10/10/2018 – Book of John – part 1
Introduction to the Book of John
Bob George continues discussing the complete forgiveness and unconditional love of Jesus Christ through the book of John. First, though he begins with a review of biblical interpretation. From 2 Timothy 3:16, he provides a framework of understanding what is meant by scriptures as being inspired by God. He explains that the original manuscripts are inspired and scriptures we have today are translations. Although translations are not inspired, they are translated from God’s inspired word of God into languages known by the reader. In particular, the Septuagint, a translation of the Old Testament Hebrew into Greek, often quoted by Jesus, is a trustworthy translation. Other translations exist today, and we have many in the English language so we can read in our own language.
2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Bob George also made a specific point to quote from the King James Version to explain how one needs to show proper discernment when reading from a translation since only the original manuscripts are inspired.
Bob George continues on with defining doctrine, what scripture means, and contrasts doctrine with teaching. He explains how importance doctrine is for coming to know God through the reading of the scriptures and through revelation by the Holy Spirit. He cites two examples of how certain false religions interpret scripture incorrectly because although they can read and know what scripture says, they do not not know what scripture means. Doctrine is really something that is taught by the Holy Spirit personally to you. According to 1 Corinthians 2:9, the Holy Spirit is the revealer of the meaning of the word of God as it relates to you. The doctrine is the conclusion of the facts as revealed by the Holy Spirit.
Bob George asks several questions so as to drive home the significance of understanding correct doctrine. He asked several questions to help the listener personalize the meaning of God’s word.
- What does it mean to be reconciled by the death of God’s son?
- What does it mean by “It is finished?”
- Would God ask you to do for you what is already done?
- How many of you know that you are justified by faith?
- Then, should you ask God to justify you?
- Is all scripture applicable to you today?
- How many of you would kill a goat or bull today?
- Why do you eat pork today?
- Are you under an old Covenant or a new covenant?
- When did the New Covenant go into effect? (Refer to Hebrews 9)
- Is the new covenant one of law or grace?
- According to Hebrews 10, we have been made holy. Since holy means sanctified or set apart, how set apart are you?
- Have you improved upon God’s nature?
- How much sense does it make to make ourselves more holy?
- Can you out-sin God?
He cites an example of adoption and how those who understand the meaning of God’s word realize they are adopted into the family of God and can never be kicked out of the family of God. This is also something that can be gleaned from knowing Jewish culture.
Bob then briefly introduces John 1. He compares John 1 with the beginning in Genesis. He then reads John 1:1-17, a few verses at a time, and shows how by asking questions one can come to understand the meaning of God’s word with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Have you come to understand from John 1 that the Word is a person or that Jesus is the Word? Can you discern from scripture that there are two births? What else has God revealed to you by His spirit concerning the meaning of John 1:1-17?
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