Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P131 (07-15-24)
The Body of Christ is Made up of Many Parts
~ Let the word of God speak to your heart. As we near the completion of our study on the book of Hebrews, Bob shares with us the truth about the body of Christ. Here are the key verses we need to focus on for today. The body of Christ belongs to each other. And there are gifts given to different members, and not all members have the same gifts. But all of us do share in the Holy Spirit, for He lives in every true believer today. We are to abide in Him, and allow the Holy Spirit to live His life in and through us. We are One with Christ Jesus. Once you understand the meaning of that, it sets you free completely to live as God intended Man to live, with God living in the Man forever and ever! For nothing can ever separate the believer from Him, once they are in Christ Jesus and He is in them. God, Jesus cannot deny Himself! And God is TRUE, and what He has said stands forever.
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