Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/10/2019

Jesus Took Away the Sins of the World

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 6 (04-10-19)

Bob George TeachingBob George shares from John 2 about the miracle of water turned to wine. This was Jesus first miracle when he started his public ministry at age 30. Many have heard what John had spoken concerning Jesus as the Messiah. They heard him say, “behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” When they saw this miracle there were those who believed in him. For no one can do what he did.

Bob also shared several passages in the synoptic gospels showing that Jesus had brothers and sisters. John 2:12, Matthew 13:55-56, Mark 3:31-32, John 7:1-6, and Mark 3:20-21 all record that Jesus had brothers or sisters. How important it is to stand firm in the word of God for truth and not rely on the traditions of men. When people deny what is so clearly stated and obvious in the scriptures, then what other errors are people willing to believe. That is the case with Catholic teaching that claims Mary was always a virgin and also that Mary is a co-redeemer with Jesus. That is heretical teaching. Such teaching is not found in the word … Listen to Broadcast & Read More