Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/05/2019

Obedience to The Law

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P495 (12-05-19)


So often in today’s religious world, people are burdened under legalism. They may or may not have understood the gospel of God’s grace. They might possibly heard only a half gospel, incorrectly thinking that they must ask for forgiveness or even keep asking for God’s forgiveness but have not heard about coming to Christ for life. Sadly, many churches will teach people to keep short accounts with God. Even if a person is born again, they got under legalistic teaching, and you got under teaching, that if you keep on sinning, God is going to turn His back on you. Many people think they have backslidden when that is truly not the case. The word backslidden is not even in the scriptures.

A man has walked away from the knowledge of the love of God. Yes, his behavior is sinful, but he did not lose fellowship with God. God never left him, who is in Christ and Christ is in him. The Holy Spirit is sealed in you for the day of redemption. How can you go boldly to the throne of grace if you think God is mad at … Listen to Broadcast & Read More