Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 06/13/2019

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P448 (6-13-19)

So many callers simply called to thank Bob for the teaching he has done for so many years. Many have read books he had written, such as “Victory over Depression”, while others remember hearing Bob teach at a conference about the finality of the cross or the New Covenant. Their lives were personally changed as they simply replaced error with truth. Two books that these listeners mentioned were “Classic Christianity” and “Victory over Depression”.

Bob summarized the purpose of life by saying we are to live one day at a time, sharing the love of the Father with people. God loves people unconditionally and wants to set them free. If truth is what sets people free, then error is what binds them. The only purpose for us being here is to be available to God to let Him live in us and through us. It is not about living a bunch of principles or under law or getting a bunch of people together doing the same thing, at the same time with the same enthusiasm. God will individually guide each believer, as individuals, what he wants him to do, what to say and where to go.

Stan recalls listening to a series of teaching on depression for over fifteen years and each time he listened he picked up new information. The truths he learned that he took to heart changed his life personally. Depression was something that plagued many in his family. Stan was also greatly helped by studying “Classic Christianity” and “Victory over Depression”.

Michael remembers attending a conference where Bob taught about the New Covenant. He says he now has a new freedom of simply resting in Christ, having understood the New Covenant as explained in the book of Hebrews.

A Closer Look Bible Studies

David called to specifically thank Bob because while he was in prison from a cocaine addiction problem, he received resources that helped him overcome depression. So many times he wanted to quit, being so lonely in a prison cell, without much hope of a future. He was released shortly from prison at the time of his call into the radio program and was so grateful to Bob George. He testified of God’s unconditional love and acceptance. He said, “God is not mad at you, ready to pounce on you but rather he lavishes His grace to you”.

Chip recalls hearing Bob teach as long ago as 1993. He was sincere in his faith but living in the flesh, once proud of memorizing over 300 scripture verses. But he was miserable and the more he read the sermon on the mount, the more he was utterly condemned by it. When Bob explained the New Covenant, he understood scripture in context, and his mind was renewed in his thinking. He can live in true freedom, in truth that he now understood. He learned about the finality of the cross and the reality of the resurrection.

Dean called out of great gratitude for what the Lord is doing in the lives of his nephews and nieces. He testified of his own life and particularly his nephew. He had shared truth he had heard from the ministry with his sister, the mother of his niece. Truth had changed her life. His nephew’s mother then shared truth from the teaching they had heard from Bob on overcoming depression. His nephew was so moved by the very evident change in his mother’s life. He was so moved and went back to make it right to those people in his home town he had wronged.

Stan from Denver, CO

He called to thank Bob. He listened to a series on depression by Bob George for over fifteen times and says he picks up new information ever time he listens. It has made a difference in his attitude and his life. Depression has run in his family, maybe more of a training problem than a hereditary problem. He testifies of the re-thinking that the Holy Spirit has done in his life. He lives for today and tomorrow is in God’s hands. He has learned not to dwell on the past.

Bob summarized what transpired in Stan’s life as well as all of us, until we replace error with truth. This is the evidence of what Jesus said.

John 8:32
32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

If truth sets you free, then error is what binds you. That is true for all of us. If I am depressed and I can get depressed, then I have let my thinking go away from the truth of scriptures and believed the lies of Satan. When you hear truth and store that in your heart, then you can recall that truth. So with the truth, you can identify the error and replace that with truth. That truth will set you free. The key is renewing your mind on truth, and that is only through knowing Jesus Christ and His word.

Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Stan mentioned “Classic Christianity” and “Victory over Depression” as books that complement each other and were valuable resources in his life. Bob emphasized that it is a supernatural life, where the motivation and the source comes from God. It is not necessarily miraculous, but supernatural. We do not have to depend on the natural when we an live the supernatural life in Christ Jesus. It is not a life that the lost person can produce.

2 Peter 1:4
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

Philippians 2:13
13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

John 15:1-4
1 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.

Stan then asked Bob for prayer for his sister and his mom, who are struggling with depression.

Michael from Lubbock, TX

He recalls from a conference he attended on a study of the New Covenant and said that helped bridge his understanding. There is so much freedom to be able to rest in the New Covenant.

Hebrews 4:10
for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.

