Radio Broadcast Monday 11/30/2020

Jesus is Fulfillment of Prophecy

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P22 (11-30-20)


When we look at scriptures concerning the last days of Jesus on earth, those things we have read about through the prophets, such as Isaiah and Micah, and then the eyewitnesses, like John and Matthew, who ate and drank with Jesus, do you not marvel? The disciples of Jesus recorded down the fulfillment of prophecy, of the things they saw and heard, what was fulfilled, as written down through the prophets. How can you not say, “This man must have been the Messiah!”? But as you look deeper into the scriptures, you realize the attitudes of the heart of all mankind is made known.

We look at the attitude of Judas, who obviously betrayed Jesus, but later recognized his wrong and tried to make it right. He was filled with remorse. Yes, he betrayed Jesus, and so did all the disciples, including Peter. What was Judas main problem? He thought he could manipulate God into doing what he wanted Him to do, which would cause deliverance of the Jews out of Roman rule. He had the mind of natural man but was blind to the things of God. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More