Classic Christianity – The Book of John P55 (06-12-23)
In Christ Jesus You Are Saved Completely ~ There Are No Buts!
~ Today, just like in the past, there are people that will say, Yeah, I was saved, BUT if you sin too much, you can lose your salvation. The people that teach this will never be able to tell you how much sinning is required to lose your salvation, but they will still claim that someone can lose salvation. People like this don’t have a clue what salvation is. And they are also not being led by the Holy Spirit, because they live a life of buts. For if righteousness could be gained by obedience to the law, then Christ died for nothing. A person without the Spirit of God living in them, does not understand the things of God. If you are in Christ Jesus, it says you have the mind of Christ living in you. Start trusting him for TRUTH if he does live in you.
~ “But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Galatians 5:18
~ “I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!” Galatians 2:21
~ for, “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:15
~ “And that’s the whole issue here as to why the disciples did not understand Jesus is because they did not have the Spirit of God living in them, to teach them. And so what they knew about Jesus was leaning on their own understanding. They had him in front of them, they could talk to Him, LISTEN to Him. But there was no ability, then for them or for you today to understand the meaning of the words of Christ Jesus, if you do not have the Holy Spirit of God living in you, and you do not listen to what the Holy Spirit of God is teaching you.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
We’re going to pick up today and chapter 12, of the Gospel of John. And just as a matter of review, beginning of verse 12, the next day, the great crowd that had come for the feast, heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. And they took palm branches and went out to meet him shouting Hosanna, which means say most of us know this story. And they also cried out, Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord and bless it is the king of Israel. And Jesus found a young donkey and sat on it and it is written there, don’t be afraid, or daughter of Zion, see, your King is coming seated on a donkey is told. Now, again, I can imagine people reading that and saying kings don’t come on donkeys they come, they come on big horses, normally big old white or black horses, but not on donkeys. But here were prophesied the fact that the Lord was going to come on a donkey.
At first, his disciples did not understand all of this. And we kept on that last week that only as Jesus was glorified, did they realize that these things had been written about him, and then they had done these things to him. Guys, it wasn’t until the day of Pentecost, that the Holy Spirit of God came to indwell, permanently believers. Prior to that time, the disciples who traveled with Jesus, all the people who knew and proclaimed the name of Jesus, were not indwelt by the Spirit of God. You say, Well, we’re not the disciples saved? No, they were not saved. They were not saved as we are saved today, with a permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit until the day of Pentecost, the Spirit had not come to indwell people until the day of Pentecost. And so on the day of Pentecost, in essence, were when the disciples were truly born again of the what? Of the Spirit. Remember the scripture that says that the Spirit of God does not live in you? What does it say you do not belong to Him. So until the Spirit of God comes to indwell us, we do not belong to Christ. We are followers of Christ, until you’re indwelled by Christ, and after indwelt by Christ, you no longer follow Christ, you are led internally, by Christ. Are we together? Where do you follow Jesus to, to where he was going? Where was he going? To a cross to take away the sins of the world, to the resurrection, to offer life to you and me, and to the day of Pentecost, where he sent his Spirit, to live in you and me. And we are today in dwelt by the Spirit of God. God lives in you. We’re told we have the mind of Christ living in us, God indwells, His Church, His people, He lives in you. He is there to lead you and to guide you into all truth. He’s there to take the things of the Lord Jesus Christ and make them known to you. And no one could know and understand these things prior to the day of Pentecost when the Spirit of God came to live in you. And that’s why these men who had traveled with Jesus knew him intimately, did not understand what has taking place until the day of Pentecost.
