Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/05/2024

Jesus is Our Wisdom

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P115 (06-05-24)

Quit Listening to the Teaching of Man, and Start Listening to The Holy Spirit Teach You ALL Truth

~ Today, we are to be taught directly by God. We are NOT to listen to the teaching of Man. Don’t trust any man for anything, but in everything go to the word of God in prayer and ask the Holy Spirit if it is so. Don’t place faith in your own understanding of anything today either. Satan has placed false ministers of righteousness everywhere, and even those that were not false ministers who were teaching foundational Truth, they too had been born into a world of deception. And we all were born into this world of deception, which is why we are NOT to lean on our own understanding of anything today. Furthermore, unlike the Israelites with Moses, at Mount Sinai, we have a direct line of communication with God. He lives IN every believer. Satan doesn’t want you to depend on the Holy Spirit in you for anything, he would rather have you listen to the teaching of man, instead of God. For Satan has corrupted the things of this world beyond … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/04/2024

Faith is Standing in Truth

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P114 (06-04-24)

Listen to The Holy Spirit For Teaching Truth and Exposing Satan’s Lies

~ Today, we as a children of God (for all those in Christ Jesus are children of God), have the Holy Spirit living in us. He wants to teach you ALL Truth today. We live in a world that is upside down. Everything is directly against God. Even the teaching of most church pastors today are teaching the lies of Satan. And one of the biggest lies is that of ongoing forgiveness by God. Satan loves to make you think that you can get more forgiveness today from God simply by asking for it. And of course, it doesn’t stop there, it continues on with more lies on top of that big one. Anyone sitting in a building today, listening to a pastor teach lies, when they themselves know the TRUTH of the word of God on the finality of the cross, are being taught and brainwashed by Man instead of being taught by God on a weekly basis. They should get up and leave, or at the very least, call the pastor out on his false teaching of self … Listen to Broadcast & Read More