Classic Christianity – The Book of John P62 (06-27-23)
The Spirit of Wisdom and The Spirit of Knowledge is For the Body of Christ!
~ The body of Christ, the church, the temple of God is not built out of bricks and stones by human hands, but it is built by God himself, with born again believers in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit lives inside each person who have placed faith in Jesus, God in the flesh. Each of us has a purpose and we are to serve one another in Love with His Love living in and through us. We are here to support one another. To build up one another. To use our gifts accordingly as He directs us to. This is so important in these last days because there is much tribulation going on in the world and we need to be fully aware of what is really happening today. Some have been given wisdom and some have been given knowledge, but it all comes from the same Holy Spirit. Share with one another, the body of Christ.
~ “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there … Listen to Broadcast & Read More