When I was in Florida, this tsunami took place. And I listened to that and watched it. And so did you, an unbelievable catastrophe 100 and some 60,000 people wiped away in an instant. But there was something that caught my attention even more than that. And that was that there was not one animal that was lost. There wasn’t a rabbit that was killed in that. Or a donkey or a horse or an elephant. Not one animal was recorded, killed in that catastrophe. Why? They all went to the high ground. Who told him to go there? We say instinct. I say God. Why was there not one animal killed, and 160,000 adults wiped out? Why do fish go back and spawn? Go back to where they were hatched or created whatever happened to him and go back to that place? Why did the swallows returned to Capistrano every year, at the same time? You say instinct, really? Like I’ve been thinking about that. Isn’t it strange that we understand instinct, we understand that in animals. And I thought to myself as I was contemplating these things, how could God give instinct to the animal kingdom and not give us something stronger than instinct to guide us? Instinct was a guide, was it not? It told the animals, bamboos out of here. And they did, they got out of there, they went to the high ground, they said elephants pulled stakes out of the ground in order to get away. No one told them to, instinct. And I thought to myself, it’s strange that animals do not rebel, it seems against instinct. They don’t sit there and argue about that or think, Well, I’m not sure that’s the voice of instinct talking to me. They just obey. instinct says go and they go. The fish go back to where they came from, the swallows go back to Capistrano. My daughter had six little puppies not too long ago. And the minute those little puppies came out of little Katie, they went to the milk bar. Who told them where the milk bar was? Who told this little dog, that it seemed like those six dogs that came out were bigger than her who told that dog to lay there and to be a mother just to lay down and expose her milk bar, to the puppies, to take care of them. When they come out, to lick all of this stuff off of them. Who told them to do that? That’s called instinct.
God has given you and me something, I’ll guarantee you stronger than instinct. He did not give the animals something stronger to guide them than he gave to guide you and to me. He gave you and me the Holy Spirit of God, which has to be in my mind, stronger than instinct. It’s God living in you. How could God living in you not be a stronger voice than instinct? And yet, why don’t we listen to it? Why don’t we listen to this voice of God that is living in us? more intently than what we do. Sometimes we do. And we see the results of and say, Wow, and then forget it. Don’t we? And I’m not preaching to you. I’m talking about my own life. Why don’t I listen many times more to the Spirit of God, because it’s always there. But again, what do we do with it? Well, I’m not sure that’s God. How many times has you been had a, somebody guiding you to say pick up the telephone and call somebody? And maybe one time out of 10 that that happens, you call them. And the answer comes back? How did you know I needed to talk to you? How many times does that happen to us? How many times do we hear that voice and ignore it? Say, Well, that’s not of God. Because folks, there’s no question about it, that indwelling sin that indwells us, is a deterrent to listening to the voice of God. But I am convinced that each and every person in this room and in the sound of my voice needs to go to God and say God, if I’ve been ignoring your voice, I want to hear your voice. If you can do that with animals, to cause them to get out of there, what in the world could you do to me if I’d listened to you? And how many times do I not listen to you? And I want to hear your voice. I want to be guided by you. I want to be directed by you. I want you to be my God and my guide. Did not the scripture say Don’t lean on your own understanding. But in all things acknowledge him and he’ll direct your path. How many times do we lean on our own understanding instead of allowing God to guide us and direct us? Folks, I think it was the best illustration that God has ever showed me is the fact I’ve known about instinct. I’ve seen it. You can look at nature and see it. But to realize it that massive disaster, not one animal wiped out. And I thought to myself, How could God not have given me something stronger than instinct to live by? And he did, he gave me his Holy Spirit.
And that’s the whole issue here as to why the disciples did not understand Jesus is because they did not have the Spirit of God living in them, to teach them. And so what they knew about Jesus was leaning on their own understanding. They had him in front of them, they could talk to Him, LISTEN to Him. But there was no ability, then for them or for you today to understand the meaning of the words of Christ Jesus, if you do not have the Holy Spirit of God living in you, and you do not listen to what the Holy Spirit of God is teaching you.
We have a conflict going on. In our lives. It’s called flesh. You have the natural, and you have the spiritual, do you not? You have the natural man. What is that? What is the natural man deal? Do he deals with the things of this earth? What’s the spiritual man for? To deal with the things of the Spirit? What is your attitude? When bad things happen? Is it as the world says Why do bad things happen to good people? That’s an easy question to answer because there aren’t any good people. Why that question ever came up, God only knows. Jesus said there isn’t anyone good except God. So that question is easy for me to answer. What what is your attitude when bad things happen? What is your attitude? Had you been Paul a beard and your husband suddenly died? What is your attitude? When something like that happens? When someone is all of a sudden snuffed out of here, what’s your attitude toward that? Is it natural? Or is it spiritual? Because whatever your attitude is, is going to show you precisely where you’re walking with God. Are you drinking of natural water? Because if you do, you’re going to thirst again. Are you drinking of spiritual water? Where he said, You will never thirst again. Are you eating natural food? Or are you going after spiritual food? You want to live in the spirit? Or do you want to live in the flesh? Most of us have what I call a billy goat theology. It’s Yes, but yes, but but but but yeah, God took away your sins. But. Well you’re saved, but. Paul’s with Jesus. But.
