Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/06/2023

Jesus Says Who do You Say I Am

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P798 (01-06-23)

Who Do You Say Jesus is?

~ Jesus asked, “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Matthew 16:15

~ Well, I think what I would start with all that Todd is, is is this In other words, get back to the basic and that is what do you believe about Jesus? That’s the first question when people start putting it down in regard to the Bible that I asked them, What do you think about Jesus? Well, what’s he got to do with anything, he’s got everything to do with it because of Jesus is who he claimed to be God, which obvious you don’t believe either. But if you’ve ever came to understand the truth, that either Jesus obviously proclaimed himself to be God, and a man doing so would either be a liar, an imposter or else nutcase or else he was indeed who He claimed to be God. And I know he’s God, because He lives in me. And he said, The Word of God was truth. And so if God testified to the Word of God, that’s all the proof that I … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/04/2019

Free to Choose

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P18 (12-04-19)


In the struggles of life, with its trials and tribulations, we are to hold onto faith. Faith is not a blind faith. Faith is in an object, in the one who has fulfilled all his promises, and who will fulfill all the promises he has made, and the only one who has the authority and power to do so. This person is Jesus, God in the flesh. He died, was buried and rose again. He reconciled us to himself by his death on a cross and justified us by his life. He is the creator of all that is, with the power to raise the dead, you and me, to life again. So in Him, we are more than conquerors.

Yet, at times, we lose focus on Christ. We look at our circumstances, no matter hard they may be. We get angry at God or want to die or turn to the ungodly for advice, the psychologists or drugs or alcohol or any number of things to ease the pain. But that is not God’s way to live. God gives us peace that surpasses understanding. He told us to persevere under … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/04/2019

Jesus is The Gospel

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P7 (11-04-19)


Are you ashamed of the gospel? There is no need to be ashamed. Why? It is the power of God unto salvation of all men. The gospel of righteousness in Christ Jesus is the only way man is to to be saved from God’s wrath. The righteousness of God has now been revealed. Paul also describes this wrath of God that is being revealed. Follow along in Romans 1:18-27, as Bob continues sharing from the book of Romans.

Bob shares also from Genesis 2, the origin of this wrath of God against sin. He explains how sin entered this world and what happened to the first created human beings on earth, of Adam and Eve in the garden, and the consequence of death to all men because of sin. He explains how the root of sin is the suppression of truth. Man suppresses truth in their unrighteousness and wickedness. From Romans, we come to understand this futile thinking of man that leads to greater and greater depravity. Man is born dead to God, born alive to this world but dead to God.

Their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message