Classic Christianity – Christmas P1 (12-23-19)
As this time of year approaches, many people will hear about Jesus. They may hear about his virgin birth, as told in the gospel of Luke, about Mary and a virgin birth. Many will hear about the Jesus of history, about a man who died, was buried and even rose again, but have not really thought about what all that means or accomplished for you. You may know about Jesus, but do you know Him?
So let us get a bigger picture of who this Jesus is. The book of Hebrews provides a panorama view of what Jesus came to accomplish on our behalf. We get a big picture of the entire history of God working with man, starting in the Old Testament, and even the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. See, Jesus is God in the flesh, and He is the solution to the problem every man born faces, sin and death. God sent Jesus into the world to solve this problem.
The writer of Hebrews shows the history of mankind’s struggle in all this, as observed in the Old Covenant with the Jews, and then you see the significance … Listen to Broadcast & Read More