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:40
Now, my friends want to tell you something. Give an illustration here. Let’s say Jesus is upstairs on the second floor, and up there as living water up there as living food. Up there is everything that you’ve ever dreamed of. But you live down here. And so something happens all of a sudden you get a little thirsty, what do you do you run upstairs, get a quick drink, and what do you do? Come right back downstairs and live down here. God wants you to go upstairs and live with him. He wants you to dwell with Him. We’re told in the scriptures in Hebrews that people tasted, but they never drank. How many of us are tasters? We touch, but we never hold on. We glance at something but we don’t focus on Jesus. We just glance at him or go to him when I need him and then returned to the first floor. We hear him but we don’t listen. Remember what Jesus said if you have ears, listen. He always he could see we have ears. Some of ours are bigger than others. But we all have ears. He said listen, but we just hear but we don’t listen. We don’t ponder. We Smith but we don’t smell. We sniff the rose but we don’t take time to really let the fragrance come in. And in our lives many times our faith is superficial. It’s a quarter of an inch deep and a five miles wide. Because we don’t camp where he said to camp, what did he say to do? Camp there. He said to stay there. When I’ve got a problem down here. If I don’t go to the top floor and stay there, I’m gonna be preoccupied with my problem. Am I not? People do that many times with death. They think you’re unsympathetic. I’m not unsympathetic at all when someone dies. But I’m unbelievably realistic. Because I know something. I know something about Paul, don’t you? He’s with Jesus. He’s in the presence of God never to see sin and death again. Who’s in a better place him or you? Now, how do you encourage people who have lost one, a loved one? By sitting around moaning like that, you know, that’s what they did to God. They had mourners, professional mourners who sit around and groan and moan for weeks. What does it say about death? Death where it’s your sting. It’s gone. Why? Because we don’t grieve like who? The heathen who do not know God from an apple tree. We don’t grieve like that. Why? Because we know something. We know something that is far greater than what takes place down here. And that’s what has taken place up there. When you run into a problem of life down here, get your mind up there and stay there. Don’t go up there and get a sip of water and come back down and moan, go up there and drink, go up there and eat, go out there and participate with Jesus. And you know what’s gonna happen down here? The peace of God that passes all understanding will quiet in your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Why is it peace that passes understanding? Because your mind isn’t on you. It’s on him. As a man thinks, so is he. And I get tired of this billy goat Christianity. I get tired of hearing the yes buts. If you’re in Christ Jesus, you’re supposed to be growing in Christ Jesus. And when we grow in Christ Jesus, we don’t grow in being preoccupied with the natural. We grow by being preoccupied with the spiritual. You elevate your mind to truth and get it off of what’s going on down here.
I’m not talking to someone who has not experienced things that I could have been fearful of, and upset over. And when I had a heart attack and cancer, and all this other junk that you have to be real honest with you, my mind wasn’t on me. Because I didn’t care whether I lived or died. My mind was on Christ. Now there’s other things I’ve had in my life where my mind isn’t on Christ at all. It’s all on me. So I’m not trying to act like somebody knows at all. But I’m just telling you when I’ve run into circumstances of death, especially where my mind went. When my mom died, I thank God for her death. Why? Because she was suffering. And I wanted Jesus to take her home. And when she went to be with the Lord, I said, Thank You, Lord Jesus for the years I had her. Have we ever thought of praising God for the years we had somebody instead of moaning over the years, we don’t have them? As a man thinks so is he.
