Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/26/2022

Be Born of The Spirit for Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P20 (04-26-22)

The Law of The Spirit of Life Sets Us Free From the Law of Sin and Death

In today’s lesson, from the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ, available for purchase from our online Bob George Ministries ecommerce store Bob continues teaching on a very important lesson for today. It is a key understanding in the New Covenant that we live under and having a proper understanding of the keywords, For all those in Christ Jesus, we have been made holy, we have been set apart. Jesus did it all.

“You’re not self-holy and you’re not self-righteous. If you are, you’re living in what? Deluded futility of your thinking. And so we’re created now to walk now in a newness of life. Whereby, I’m walking clothed in His righteousness because of His one offering I’ve been made holy. I’ve already been set apart because of Him. I have been sanctified because of Him. I have been glorified because of Him. I have been justified in the sight of God. Everything is now mine because of Him.”

Romans 8:2
2 because through

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Radio Broadcast Monday 04/25/2022

Fellowship is Two Fellows in the Same Ship

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P19 (04-25-22)

Darkness and Light, Lost and Saved, Out of The Fellowship and In The Fellowship

In today’s lesson, from the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ, available for purchase from our online Bob George Ministries ecommerce store Bob teaches on a very important lesson for today. It is a key understanding in the the New Covenant that we live under and having a proper understanding of the keywords, Darkness and Light, Lost and Saved, Out of The Fellowship, and In The Fellowship. We know you will be blessed to hear this message and want to share it with others too. So many hearts have been changed once a person grabs a hold of these truths.

Just as a person’s physical growth is based on proper diet and exercise, so is the Christians’s spiritual growth dependent on regular feeding upon the word of God and application of its principles. With more false teaching, shifting opinions and general confusion in the world than ever before, Christians need a solid foundation upon which to base their beliefs and build their lives. The word of God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/20/2022

Jesus is The Righteousness of God - Have Faith in Him

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P18 (04-20-22)

You are a Saint, Not Because of Obedience to the Law

No one will be declared righteous through obedience to the law. Yet people are out there trying to make themselves righteous to God by trying to be obedient to the law. Well folks, we’ve got some news for you, no one is obedient to the law. In fact, those under the law, are under a curse. Listen to today’s message of Righteousness.

Galatians 3:10
10 For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”

Just as a person’s physical growth is based on proper diet and exercise, so is the Christians’s spiritual growth dependent on regular feeding upon the word of God and application of its principles. With more false teaching, shifting opinions and general confusion in the world than ever before, Christians need a solid foundation upon which to base their beliefs and build their lives. The word of God declares that Jesus Christ is that foundation of truth. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 04/19/2022

Faith in Jesus Sets the Believer Apart

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P17 (04-19-22)

In Christ Jesus You are a SAINT, not a Sinner

When God looks on, at a child of God, God sees you as a Saint and not a sinner. Saints and sinners both sin but Saints are not sinners and sinners are not Saints. No where does God call a saved person a sinner. We need to see ourselves now as God sees us. A Saint is a child of God!

Just as a person’s physical growth is based on proper diet and exercise, so is the Christians’s spiritual growth dependent on regular feeding upon the word of God and application of its principles. With more false teaching, shifting opinions and general confusion in the world than ever before, Christians need a solid foundation upon which to base their beliefs and build their lives. The word of God declares that Jesus Christ is that foundation of truth. With that in mind, let’s now take A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ.

The study that we’re studying right now and will be for the next couple of days. A couple of weeks, say the next couple, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 04/18/2022

Walk by Faith in His Spirit

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P16 (04-18-22)

The Wages of Sin is Death, But The Gift of God is Eternal Life Through Jesus Christ Our Lord

When you are born again of the Holy Spirit of God, you receive a new identity. You are a child of God when you are in Christ Jesus. Listen in as today’s broadcast goes over a bit of last week’s broadcast as Bob continues teaching from the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ, available for purchase from our online Bob George Ministries ecommerce store.

Just as a person’s physical growth is based on proper diet and exercise, so is the Christians’s spiritual growth dependent on regular feeding upon the word of God and application of its principles. With more false teaching, shifting opinions and general confusion in the world than ever before, Christians need a solid foundation upon which to base their beliefs and build their lives. The word of God declares that Jesus Christ is that foundation of truth. With that in mind, let’s now take A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ.

I’m dead to yesterday. I … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 04/13/2022

You Must be Born Again

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P15 (04-13-22)

You Must be Born Again of the Spirit of God

Is your identity a child of God, solely on what He says you are? If so, you can rest in who you have become in Christ Jesus, a child of God, for that is who you are, who God re-created you to be, what you receive by faith in Him.

Oftentimes, people perceive others as they think they are and therefore assume they think the same way about themselves. If I think they are proud then that is what they must think about themselves. That could be the farthest thing from reality. If someone thinks I did something wrong, but I know I did not do what he thinks I did, then what he says is not true, and I do no have to let what he thinks about me define who I am. Even if I was guilty of something, that does not change the fact I am still a child of God.

In the flesh, we have this tendency to perceive ourselves by what we think others perceive ourselves to be. But as a new … Listen to Broadcast & Read More