Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P33 (01-06-21)
Who is Jesus Christ? Is He God? If so, why is that important to know? What else do I need to know, so that by believing I might have life in his name? Is Jesus just a good man, a prophet, a good teacher or is He God? Come join us as we look at the evidence for believing in the Deity of Jesus Christ, and by believing you may have life in His name.
All religions of the world would have to recognize the historical fact that Jesus walked on this earth. Even our calendars testify of that. But knowing that He is God, does that mean I can become like God? Did Jesus become God? No! He always was God and always will be God. How do you know that?
You can know the scriptures and be like many Jews, and reject Jesus as God. Or you can believe based on the historical evidence itself. What did the disciples of Jesus have to say in regard to the Deity of Christ? They were eyewitnesses of Jesus. They ate, drank and spent up to three solid years … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message