Michael called also to find out where a scripture verse was he had heard Bob share many times on being content in all circumstances

Philippians 4:10-13
10 I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

David from Kansas City, KS

Over 12 years ago, he was on crack cocaine and ran into a house and stole a purse and spent 12 years in prison. While in prison, he received resources from Bob George that encouraged his heart and helped him to overcome and not give up on life. Bob said that he heard that crack is the most addicting drugs in existence today, that you do not have to do it twice. David shared about how he got into addiction. He said that he was going to church and felt he did not meet up to the standards. That led him to want to give up. He got depressed and ran away from it all, going to church and his futile efforts. He said he is divorced now and starting new. He said it is not easy by any means. Then he shared that while he was lonely in a prison cell fro those long 12 years, the ministry encouraged him not to give up. He discovered that there is a relationship for those who have it less than perfect. He said, “God’s love is there no matter how badly you fell. God is not angry and not going to strike you with lightning”. He understood the grace of God and his resurrected life. He said that there is not a lot of people who will reach out to help you when you are flat on your back. He just got out of prison recently and looked to find Bob George to call and thank him. He was moved to start giving to the ministry.

Special Prison Edition Bindings on Bible Studies and Other Books

Bob George Ministries has a unique opportunity to bring hope to inmates who need to know how much they are loved by Jesus Christ. All of our books (with the exception of spiral bound books) can be sent to inmates. Please be sure to check with the facility to be sure that perfect-bound books are allowed. The quantity of books sent will also need to be approved by each facility.

Closer Look Bible Studies

Prison Edition Bible Study Book Bindings

Bob said thank you to David. Bob was quite humbled and privileged to be able to have shared with David to help him through. Bob said that people do not realize that when they give to the ministry they are really giving through the ministry. “Many people are fortunate not to have been in a prison cell, lonely as you have been. It was a privilege to reach out to you David. Our goal is to reach out to all people. Jesus said he did not come to the healthy but to the sick. Quite frankly, no one has it all together. We have been able to reach out to people in all walks in society”.

Matthew 9:11-13
11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.
13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Chip from Richmond, VA

He listened to Bob around 1993. He came to know Christ four years before that. He was sincere in his faith but he was living in the flesh. He recalled memorizing over 300 verses including the sermon on the mount and said he was quite proud of it, yet confused about what they meant. He testified that the more he memorized the sermon on the mount, the more he was utterly condemned by it, even questioning his own salvation. He said he did not understand the New Covenant. He said he studied the sermon on the mount and it utterly condemned him, and walked into a double minded person. Then he learned about the finality of the cross and the reality of the resurrection. After all those bible verses he memorized, but then after understanding the New Covenant, they made sense to him now. He cannot thank Bob enough for teaching all those years.

Bob commented. People ask, “Is scripture memory good? Bob says, “It depends.” To know what it means you must know it in its context. Memorizing scripture can be good or can be bad. It has to be understand and read in context. Once you read context of scriptures you memorized then it started falling in place for you.

Dean from Colorado Springs, CO

His sister in Arkansas, she has just fallen in love with the Lord. Her middle son got caught up in drugs and living with a gal. Finally, he went to Arkansas and saw his mother a changed person. He was amazed and she shared with him things she had learned, such as Victory over Depression. He called his Uncle Dean, and said his mind is clear as it has ever been. Dean’s nephew said, “I am going to tell people I have wronged, I am going to make it right”. He said his mind got so clear reading Victory over Depression.

Bob commented. Truth is what sets people free and error is what binds you. When you are in a condition contrary to the thinking of God, your mind is in error. It is not complicated. When you have error, you replace it with truth. He began to read truth and that truth began to dispel error. When you come to the Lord, that is the process we will be continually be doing, while we are on this earth still alive.

Dean again expressed such gratitude to God. You can hear the joy as he shares. He repeated what Dean had said. “Uncle Dean, you have lived this life so many years, but I have seen a change made in you and see the difference. Thank you for being there for me.”

Bob commented that that is why we are on this earth. One day at a time to share the love of the Father with people. God loves people unconditionally and wants to set them free. The only purpose for us being here is to be available to god to let Him live in us and through us. It is not about living a bunch of principles or law or getting a bunch of people together doing the same thing, at the same time with the same enthusiasm. God will individually guide each believer, as individuals, what he wants him to do, what to say and where to go. As you think about birds that migrate to the South, they do not have calendars and watches. Someone says, “Those are smart birds?” No, those are birds listening to the voice that are telling them what to do. If we can just learn to listen to God’s voice and respond, what results would you expect to see? The work of God produced in you and through you!

Dean was greatly humbled by what the Lord is doing with his nieces and nephews. Dean closed by saying, “We do not have psychological problems but thinking problems”. That is what Bob George often shared when speaking on the topic of overcoming depression.

Goodbye is Not Forever

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