be forgiven tomorrow, and then go back and be forgiven the next day, and then go back and be forgiven over and over and over again. And until sin was able to be dealt with once and for all, it kept you preoccupied as not only an annual reminder of your sins, but a daily reminder of it, and therefore kept you preoccupied with sin, instead of life. Now, that was the only thing you could have been preoccupied with prior to the cross and resurrection because there was no life that was imputed to you and me prior to Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. And so the only thing you could be preoccupied with was the law and all the law did was condemn, you of sin. And therefore I had to be preoccupied with going back and getting my sin forgiven over and over and over and over and over again. And so the book of Hebrews very clearly explains to us that that was incomplete, not because your sins weren’t forgiven, but because you had to get them forgiven over and over and over and over again. So Christ in the New Covenant came to do something different than what the blood of bulls and goats could do. And that is covering over and over and over again, he said, I’m going to come one time, I’m going to sacrifice my body, God’s body on the cross, and my shed blood, I’m going to do it once, and I’m gonna do it for all and not gonna do it anymore. That’s it. And therefore, there is no more sacrifice for sins. And without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness, I’m gonna shed it one time, the blood of God, one time that is more worthy than all of the vileness of the sin of the world. I’m going to do it once, and I’m going to do it for all. And then I’m going to cry from the cross, it’s finished. And from that point on, our role is am I going to walk by faith believing that or walk in unbelief, not believing it? And those are the only two options that I have. I can refuse that I can accept it, but I can’t alter it. So what we have today in Christianity is an altering of the finality of the cross. And as I’ve said before, you’ve got pure law, which is like pure chocolate. And you’ve got pure grace, which is like pure milk. And what have we done, we’ve made chocolate milk. And it is an entity no longer with the purity of the chocolate no longer with the purity of the milk. It is now watered down the chocolate. It diminished that and discolored grace, and we call it Christianity.
And it has become a religion based upon a commingling of law and grace. And we have a chocolate milk Christianity that is neither law or neither grace. It is a commingling of the two and wonder why it doesn’t work. So Christ Jesus came to show a total delineation, the law kills but nothing in between. The Spirit gives what? Life. The power of sin is in the law. But the mercy of God is in grace. There is no commingling there is no middle ground. It is a fine line that was drawn at the cross of Jesus Christ said on this side is the wages of sin death. And on this side is the gift of God, which is life and there’s no in between. It’s black and white. And so he made this brand New Covenant, this brand new agreement between God and man where he said of their sins and their lawless acts. I will remember no more, period, and where these have been forgiven there is no longer any sacrifice for sins. There’s no more blood of bulls and goats. There is no more confession booths. There’s no more First John one nines. It is it or it’s not it make up your mind whether you’re going to say it’s finished and walk by faith, or whether you’re going to make up your own religion and walk by sight, but it’s finished, it is over it is done, accept it, and be free, or reject it and be in bondage. But there is no in between. And if we’re worshiping in any other way, except that it’s because we’ve made our own chocolate milk, and we like chocolate milk better than we do chocolate, and we like chocolate milk better than we do milk. So we’ve combined the two and chowed down on a hybrid breed called Christianity.
