Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/31/2019

Faith in Your Mind

Classic Christianity – New Years P2 (12-31-19)


So when you become born again, what is your identity? Are you a Baptist, a Presbyterian, or whatever title you choose to associate with? No. The bible only gives you one identity, a child of God. Denominations teach you denominational persuasions of men. It might be true. It might not be true. How do you know that what people are teaching you is true? By the word of God you hold in your hands, and by the Spirit of God, living in you, who has promised to guide you into all truth. Do you test whatever any man says is true? Do you test what is being said by looking into God’s word, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you? That is what the apostle Paul commended the Bereans for doing. We also have the exhortation to study the word so at to rightly divide the word of God. We are instructed to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Did you know that we are also a part of the body of Christ? So what is the purpose of the body? Are we not to encourage one another … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 12/30/2019

Faith vs Belief

Classic Christianity – New Years P1 (12-30-19)


So often mankind lives in error because of the futility of their thinking. We are born spiritually dead, without the life of God in us, and until we are born again, we are essentially left to our own carnal thinking. We think we can pull it off and obey the law, or we think we can decide for ourselves what is right and wrong, and have no understanding that God within the man is indispensable to the proper functioning of the man. I have spoken to a person who is lost, who will reject anything I say about Jesus but will say she picks out the good things out of all religion. The understanding of the lost is so foreign to someone who is now in Christ.

Then we are born again, where the Spirit of God comes to indwell within us. The Spirit of God teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions. We are instructed to put aside our former way of thinking, that drove our former way of living, and to be renewed in our minds.

So often, though, we are bombarded by the ideas of the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More