Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P37 (12-13-22)
Most Teach a Perverted Gospel Message, Which is No Gospel At All!
~ Anyone teaching that you need more forgiveness by God today is teaching a lie, and a perverted gospel message which is no gospel at all. Most tolerate this big lie, that Satan continues to spread through controlled opposition teaching. People are so quick to gloss over it. Yet completed forgiveness at the cross is foundational for the rest of God’s word. If a person isn’t teaching this truth of completed forgiveness at the cross, then you can be sure that the other things they are teaching are not based on a proper foundation of truth also. Furthermore, why would anyone give money to jailers to build stronger bars to keep a person under the curse of the law? Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you truth.
~ “Now, the covenant in Hebrews eight we studied this had there’d been nothing wrong with the first covenant, then no place would have been sought for another. But God found fault with those who were at fault. And as people said, I found follow the people. And he … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message