Radio Broadcast Tuesday 09/10/2019

Do Not Refuse Jesus For Life

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 70 (09-10-19)


We are so prone to follow for what He can give us. They followed him when he fed the five thousand. Why? The next day Jesus said to them, “The only reason you are following me is because you were fed on the other side of the lake”.

I have seen this again and again so many times in people today. In church work, working down on the streets, a guy says, “Give me a meal. What do I need to do? Get baptized. Lead me to the water”. So he gets baptized to get a meal and not to get Jesus. Thousands of times people take advantage of that to get numbers to their credit. The only reason they went to the water was to get a meal and not to get Jesus. You have to have discernment on that kind of thing to determine if they are sincere or just following you to get a meal. That is one of the dangers of just giving a meal. All you have accomplished is satisfying someone’s hunger for a couple of hours. You have not accomplished anything.

Luke 19:38-44

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