Classic Christianity – The Book of John P65 (07-04-23)
Do You Accept the Words of Jesus and Exercise Faith? Have You Repented?
~ Most people give lip service to the Word of God today. They really don’t believe that Jesus is the way, that Jesus is the truth, and Jesus is the life, and they certainly show by their fruits that they don’t believe that no man comes to the Father except through Jesus. For they keep on believing the lies of Satan and the teaching of man rather than the teaching of God. Most people don’t have their identity in being a child of God. Most have it in their religion and what their pastor says to them on Sunday or Saturday mornings. They are actually walking around in unbelief, for it is obvious when one looks at their fruits and how they respond to truth because they are NOT responding to truth with faith, for they add buts to their responses. Oh, they will tell you they believe Jesus died for All their sins at the cross, “but I have to ask for more forgiveness from God.” “But, I get out of fellowship when I sin, and I have to get back in fellowship with God.” “But, it makes me feel good to ask for forgiveness by God.” But, but, but, but… and on and on it goes. Even when you show them the truth from the word of God they refuse to place faith in it, because after all that’s not what their denomination teaches. And all big box churches and denominations are corrupted by Satan’s false ministers of righteousness. They are all teaching lies built upon other lies. Yet people keep running back to these false ministers of righteousness instead of digging into the word of God for themselves, and asking the Holy Spirit to show them the truth and the true meaning of things. These same folks end up passing on the lies to others and being used as controlled opposition for Satan. For many say they understand forgiveness yet they raise up on pedestals known liars in regards to forgiveness by God. That isn’t faith. That is deception and controlled opposition in a nutshell.
~ “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:6
~ “And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because THEY BELIEVE NOT IN ME; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” John 16: 8-13
No Man Will Ever go to Hell Because of His Sins
~ “No man will ever go to hell, my friends, because of his sins. Your sins have been put behind the back of God, never to see them again. Your sins were judged. The sins of the whole world were judged. They were judged at the cross. There was a verdict, guilty, there was a punishment, death, and Jesus took it all. If you’re in Christ, there’s no condemnation awaiting you who belong to Christ Jesus. Why? Because the law of the Spirit of Life set you free from the law of sin and death. You’ve been set free from that law of sin and death by the life of Christ Jesus. No man will ever go to hell because of his sins. There is only one sin that could not be forgiven. The rejection of the words of Christ. That’s what Jesus said, the world’s sin, singular, is unbelief in me. The sins of the world have been taken away at the cross. But the sin of the rejection of the one who took away the sins of the world, is the unpardonable sin. That’s the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, who testifies that what Jesus said was true. The only sin that will ever be attributable to man, is what did you do with my Son? Did you reject His words? Did you reject him? Or did you accept him? And I’m not talking about just an intellectual deal is oh, you accepted him. There comes a point in time where there’s a total change of heart and mind guys that we have to go through. It’s what’s called repentance. And we’ve used that word repentance very loosely. I mean, we use it all the time. Well, I used to smoke but I repented. Now I don’t. Well, you can start again. Now I used to cuss but now I don’t I could make you cuss by pulling in front of you on the freeway. I used to do this, but now I don’t. You can all start again. This word repentance is a total change of heart and mind. That you are born into this world not a believer but an unbeliever. And there came a point in time when you heard the information, you heard the knowledge of Truth from God. And you either accepted or rejected at but if you accepted that, that you had to repent of whatever you were believing at that moment, in order to repent and to believe the truth of God and His Word. That’s precisely what was talked about in Hebrews 6 and 10. That after you’ve received the knowledge of truth, that if you continue sinning after you have received the knowledge of truth now what are you sending against? The knowledge of truth. If you keep on in your unbelief, after if you receive the knowledge of truth that Jesus only took away your sins, he says, All you have to look forward to as a fearful expectation or the raging fire of hell that will consume the enemies of God. Pretty stringent. You hear the knowledge of truth, Jesus took away your sins. Well, that’s great, but I’m gonna continue going back to my confession booth.” ~ Bob George
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Announcer 0:12
Welcome to Classic Christianity Radio with Bob George Bob’s clear, timeless teachings on the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ will transform your life as you learn about God’s amazing grace. Let’s join Bob as he teaches us from God’s Word.
