Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P50 (03-03-20)
This flesh of ours is so contrary to the Spirit. We are instructed in the scriptures to walk in the Spirit so we do not carry out the desires of the flesh. The flesh likes to be puffed up and so prone to becoming proud. Recall that even the apostle Paul testified of his struggle in the flesh. Because of such divine revelations he received from God, God thought it best that Paul needed to be buffeted by a thorn in the flesh lest he is overcome with pride. Paul prayed three times for this thorn to be removed, but God said “No. My grace is sufficient for you.” So the apostle Paul replied to God, and said, “I delight in my weaknesses for when I am weak then I am strong.” So Paul is exhorting believers to not think more highly of themselves than they ought.
Consider how God has created this new body of believers, made up of all those who are born again, who are connected by one head, who is Christ Jesus. Jesus is the head of the church. He is the one who directs each individual … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message