Now, what the book of Hebrews is saying to us is, if you and I deliberately and we talked about if you deny deliberately keep on going back to that old sacrificial system after you have received the knowledge of truth, that you continue to insist on going back to your manmade religion after you’ve received the truth of the new covenant. Then it says there is nothing that you and I have to look forward to except the raging fire of hell, because there is no sacrifice other than Christ, that could ever take away your sins. If you’re not going to trust Him, for the forgiveness of your sins, there’s no more sacrifices available, I’m not sending God said anybody else. I’m not going to send another person to come and die for you. I’m not going to send another system that you can grab on to, I’m not going to come and improve on Hebrewism. If you do not, and refuse to accept the finality of the cross that is in Christ, Jesus our Lord, there is no more sacrifice for sins left. And he made it as clear as a bell, that when we refuse to accept the finality of the cross, that we are doing, we are, we are trampling it says the Son of God underfoot, making a mockery over him and treated as an unholy thing, the blood of the covenant. That’s this new agreement between God and man, which sanctified you set you apart from all people, and have insulted the Spirit of grace, you’re making an insult out of what Christ did at the cross, when we do not accept the finality of the cross. Now it said, we know him who said it’s mine to avenge and I’ll repay and again the Lord’s will judge these people. It’s a dreadful thing to fall in the hands of a living God, Christ is alive. And when we refuse his life, we remain dead. And that is a fearful thing. To fall into the hands of a living God who said I provided for you life. I came what you might have life. I died so that you can live. I suffered on the cross so that you might have life and have hope and peace. And we make a mockery of that by turning our backs on it. Or by saying I don’t like that, Lord, let me add to it.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of Hebrews, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of Hebrews, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:50
And so that’s what the book of Hebrews is warning us against is because it’s saying that if we keep insisting after we’ve heard truth, now it does account for this area that we can be. We could just be fooled. We can just be in custom all kinds of things can take place. But it says when you’ve heard truth and refuse then to finalize the truth that you’ve heard. Then he says that is a dangerous thing because it may be that you’ve never changed your mind to begin with. And that’s why it talks about in the sixth chapter of Hebrews that is impossible. In other words for you and me to be brought back to repentance. Well have you ever noticed that you can’t be brought back from where you haven’t been? Have you ever notice that it’s hard to come back from where you haven’t been? Even I can figure that out, tired as I am I got that figured out. It’s hard to come back from where you haven’t been. So when he’s talking that you’d it’s impossible for you to come back to repentance is because you’ve never changed your mind to begin with. And have a person after hearing truth continues to insist on going back to his old system and back to his old system, there’s nothing else you can conclude except for the fact you’ve never changed your mind to begin with. And that’s why he said, My sheep hear my voice. And if you don’t hear the voice, maybe it’s because you’re not his sheep. Because if you keep insisting on doing things your way and our way, instead of when you’ve heard his way, maybe it’s because you’re following a different shepherd. And so it’s a warning to us not to put us on a guilt trip. Because this is not a guilt trip. This is a message of freedom and joy. It is a message that says you can’t but I did. It’s a message of saying there is no way man where you could have provided your own sacrifice for the vileness of your sin. There is no way that a dead human being can make life on his own. A corpse cannot create life. All a corpse could do would be to receive life from outside coming in and restoring life but a corpse cannot produce life, it’s cells are dead. So he said I’ve done it all for you. Now, why do you want to add to that? Why do you want to have a Jesus plus baptism, a Jesus plus tongues, a Jesus plus church attendance? A Jesus plus? Why do you want to add to what I did? Because you’re proud, that’s why. And because your heart is hardened. And you would rather draw attention to yourself and what you’re doing instead of to me and what I did. That’s what Christ is trying to get across to us is get rid of that stupid, hard, proud heart that draws attention to man and what he’s doing instead of God and what he’s doing. And if you insist on going back to drawing attention to yourself, instead of him, something’s wrong. And something’s wrong and your understanding of the grace of God that’s been given to us in Christ Jesus, that you’re not satisfied with me and what I did, and insist on you and what you’re doing. Can you see what he’s saying? What he’s trying to say to us here?
So he’s talking about remember now picking up in verse 32. Remember those earlier days after you would received the light, you’d receive the truth, that’s not Hinduism, receiving the light in your chest. It’s not sitting around trying to get light. You receive the light of the gospel, the truth of the gospel, the truth went right into the darkness of our minds, and penetrated those minds of ours with the truth of the gospel. And he said, Remember, in those days after you had received the truth of the gospel, when you stood your ground, in a in in a great contest, in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and to persecution. And at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated, my brother over here is being persecuted. I’ll go stand with him. And say, if you’re going to persecute him, then you persecute me, too, because we believe just alike, to remember those days. So remember, the days when you sympathize with those who were in prison, put in prison as a result of your faith in Jesus. And you joyfully accepted the compensation and confiscation of your property. And I came and took away all your property, joyfully said, take it. Because you knew that you yourselves had a better and lasting possession. You possess something more important than furniture pieces, and trinkets, and homes and cars. You possess something more precious than those things that are going to fade away. Those things that the thief can come in the night and steal, and that rust can destroy. That we possess a more precious possession than that. And that is the living Christ alive living in us, which is our hope of glory. So he said, don’t throw away your confidence. It’ll be richly rewarded. Don’t lose your confidence because of the trials and tribulations that come your way. And we walk around and all I’m just so filled with God. And then you let a trial and tribulation come. And I tell you just look like a skunk that just ate another skunk. I mean, your lower that a belly of a whale. Just where’s God? Where did he go? And in this world, Did not Jesus say in this world, you are going to have trials and tribulations? Didn’t he say that? So he didn’t say come unto Christ, that you’re going to eliminate all your trials and tribulations. The message of the of the cross and the resurrection of Christ isn’t come to me and everything’s gonna be just wonderful. Well, what about Christ? Was everything wonderful for him? I mean, here it was God walking on the earth, Christ Himself God on the earth. How did people respond to Him God? Well some people said, You’re a wine bipper and a glutten, other people said your demon possessed, Beelzebub in the flesh.