Bob George 0:29
And so what did he, what did Jesus say about that? If you’re without sin, cast the stone if you’re not go home. And so there’s none of us without sin. And so we have this problem that we’ve all sinned, all have come short of the glory of God. And the consequence of that sin is death. And that was why had to be corrected. And that was what was corrected by the death and the burial and the resurrection of Christ Jesus, we’ve got a problem that is worse than our sins. There’s a consequence that has to be dealt with. And what we have done many times in the Christian world we have become so sin oriented, that all we ever do is go and point our bony fingers at how sinful you are not realizing when you point out there, you got three coming back at you. And we’ve concentrated on how bad people are instead of how dead you are. The problem isn’t how bad you are or how good you are. The problem is, is how dead you are. You can get dead people spiritually who act very religious, can’t you just holier than you can imagine, just ready to make their ascension at any time. And you can have saved people will act like the devil. But that’s not the issue. It is the issue that we should our behavior should be commensurate with who we are as a child of God. But that’s not the issue of salvation. The issue of salvation is how dead you are. It’s not how bad you stinkith, it is how dead you are. If you’re dead, you’re dead. And guys, if you’re dead, you got a problem. And the only solution to that problem is the resurrected life of Christ Jesus. It’s not a religious issue, guys, I keep thinking, why do we get into this religious issue? It’s the most practical issue on the face of the earth. You’ve got a practical problem, you’re dead. And a dead person needs life. And Christ said, I came that you might have life and have it abundantly on the resurrection and the life. And whosoever believes in me, though he were dead spiritually, yet shall he lives spiritually. And whosoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this? And so Christ came to identify himself as the only solution to a man’s problem death through His resurrected life.
Now to those who reject that there’s a judge and the judge is God, Jesus says, I’m not going to judge you don’t have to my Father will. And there’s a judge for the one who rejects Jesus and does not accept my words. That very words which I spoke will condemn him in the last days. What’s he talking about there? I came and told you that I came that you might have life and have it abundantly what did you do? Rejected it. I told you I’m the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE and you said I’d rather worship Buddha or Muhammad. Or I’d rather be a Catholic than I would to be a Christian. I’d rather be a Baptist. You know, just just call me a Baptist. Okay, you’re lost Baptist. You see, whether your loss to save has no place to do with where you park your body on Sunday, or Saturday, nothing to do with it at all. I sat in church for 36 years is lost as a fruit tree. However lost that is. Didn’t know the Lord from us from anything, knew about him didn’t know him. And some of you have done the same thing. So the issue is, is what did you do with my words? What did you do with my words that I spoke to you? I said, I You came to give you life, but you ought to be able to figure out I don’t think you need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that if Jesus came to give me life, I must be dead. He isn’t gonna come to give me what already got. So I must not have life. But if all we’re doing is telling people how sinful they are, to be real honest with you, the response to that is, yeah, I’m sinful, but what about you? And let’s talk about you, let’s see how you’re doing on this scale that you’ve established for yourself. And that’s what you’re gonna run into as a person, you big hypocrite. Don’t tell me how sinful you are. I’ll follow you home. I’ll talk to your wife. See how you’re doing. And so all of that falls flat, doesn’t it in essence, because it absolutely does not communicate, someone pointing their finger at me, telling me how sinful I am. I’m gonna turn right around and tell them how sinful they are. Am I right or wrong? But if someone tells me I’m dead, that’s a different problem. That’s a different thing. And so we’re going to be judged by God for what did we do with the information, the words of Jesus when He said, I am the way, and the truth and the life, and no man comes to the Father except through me. What are you going to do with that? Because God’s gonna judge what you did with it. Jesus said, I’m not judging it. My father will judge it. And he’s gonna judge those who rejects Jesus. And who does not accept the words that I’ve spoken. That very word which I spoke will condemn him in the last day. I spoke it, you heard it, and you rejected it.
