Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P970 (09-19-24)
Salvation is When The Life of Jesus, The Holy Spirit Comes and Indwells the Believer for LIFE ETERNAL
~ Many people today think that if they simply name the name of Jesus, they are saved. Most have no idea what salvation really is. And those that are truly saved, the devil would like nothing better than to convince you that you are not saved. So it’s very important that everyone understand what salvation is, and what it is NOT. First off, salvation is not getting your sins forgiven. That is what most people believe salvation is, both Catholics and Protestants alike and most religions of the world have forgiveness as a key component to what they claim salvation is, as though you get better over time. Second off, salvation is NOT something in the future, as though it were after a believer dies, and only then do they get eternal life. Salvation is now, at this very moment in time for the believer. Salvation is the very LIFE of God, the Holy Spirit coming into a person, and taking residence with the true believer. God makes that person a new creation, … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/19/2024”