Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P17 (04-19-22)
In Christ Jesus You are a SAINT, not a Sinner
When God looks on, at a child of God, God sees you as a Saint and not a sinner. Saints and sinners both sin but Saints are not sinners and sinners are not Saints. No where does God call a saved person a sinner. We need to see ourselves now as God sees us. A Saint is a child of God!
Just as a person’s physical growth is based on proper diet and exercise, so is the Christians’s spiritual growth dependent on regular feeding upon the word of God and application of its principles. With more false teaching, shifting opinions and general confusion in the world than ever before, Christians need a solid foundation upon which to base their beliefs and build their lives. The word of God declares that Jesus Christ is that foundation of truth. With that in mind, let’s now take A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ.
The study that we’re studying right now and will be for the next couple of days. A couple of weeks, say the next couple, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message