No man will ever go to hell, my friends, because of his sins. Your sins have been put behind the back of God, never to see them again. Your sins were judged. The sins of the whole world were judged. They were judged at the cross. There was a verdict, guilty, there was a punishment, death, and Jesus took it all. If you’re in Christ, there’s no condemnation awaiting you who belong to Christ Jesus. Why? Because the law of the Spirit of Life set you free from the law of sin and death. You’ve been set free from that law of sin and death by the life of Christ Jesus. No man will ever go to hell because of his sins. There is only one sin that could not be forgiven. The rejection of the words of Christ. That’s what Jesus said, the world’s sin, singular, is unbelief in me. The sins of the world have been taken away at the cross. But the sin of the rejection of the one who took away the sins of the world, is the unpardonable sin. That’s the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, who testifies that what Jesus said was true. The only sin that will ever be attributable to man, is what did you do with my Son? Did you reject His words? Did you reject him? Or did you accept him? And I’m not talking about just an intellectual deal is oh, you accepted him. There comes a point in time where there’s a total change of heart and mind guys that we have to go through. It’s what’s called repentance. And we’ve used that word repentance very loosely. I mean, we use it all the time. Well, I used to smoke but I repented. Now I don’t. Well, you can start again. Now I used to cuss but now I don’t I could make you cuss by pulling in front of you on the freeway. I used to do this, but now I don’t. You can all start again. This word repentance is a total change of heart and mind. That you are born into this world not a believer but an unbeliever. And there came a point in time when you heard the information, you heard the knowledge of Truth from God. And you either accepted or rejected at but if you accepted that, that you had to repent of whatever you were believing at that moment, in order to repent and to believe the truth of God and His Word. That’s precisely what was talked about in Hebrews 6 and 10. That after you’ve received the knowledge of truth, that if you continue sinning after you have received the knowledge of truth now what are you sending against? The knowledge of truth. If you keep on in your unbelief, after if you receive the knowledge of truth that Jesus only took away your sins, he says, All you have to look forward to as a fearful expectation or the raging fire of hell that will consume the enemies of God. Pretty stringent. You hear the knowledge of truth, Jesus took away your sins. Well, that’s great, but I’m gonna continue going back to my confession booth.
If that’s paramount in your mind, if it’s a yes, Bob, that’s true, but if you got to but in his thing, he says you’ve never repented. Because there aren’t any buts when it comes to Jesus, is either he did it or he didn’t. I believe that Jesus died for my sins but I’m going back to my Day of Atonement. I’m go back and slay a bull and a goat and shed the blood. And I’m adamant about that. Don’t tell me not to do that. You’ve never repented. You’ve never changed your mind. You’re still hanging on to your way of getting forgiveness instead of his way. You’re still hanging on to Well, now I know Jesus took away my sin, but I keep short accounts with God brother. I don’t let a sin go by that I haven’t confessed to God and got my forgiveness. I got all the short accounts, all of the marks on the blackboard I got them erased diligently. How many have ever been in that mentality? I got them all erase boy. I am holy as holy can get. Why? Because I got a good memory. I don’t know what happens when you get Parkinson’s. I got a good memory. I keep short account. You’ve never repented. You’ve never changed your mind that Jesus has done it all. There’s never been a change of mind that Christ took away my sin. And there are no more sins to forgive. If Jesus took away my sins, and took away the sins of the world, and God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself, not counting your sins against you. How many sins are attributable to you guys? How many? None. When Christ cries out from the cross, he did so after he had hung on a cross gotten beaten half to death for you and me. Beaten as no man. His bloodshed, crowns of thorns on his head, spikes in his ankles and in his wrists and died so that you and I could go free. And before he did cried out from the cross. What? It’s finished!
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If you’re enjoying the Book of John, check out our website, There, you’ll find a whole collection of messages from the book of John, as well as other DVDs, CDs and Bible studies available for purchase. That’s Let’s join Bob. Now as he continues the radio program.