I remember going back to my hometown a number of years ago, and I was back there for I don’t know what it is even for now. But about five o’clock in the morning, I got a call from this girl, what girl she’s a lady by then said, this is Pat. And she gave me her last name. We were highschool friends together, went to high school together. And she dated one of my best friends in high school all the way through high school. And I’d heard that she had had all kinds of problems in in mental hospitals and everything else in here. She was calling just moaning and groaning and five o’clock in the morning. I started moaning and groaning myself. And you know the first thing he said to me, I hope I didn’t wake up. Oh no, I always get up at four in the morning. She had been for about that time 40 probably some years, preoccupied with the fact that when she was in high school, she was dating this guy. And he wanted to marry her as they leave as they left high school. But she decided and her family that it’d be better for them to go to college and after college to marry each other, and so they agreed to do that. The only problem is she went to one college and he went to another. And so while she was in one college, and he was in another, why, you know, absence makes the heart grow fonder for somebody else. And, and he fell in love with somebody else, and married her. And her she had for 40 years been moaning and groaning over the fact that she didn’t marry him out of high school and made that decision to wait and lost a love forever. I said, Pat, Have you ever talked the Mel’s wife? She said, No, I said you ought to. You’re living in imagination. You’re living in fantasy. You got this fantasy that number one, he still looks like he used to, he doesn’t. You see each other as back then. And you got this fantasy that Oh, had we been married, we would have had our picket fence and a little dogs and all that would not have happened necessarily. You are imagining that if you had gotten married to him, your life would have been rosy forever. Talk to anyone who’s married. It doesn’t happen that way. The best thing you could ever do is call his wife, she may trade places with you.
And I explained to her, Pat, do you realize that your emotions follow your thoughts? The reason you’ve been an emotional basket case for 40 Some years is because you’ve been thinking unrealistic thoughts for 40 some years. And it’s time for you to grow up and stop thinking like a teenager and to grow up and to realize that God is in control of all things and you did not mess up anything by not marrying him. And ultimately, things started happening. I sent her a copy of Classic Christianity. Was I unsympathetic? I’ll tell you, the most unsympathetic thing you can do, or the thing to a person is not telling them truth. And I don’t have to sit around and moan and groan and weep and cry to be sympathetic. If I really feel sorry for a person. I’m gonna tell them truth. Now Jesus wept when Lazarus died, did he? He wept as he saw Mary and Martha crying. You have a time that you feel so sorry for people and you weep. But in the midst of your weeping, your mind must go to the second floor. And to give encouragement as to what Christ has done in the midst of this. Now folks, if you have someone who dies, it’s a haven, you ought to weep the whole time because that’s sad. That’s the saddest thing in the world, that a person will ever have to do is conduct a funeral of a person who’s lost. Isn’t that ride, Richard? Dead. What do you say? Get up talk about how nice someone’s been here in life. But what are you going to say? They’re gone? Where are they? We know where they are. And that’s hard for the world to comprehend that people could go to hell. But how could you know what heaven was unless you had hell? And how could you even know what hell was on the shad heaven? How could you know what light was if you didn’t know what darkness was? How could you know what bright is if you didn’t have dark? And so we know that there’s two places that the dead are gonna go. Either hell separated from God or into the presence of God. And folks, when we go into the presence of God, when you go or I go and that’s one of the problems of Being in the ministry, it was a lot of fun for a lot of years until some of you guys start dying. That’s not fun having to do a funeral for someone you love. But it’s reality, isn’t it? It’s reality. And I’ve said this at the funeral, I said today that if you’re married today, then unless something happens have some kind of a catastrophe, where both of you go at the same time, one of you are going to be looking at your mate in a casket. Now, the issue is, are we prepared for that? And if and when that occurs, are we going to be thinking about this? This, this and this? Some, but where’s, where are you going to focus? You can see your mates then. But where are you going to focus? I’ll tell you where I’m gonna focus. And I know that before it occurs, if Amy died before I did, I’m going to focus on the fact that she’s in presence of Jesus. And I’m gonna say, Praise God for where she is, am I going to miss her? If that happens? I hope it doesn’t. My prayers Take Me First Lord. But if that happens, and I know it’s the same for her with me, fact, she may be praising God even more. But the issue is, I’m going to know where she is. And I’m going to know that she’s in the presence of Jesus. And I’m gonna know that she’s in the presence of the glory of God. And I’m gonna know that she’s there talking to Jesus, and talking to her loved ones that have preceded her. Would I, if that happens, try to draw her back? Not in a million years. Why would I want her to come back to this junk heap, but I’m trying to get out of it? I’ll tell you some folks age prepares you for heaven. When you’re young, you’re on the 200 year plan. You know, you think everything’s going great even look good. But when you get to be this age, I don’t need to comment any further.
Announcer 27:16
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

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