Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P868 (09-08-23)
When You Are Saved, You Are In The Fellowship With God
~ Jesus took your sins away at the cross, so that in Christ Jesus you can become the righteousness of God. It doesn’t get any clearer than that. There is no going in and out of fellowship with God. You are either in the fellowship, saved, or out of the fellowship, lost. No one bounces in and out of fellowship. People that teach that a person can go in and out of fellowship with God are misrepresenting the word of God. The book of 1st John also makes that abundantly clear. Only when a person is saved do they have fellowship with other believers in Christ Jesus. It’s two fellows in the same ship. A lost person doesn’t have fellowship with a saved person, because the lost person doesn’t have the Holy Spirit living in them. They are NOT one with Christ Jesus and God the Father and the Holy Spirit. They are dead lost. They do not belong to the fellowship of True Born Again Believers in Christ Jesus. And once you are in the fellowship of Christ Jesus, … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message