Bob George 13:20
What do you think he meant when he said it’s finished? He meant it’s finished. What’s that mean in the Greek? It’s finished. Tetelestai, paid in full, not paid in part. He took away the sins of the world. Now is that true? Or isn’t it? Now if it is, then what are we doing trying to improve on what he did? And if I’m out there saying yes, he did that and then put your but on it. You can interpret that anyway you want to. Then if that’s what the way you believe you’ve never repented. You said he did this but, I keep my first John one nine is in order. I got my sacrificial system that I go back to, I got my confession booth, that’s how. You’ve never repented. Folks, to me, this is serious business. Because repentance is serious. Because it says without repentance, we can’t be saved. You have got to change your mind. You’ve got to say what I’ve been doing is not truth. There’s no place in a Bible about getting your sins forgiven in a confession booth. There’s no place in the New Covenant says you get your sins forgiven by a sacrifice. The New Covenant says there is no more sacrifice. It’s over. So you can’t hang on what God said is over and say, I’ve repented. You gotta change your mind, your heart has to be changed. When the hardest change, that means the whole attitudes of the heart of change, my attitude has to change to the fact there isn’t one earthly thing that I can do to add to the forgiveness of Christ Jesus. If I am forgiven, and he’s done it, there’s not a thing I can do to add to that. And therefore, I’m putting 100% of my confidence on him. And when I die and go to the presence of God, and they say, What did you do to deserve to get here? My answer is nothing except accept your Son. And if I believe that with all my heart and say, I’m not going to plead any other case, except what Jesus did, you’ve repented. And if you’re still hanging on, there’s been no repentance. You’re just playing games. I’ve said that repentance is kind of like your breakfast in the morning of bacon and eggs. The chicken makes a contribution to the breakfast, pig, total commitment. And repentance is pig stuff. Total commitment. And this is what Jesus is saying it’s serious words. Because he’s saying that the judge who’s the Father is going to reject those who rejected me, and the word that I spoke to you. It’s going to be judged, not by me, Jesus. But by the Father. What did you do with my Son?
He goes ahead and say, I didn’t speak on my own accord. The things that I spoke to you, I was not the initiator, I was not the dynamic on my own action. Now he was God. And God is always the dynamic of his own action and the cause of his own effect. But he put that aside, and said, As a man walking here on this earth, I’m not gonna be the initiator of my own actions, I’m not going to initiate anything, I’m only going to respond to what the Father told me. And so I’m not going to speak on my own accord, I’m only going to speak what the Father has told me to say. Pretty good dependency. The Father who sent Me commanded me what to say, he told me what to say, and then told me how to say it. Boy, that’s a good one in it. Because sometimes the way we say things can really get miscommunicated. And it’s like, speaking in German. Go to somebody Cleaver Deke, what sounds like you’re ready to kill that says, I love you. Oh, yeah, change your language. So the way we say something, it has a big bearing on things. And so it says that the Father told me, everything that I said, was, was told to me by the Father to say it, and how to say it. And then Jesus says, and I know that the command that came from the Father, is the command that leads to eternal life. And guys back again, you’re back to first, John. This is the testimony of God, not the testimony of man, but the testimony of God concerning his Son. And so what God’s said, is what leads to eternal life. And who is the source of eternal life? His Son. So whatever I say, Jesus said, is just what the Father has told me to say, I do nothing on my own. Now, folks, is that is that something when we think about this is God saying that I’m not going to do anything unless the Father tells me to do it? But why do you do that? Because when Jesus was here on this earth, he didn’t function as God. He functioned as a man, that is a man as God intended man to be. Not the pitiful thing that we’ve turned out to be, but as God meant for man to be. And so he said, I’m going to teach you how to live as a man, you can’t live as God you’re not. And so I’m going to come to this earth as God, take upon myself your humanity, and show you how to live as a man. And so I’m going to live in total dependency on my Father, I’m going to do what he says to do. I’m not going to do anything unless he tells me to do it. I’m not going to say anything unless he tells me to say it, and as the Father has sent me, so send I you. That’s how you live. Now did he not give us that illustration with a vine and branch? I’m the vine. Your branch. Didn’t even say a branch, just branch. And if you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. And apart from me you can do how much? Nothing. Can a branch produce fruit or bear fruit? A branch cannot produce one ounce of fruit. A branch can sit there and grunt and groan all day long, he didn’t gotta get a fruit out of it. The best he can do is hang some artificial fruit on there and hope that no one comes close to it and bites into it. Because if they do, they’re going to get a mouthful wax. That’s the best you can do. That’s what religion is. No fruit from God, just artificial fruit hanging on it. And don’t get too close to me. Because you might find out it’s artificial. So just let me sit back and look good, but don’t get close to me. So I’ll big my big edifices. As I say, you build your big churches instead of casinos in Las Vegas, you got a church in the desert. With all of our artificial fruit hanging on it, but no reality. Jesus is saying I am the vine, you’re the branch. I will produce in you what you cannot produce in and of yourself. But I’m going to give you the privilege of bearing the fruit. What is the fruit of the Spirit? Love. Can you produce that on your own? Joy. Can you produce that on your own? No.