Because He was God did not cause people to respond to Him as God and because you’re indwelt by God isn’t going to cause people to respond to you. That in this world, we have to realize we are in the world, but we’re not of the world and in the world, we are enemies in a world in which we live. And we’re going to experience trials and tribulations and heartaches and insults and injuries for the rest of our lives. He said, Don’t give up on that type of thing. Don’t throw away your confidence in the Lord because of adverse circumstances in the world.
I have people that I’ve seen that I’ve been taught and taught and taught and taught and all of a sudden the scripture comes to pass always hearing and never able to come to truth because the least trial and tribulation that comes away, their faith is shattered. Why? Because I didn’t have any to begin with. Our faith gets shattered with the least little thing that comes our way. Whereas God? You know why folks? Because many times we’re taught and we think that God is the good vending machine in the sky. That any time I want a candy bar. Oh, wonderful me All I got to split my little quarter of faith and jerk the knob and out comes the candy bar. And do you see what God did to me? I not only put a quarter in that sucker, man I dumped a buck and a quarter and that thing and I still didn’t get a candy bar and I just got all this faith in there and I’ve been pulled the knob putting it in there and pull the knob, nothing’s coming out. Where’s God he must mean he doesn’t love me animal. God’s not a heavenly vending machine is the world he said persecuted me. They will persecute you. If the world mistreated me, they will mistreat you. That’s a far cry, is it not? From this theological garbage that is being taught today about prosperity gospel. If you’re in Christ, he wants to everyone rich Well, I guess he didn’t like Paul. Paul the in his life was in prison. He said, Would you please to his friend bring my cloak and my parchments I’m cold. Do you have a coat to where? Christ died they all had gambled for him was his robe and do you realize that there are people say yeah, there’s a good robe. Why that was a rich one that was made of the finest cloths. The Bible tells us that anyone who preaches that God ugliness as a means to financial gain as a man of a perverted mind. And Christians are following perverts by the millions and contributing millions of dollars to the ministry of a pervert, according to the Word of God. There is nothing biblical about a prosperity gospel. Now these people, he’s talking about people who are in Christ, He’s saying, don’t lose your confidence. How come? Because everything’s going great for you? What do you need, you lose your confidence and because things are going right for you. You need to persevere. He says, hang in there. So as if when you’ve done the will of God, you’ll receive what He promised for in just a little while it says He who is coming will come and not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I’m not going to be pleased with him on that. But we’re not those who shrink back. He’s talking about us. He’s talking about people who are in Christ, we’re not of those group and shrink back are destroyed. In other words, they’ve taken their steps toward God, they walked out and said, I’m a Christian, but there’s no reality inside. And therefore when the trials and tribulations of life hit, away they go, how come? But John says they went out from among us, because they were never a part of us. It’s because of people that we’ve many times have an enlightened soul but we have an unregenerate spirit. We’ve never been indwelt by the power of God that lives in us, who is Christ Jesus. We came to him for something other than Him. The second chapter of the book of John tells us about that when he said they believed in the miracles he did we have people following miracles, one miracle after another miracle after another miracle, like Jesus is a magician of some kind. And he said they saw the miracles that He did they believed in his name. Why do they believe in his name? Miracle, man, maybe do one for me. Follow him close enough I made to get me one of those good miracles. I need one.
Announcer 27:11
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord find more information online at There you will also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another and praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
