Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/06/2021

Jesus Asks Who Do You Say I AM

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P33 (01-06-21)


Who is Jesus Christ? Is He God? If so, why is that important to know? What else do I need to know, so that by believing I might have life in his name? Is Jesus just a good man, a prophet, a good teacher or is He God? Come join us as we look at the evidence for believing in the Deity of Jesus Christ, and by believing you may have life in His name.

All religions of the world would have to recognize the historical fact that Jesus walked on this earth. Even our calendars testify of that. But knowing that He is God, does that mean I can become like God? Did Jesus become God? No! He always was God and always will be God. How do you know that?

You can know the scriptures and be like many Jews, and reject Jesus as God. Or you can believe based on the historical evidence itself. What did the disciples of Jesus have to say in regard to the Deity of Christ? They were eyewitnesses of Jesus. They ate, drank and spent up to three solid years … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/29/2020

The Holy Spirit Will Lead You in All Truth

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P6 (04-29-20)


Do people really understand what faith is? Is faith something you concentrate on for God to do something, that you could cause God to act? No, that would put you in the position of the initiator. We were born dead, and now as a born again believer, apart from Him we can do nothing. We are responders. We respond to what he has already done, and in what he has said and has already given. You have been given everything you need for life and godliness. That does not mean you live in independent from God.

2 Peter 1:3
3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

Adam chose to live independently of God, and that is how sin and death entered the world, and so all men died. Now, as a child of God, a new creation, we learn to walk in dependency upon someone who loves us perfectly, in the one who created us and knows how we were meant to function, with the … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/28/2020

Faith Hope and Love in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P5 (04-28-20)


I heard on social media, where a person asked these sincere and honest questions. “I am often uncertain about what to say, when the great commission comes up in conversation. Do we all do street preaching? I hardly ever do that. (Been sometime since the last, a year! ) Is one to one witness whenever I can, enough? Is trying to show what Jesus preached in how I live, not part of it? Are we all missionaries? I was sent to mainland China but again, that was long ago. I do feel inadequate, at times. So when we talk of the great commission – what do you actually do?”

As I was thinking how to answer his questions, this is what God put on my heart to write. I think of this faith, hope and love that are ours in Christ Jesus, as God initiated that love to us first in Christ Jesus, whom he sent to this world so we might visually see what a person filled with the Holy Spirit looks like. That way when I see His righteousness in light of my own … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Monday 12/09/2019

Know I Am God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P19 (12-09-19)


The first four books of Romans laid the foundation of the need of all mankind for salvation. Both Jew and Gentile were addressed as both spiritually dead, sinners by nature. Whether under the law or apart from the law, they are both spiritually dead since birth. Sin and death entered the world through one man’s sin, Adam, the first created being.

Now, in chapter 5, Paul is addressing the solution of man’s problem. Man’s problem is greater than sin. His greatest problem is he is spiritually dead. Sin caused his death. So until the problem of sin is taken away, salvation cannot be offered. Now, two fundamental questions need to be understood. What is death? What is salvation?

When Adam chose for himself to decide right from wrong, good and evil, he died. God had told him that the day you decide for yourself that you do not need Me, and choose for yourself right from wrong, good from evil, you shall die. Adam did that and he died. Death is the absence of life. Adam, when he was created, was created with the life of God in him. When Adam … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/23/2019

Faith in Jesus Sets You Apart in Him

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P3 (10-23-19)


Bob George is sharing from the book of Romans. He shares again that Paul is an ambassador for Christ, appointed by God to bring the gospel, the message of good news, of life in Christ Jesus, to Jews and Gentiles alike. Then he continues to share from Romans, starting at verse 7.

Bob shares how designations get assigned to people. There are designations that God gives to people. God gave the designation of apostle to Paul. God gave the designation of saint to all who are in Christ Jesus. And all of us who are in Christ Jesus are ambassadors. Then there is a designation that religion and false thinking puts on you. Religion puts burdens on you, telling you to burn out for Jesus.

In the world of Christendom, what kind of designations have you believed to be true? Are you just an old sinner saved by grace? First of all, do you understand the gospel of Jesus Christ that Paul is proclaiming? Have you believed and understood the message of grace in Christ Jesus? Are you born again?

If you are born again, then have you been given a … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message