So we just look for happiness. Joy comes from God. I don’t know how to get that. So just let me go and get happy. Well, you know the word happy comes from the word English word hap. And so what if I’m happy, it’s because something is happening the way I want it to happen. And if I’m unhappy, it’s because things are not happening the way I want them to happen. Happiness is predicated on what’s going on around you. There’s joy, on the other hand comes from God. And that’s why there’s no word unjoy there’s a word unhappy. But there’s no word unjoy. Because joy comes from God. Happiness comes from your circumstances. And so as long as we understand love, joy, peace. Can you get the peace of God that passes understanding on your own? You can get some worldly peace. Go out by a stream. Fish. Some people think you get peace playing golf. I don’t know how. Not with some of the players I’ve seen, I don’t know how you get a peace with that. But there’s all kinds of worldly peace that we seek isn’t it? I gotta go get some peace. Well, what is it is worldly peace. And you know how long it lasts as long as you’re there. As long as you’re by the stream with your fishing rod in nice and peaceful, you got some peace of the world, the minute you put your whole back and get in your car, you’re right back where you came from. But there is a piece called The peace of God that passes all understanding. And only that can come from being at peace with God. And when you’re at peace with God, you can then experience the peace of God. And you cannot experience the peace with God until you’ve understood who you are in Christ Jesus. And you’ve understood that you have been justified by faith and you are at peace with God. And because I’m at peace with God, I can experience the peace of God. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, all of those things are characteristics of God, but they’re not characteristics of us. They’re not characteristics of a branch. It’s a characteristic of a vine. And that vine will produce those things in and through you if you let them. But if you’re out trying to grunt and groan them out in the energy of the flesh, it ain’t gonna work. That’s when you say how do you live your Christian life? Get out of the way and let Jesus live it through you. Why did he give his life to you if he did want to live his life through you? And so how is this Christian life lived? Don’t complicate it. It’s not a complicated issue. It’s abiding in the one who can live the Christian life. I can’t live it. I didn’t give it I can’t live it. I can just participate in it. I can bear the fruit of it, but I cannot produce anything in it.
Now see guys, that’s kind of a blow to our ego in it. I mean, the old pride says, Don’t tell me I can’t do something. Just watch my smoke Lord, doesn’t it and I would pride says, give me a little something to do here. I want some credit. But folks, it’s all grace. It’s all a gift. Everything is a gift from God. All of it. We didn’t deserve an ounce of it. You stopped to think guys again, What was your condition find to being saved? Dead. You know, just how valuable is that corpse? But when Jesus comes to live in your value comes from who’s in you. It’s like I say it’s like a jar. What do you do? When you’re going to do canning? They sterilize the jar? What for to keep clean jars? Say What are you gonna do tomorrow, honey, keep these suckers clean. That’s my goal in life, keep clean jars. No, you cleanse a jar to put something in it. We were cleansed at the cross we were filled with a life of God, and sealed with the promise Holy Spirit transaction done. And now he says go live as to who you are. Abide in the one who did this and let me live my life in and through you. And so that’s the life that Jesus has called us to a life of dependency. He said, I’ve done it all I cleared the deck for the divine action of bringing life to the dead. I have come and made my appeal to you Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, let me give you peace and quietness for your soul. And we come to Him by faith. Transaction done, born again. Born again how? Of this Spirit, the Spirit came to give life to the dead. And now I’m a new creature. If any man be in Christ, he’s want? A new creation. The old is gone. The Old Covenant is gone. The Old you is gone. And all things have become new. I’m a new creature.
Announcer 27:16
Thank you so much for tuning in to Classic Christianity with Bob George. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s program. We truly hope that today’s message has inspired you to walk a life of faith in the Lord. Find more information online at There you’ll also find available CDs, DVDs and Bible studies available for purchase. It’s through your help that we are able to spread the good word of Jesus Christ. Until next time, walk in faith be good to one another in praise the Lord. Amen.
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Listen to the Salvation message today!
Stand on the firmness of truth. Don’t keep going back and forth. Thank Him that the forgiveness issue is settled.
Let’s pray together:
- Lord Jesus,
- I thank you for taking away my sins on the cross,
- never ever to see them again.
- Having done that, I now thank you for giving me eternal life,
- through your resurrection.
- I now receive that life.
- And I am going stand in the fact that I am a child of the living God.
- In Jesus Holy name I pray.
- Amen
All believers are now brothers and sisters in Christ.
John 3:3
3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”
