Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/14/2019

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Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 20 (05-14-19)

Bob George TeachingBob continues sharing from John 4 and John 5. In John 4, we read about Jesus healing a Father’s son. His father came to Jesus begging him to heal his son, having heard all that Jesus did, knowing of his healing power. In John 5, we read about a man who was disabled for 38 years, in a state of self pity, and was asked by Jesus if he wanted to get well.

Bob explains the more important reason Jesus came. He came to heal the person, spiritual healing, as of utmost importance. Even in today’s world, so many people are infatuated with signs and wonders and healing. Do you want to get well or would you rather remain in your condition? Do you come to Jesus for signs and wonders or do you come to Jesus by faith in what he accomplished for you at the cross? He came to rise again from the dead in order to give new spiritual life to you. Do you recognize your state of spiritual death? Do you know that the only available life for you is in Jesus Christ? Are you in Christ … Listen to Broadcast & Read More