Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/02/2021

Jesus is the Initiator

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The New Covenant P5 (06-02-21)


When you read the Old Testament, you get a better understanding and visual picture of why we need a New Covenant. In my growing up, the ten commandments were taught as something to live by and memorize. I am not sure what people still think about the ten commandments today, because in my state, the ten commandments were ordered to be taken down from the capitol grounds, and I would hear from church-going people that Roy Moore needs to stand down and obey the law of the land. But the point is, the ten commandments is something closely tied to the conscience that God has created in mankind as something that is holy, righteous and good. In Muslim countries, I have heard that if you steal gold out of a store, because they do not have such items locked up in a case, then you can get your hand chopped off. That is overly harsh punishment to me, but the point is they would not have such a law if they thought stealing was not wrong.

Many churches used to, and maybe still do, teach the ten … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 03/05/2021

Jesus Has Taken Away Your Sins Once For All

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P614 (03-05-21)


What is the purpose of the book of Hebrews? Have you ever heard a sermon on it? It is so valuable to understand the New Covenant we are living under today. Oftentimes the only passage people have heard about from Hebrews are Hebrews 6:4, and without understanding the entire context of what the author of Hebrews is writing about, people get all fearful that they are deliberately sinning, meaning they have committed one of the nasty nine or one of the dirty dozen, that they are going to be cast into a raging fire. So what do people do? They pull out their 1 John 1:9 and ask God to forgive them of their sins.

First of all, one must understand the totality of the cross. When the Jew is going back to the day of atonement, killing a bull or a goat, to get his sins forgiven, or the Catholic is going to the confessional booth to get his sins forgiven, or the Protestant is going direct to God to get his sins forgiven, quoting 1 John 1:9 out of context, what are they doing? They are sinning against … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/17/2020

Classic Christianity and Growing in Grace

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P594 (12-17-20)


All of us need encouragement in this fallen world we live in. As Jesus warned us so many times, let no man deceive you. All of us have been deceived one time or another and are all subject to deception. Many of us grew up in some denomination or cult even, and some of us came to the knowledge of the truth. We came to realize God’s word is truth, and anything contrary to that is to be rejected as from men. Not all men are deliberately deceiving you. Many are simply passing on what they heard from others.

How grateful we are for those many people, the born again believers all over the world, who have understood God’s grace, the totality of the cross, of being made complete in Christ and salvation through receiving new life through the resurrection of Christ Jesus, who has offered all men the Holy Spirit to be placed in those who believe.

So listen now as various callers call in to either encourage Bob or receive instruction on things they have heard that just does not ring true to them, and are coming now … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/30/2020

Jesus is Fulfillment of Prophecy

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Jesus Christ P22 (11-30-20)


When we look at scriptures concerning the last days of Jesus on earth, those things we have read about through the prophets, such as Isaiah and Micah, and then the eyewitnesses, like John and Matthew, who ate and drank with Jesus, do you not marvel? The disciples of Jesus recorded down the fulfillment of prophecy, of the things they saw and heard, what was fulfilled, as written down through the prophets. How can you not say, “This man must have been the Messiah!”? But as you look deeper into the scriptures, you realize the attitudes of the heart of all mankind is made known.

We look at the attitude of Judas, who obviously betrayed Jesus, but later recognized his wrong and tried to make it right. He was filled with remorse. Yes, he betrayed Jesus, and so did all the disciples, including Peter. What was Judas main problem? He thought he could manipulate God into doing what he wanted Him to do, which would cause deliverance of the Jews out of Roman rule. He had the mind of natural man but was blind to the things of God. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 05/21/2020

Life in The Spirit

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P537 (05-21-20)


Knowing God and His word, the meaning of the word as revealed by the Spirit of God, is really useful for practical living.Sometimes you wonder what happens in religious denominations, if they even know God or His word. You have people who just do not think, believing the King James only bible, and those who are into legalism. It sure makes you wonder if they even have the Spirit, because if you have the Spirit living in you, you would think you would be led by the Spirit. You cannot be led by the spirit and be led by the law at the same time.

As a person led by the Spirit of God, you will begin to realize when something is not working, those old thinking patterns you used to have as a lost person. You might be struggling in your marriage. But little by little you hear truth, and that truth is maybe taught in a different way than how you have been taught in your local denomination you assemble with and it just helps you to walk free, in a new and different way.

Take for example, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/05/2019

Obedience to The Law

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P495 (12-05-19)


So often in today’s religious world, people are burdened under legalism. They may or may not have understood the gospel of God’s grace. They might possibly heard only a half gospel, incorrectly thinking that they must ask for forgiveness or even keep asking for God’s forgiveness but have not heard about coming to Christ for life. Sadly, many churches will teach people to keep short accounts with God. Even if a person is born again, they got under legalistic teaching, and you got under teaching, that if you keep on sinning, God is going to turn His back on you. Many people think they have backslidden when that is truly not the case. The word backslidden is not even in the scriptures.

A man has walked away from the knowledge of the love of God. Yes, his behavior is sinful, but he did not lose fellowship with God. God never left him, who is in Christ and Christ is in him. The Holy Spirit is sealed in you for the day of redemption. How can you go boldly to the throne of grace if you think God is mad at … Listen to Broadcast & Read More