Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/05/2019

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/05/2019

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P8 (11-05-19)


So have you ever been called a bigot because you told someone who has identified himself as a homosexual that what he is doing is perversion? Have you bought into the lie that those who choose to partner up with someone of the same sex is an alternate lifestyle? If you are truly going to help someone, do you tell them the truth? You never want to get to the point in your own life that you call something other than what God calls something. If God calls it perversion, it is perversion. If God calls it sin, it is sin.

Do you want to know the truth? Are you willing to listen to truth? If not, then have you decided to not hold onto the knowledge of the truth? If so, then your foolish mind has become darkened. If this is you, realize that God loves you. He does not accept or approve of your behavior. He let you get caught up in this life because that is what you chose of your own free will. But God has provided a solution for you, a better way to live. Are … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message