Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P22 (12-16-19)
So this condition of spiritual death happened in the garden of Eden. There was a war raging in heaven between Satan and God. Satan, who deceived Eve, and caused Adam and Eve to sin, thought he had won. To be clear, Adam, of his own free will, chose to decide for himself what is right and wrong, what is good and evil, independent of God.
Now Satan thought he destroyed God’ creation, forever. All mankind since Adam are born very much alive to the world, and with free will, but dead to God. That is why man has a longing in his heart, and ask questions like: “Why am I here?”, “Is there more to life than this meaningless life I have?”, or “Why do I feel so empty inside?”
The story does not have to end there, in the death of mankind. God, full of love and compassion for mankind, had a plan. Through the lineage of the Jews, through the line of David, He sent His only Son, Jesus, into this world. Jesus is God in the flesh, a person of the Trinity. Jesus came to show us His … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message