Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P22 (09-27-21)
Understanding Forgiveness in Light of the Full Gospel, in Light of What God Accomplished in Christ for Us, to Live Under a New Covenant of Grace, as a Complete Person, with the Spirit of God Living in Us
Join Bob George as he teaches about the grace of God.
How many times do we see people stream down the aisles in order to receive Christ where their only understanding was I am going to come down to keep from going to hell? Then you leave that experience like you would on the day of atonement feeling good, but then the big question comes. What happens when I sin tomorrow or on the way back to the pew? I went forward and got my sins forgiven, but I just sinned on the way back to the pew. Then there is someone who will quote 1 John 1:9 as necessary to stay in fellowship with God, that you must ask God to forgive you when you sin. In other words, you just negated what you did at the altar. The reason for that is because we are looking … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message