Radio Broadcast Wednesday 02/19/2025

Jesus Said It Is Finished

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P54 (02-19-25)

Jesus Said, “It is Finished.”

~ “Therefore when Jesus took the sour wine, He said “It has been finished.” And having bowed the head, He yielded up the spirit.” John 19:30

There is one thing today for sure that is not to be misunderstood, for a person’s salvation depends upon it. Always share Truth with people. Share with them that forgiveness is completed at the cross. Share with people that no one gets their sins forgiven today, for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Forgiveness was finished at the cross by Jesus, God in the flesh himself. He who knew no sin became sin for us, so that those who exercise faith in Him may become the Righteousness of God.

Jesus said it is finished, and He really means what he said. So there is no confession booths that is going to get your sins forgiven. There is no asking God to forgive you your sins, there is no 1 John 1:9ing to get your sins forgiven by God. For He took away the sins of the world at the cross and is no longer counting anyone’s sins against … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 02/18/2025

Bear With Each Other in Love

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P53 (02-18-25)

Allow His Love to Flow Through You

~ “Be indebted to no one, except to one another in love. For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.”

We find it easy to love a person when they are kind to us. But it is difficult to love a person when they are lashing out in anger towards you. For example, they might not like hearing the message of Law and Grace the first time. Or they may be having a bad hair day, and they lash out in anger towards you. It’s similar to the story of the prophet Jonah and where God changed his mind and spared Ninevah for a season. Jonah got all bent out of shape about God saving the Ninevites and actually got angry at God for saving them. The story is fascinating, because that is how we sometimes respond to those that are closest to us. We get angry with them. And if Jonah got angry with God, imagine how others are likely to get angry with us also, and go off and pout about something.

Jonah, however, was greatly displeased, and he became angry. Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 02/17/2025

Jesus Fulfilled The Law In Perfect Love

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P52 (02-17-25)

Love is the Fulfillment of The Law

~ ‘Be indebted to no one, except to one another in love. For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. The commandments “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not murder,” “Do not steal,” “Do not covet,” and any other commandments, are summed up in this one decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no wrong to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.’ Romans 13:8-10

Jesus fulfilled the law for us, so that we could walk in His life through us, and not on our own of trying to fulfill the law. If we are trying to fulfill the law of our own accord, then we are showing that we don’t really believe that Jesus fulfilled the law for us. And we read in Romans 13:10 that Love is the fulfillment of the law. And we know that God is Love. So we know, through faith, that God so loved each one of us, that He and He alone fulfilled the law for us, so that we could become the Righteousness of Christ in Him. We cannot do Love apart … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 09/25/2024

Eternal Life From Death

Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P27 (09-25-24)

Whoever Believes in Jesus Has Eternal Life

~ “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, the wrath of God remains on him.” John 3:36 Salvation is a Life and Death issue. Salvation is LIFE. Life Eternal with God is LIFE. Life is salvation. A person is saved from death and is given life. The problem is most people don’t realize they are dead. There are billions in the world that are the “walking dead.” How do we know that? Because without the Spirit of God living in them, they are dead. The word of God tells us that is so. They are dead people walking all over the place. And most people don’t want to believe that. They think they are saved because Satan convinced them they are saved by doing something, and keeping in good standing with God, going to their confession booths, ongoing vending machine forgiveness of sins with God, making sure you do more good works than bad works, whatever those may be, getting baptized in their church, going to communion in their church, helping others out, giving to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 09/24/2024

Believers Are The Church

Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P26 (09-24-24)

Church is NOT a Place You Go, It’s Who You Are if You Are in Christ Jesus

~ So let’s get real today. No one goes to church. That would be like saying I go to “body,” because the body of Christ is the church today, and no one goes to have body. Yet we use the term lets go have church. How much sense does that make?

Everyone is into their church, church, church, church. What’s your church doing? ‘Our church has morning breakfasts. Well our church has potlucks. And our church has Bible studies. And our church has mission trips planned. And our church is building a bigger building because we have a lot more “church” members now. And our church has such beautiful music, and a band and everything and plays all the modern “Christian music” with all kinds of musical instruments. Well our church has a choir. And our church has drama plays with actors and everything. And our church has men’s and women’s groups. And our church has couples classes. Well our church has singles classes. But our church has such a good Sunday school for our … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 09/23/2024

Church is Not a Building

Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P25 (09-23-24)

Church is NOT a Building on The Corner of Walk and Don’t Walk

~ Our understanding of “church” today for most everyone has become a substitute to knowing Jesus. Most people have no clue what the church really is, but they will talk about all the wonderful things their “church” is doing. They love their “church.” They love their priest, or their pastor. They love the church programs. They love singing in the church choir. They love pretending they are holy by attending their “church.” And all of it is filled with hypocrisy. Because people have substituted their church and don’t have a clue what salvation is in Christ Jesus, they are a slave to the lies of Satan. Oh, they will tell you they go to church to get their sins forgiven, or to take communion, as though that saves them. They will go and be baptized in their “church” for various motivations to do other things. They go to “church” on Sundays or Saturdays, or special Wednesdays in order to show their commitment to their “church.” They will tell you that they are going to “church” as though it is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More