Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Your Identity in Christ P08 (03-29-22)
Understanding Your Identity as a Child of God
As we continue today, we review a bit of yesterday’s program. Listen in as Bob explains your identity as being a child of God.
Bob: Now, another thing where we use to determine our self-image is by what we do. And I believe that Satan has done a masterful job of getting people, to use the statements, I’m a, I’m a businessman. I’m a housewife. Who are you Bob? Well, I’m a housewife. I’m a, I’m a businessman. I’m a football player now. In that particular deal our self-image is therefore based upon what we do.
But I think there’s even something deeper to that because in essence, our self-image is not only based upon what we do, but it had me. It would have to be based on how well we do it. In other words, what good does it do to say well, I’m a football player? Have you ever caught a pass? No fumbled every one, every one that has been thrown to me. Have you ever thrown a strike as a pitcher? No, I’ve walked … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Tuesday 03/29/2022”