Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P116 (06-10-24)
People Want to Hear The Lies of Satan, Rather Than to Be Taught By God Himself
~ Most still do not understand the Truth of the word of God. They give lip service to everything they read, from Genesis through the book of Revelation. They have NOT exercised Faith. They are so intent on listening to the teaching of Man, instead of being taught directly by the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit does live in you, we are told we have the mind of Christ, yet people don’t want to listen to Him speak. I am speaking to you now, child of the living God. For we who are in Christ Jesus all have the same Spirit alive living in us, to teach us Truth. And Truth does NOT change, and it is NOT dependent on whether we like it or not. Truth always divides. Yet we run to a pastor or teacher to get our questions answered, when we really should be talking directly to God Himself. You can’t get any closer to God than He that is in You! And yet we act just like the Israelites of old, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message