Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 01/10/2025

Only by Faith in Jesus Not by Works

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P997 (01-10-25)

Faith is Properly Responding to Truth

~ “And without faith it is impossible to please God. For anyone who approaches Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6

~ Most people today don’t understand what Faith really is. They have applied their own meaning to the word faith or even have listened to false teachers teach the lies of Satan in regards to faith, instead of looking at the real meaning from the word of God. Faith is always responding properly to Truth. True Faith is trusting in Jesus to have done it all for you. True Faith does the work of God, which is to believe in Jesus. That is the work that God wants us to do, to believe in Him. True Faith allows God through the Holy Spirit to direct our paths moment by moment of the day. True Faith is faith from first to last. True Faith is manifested when we come to the knowledge of Truth and properly react to Truth. True Faith is when a person has Love living in them. And we know that God … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/06/2024

Spirit of Peace

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P18 (11-06-24)

Justified Through Faith We Now Have Peace With God Through Jesus our Lord God

~ “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5:1-2

When a person is in Christ Jesus, they have nothing to fear, because there is a peace with God that passes all understanding. We don’t have to worry about what is going to happen to us after our physical life. We don’t have to worry about our tomorrows, for God is in our tomorrows. We don’t have to worry about what is happening in the world. We don’t have to worry about anything, for He is the one that directs All our paths for the person in Christ Jesus. And for the person who is in Christ Jesus, we also know where the Spirit of fear comes from, it comes from the evil one. And the Holy Spirit is the one who guides us in ALL Truth, giving us a sound … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/05/2024

Faith Says Thank You to God

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P17 (11-05-24)

Faith Says Thank You To Jesus God!

~ When you say thank you to God for the FACT that He took away ALL your sins at the cross, you are AGREEING with God. In fact, the word confess means to agree with God, and in the Greek it also means to give thanks. Have you noticed, that you cannot give thanks at the same time you are asking for something that you don’t have or vice-versa. In essence, if a person is asking for forgiveness, then they obviously don’t believe that they were forgiven completely at the cross. You can’t have it both ways. There are people that say, “Okay, I know God forgave me at the cross, but it makes me feel good when I confess my sins and ask for him to forgive me.” That’s nothing more than lying directly to God and saying to God, “I don’t believe you took away all my sins at the cross.” Yet people will fight you tooth and nail, so they “feel good” when they do something wrong. It’s ALL about them, and how they feel. They see nothing wrong with it, because … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/04/2024

Jesus is the Gospel

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P16 (11-04-24)

By Faith in The True Jesus We Are Credited As Righteous Before God

~ When a person places Faith in Jesus, God in the flesh, for having taken away their sins on the cross for them personally, they become indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God for Life Eternal. So it is by Faith, not by works of the law that gives a person saving Life. That is obvious to us that are saved, but it is not at all obvious to those who are still working at trying to attain their own salvation by what they do or don’t do in their own lives. And Paul goes into much detail about this, laying out the fact that when someone works at something, it is no longer a gift, but is something they themselves are earning, and as such they expect to be paid what they earned. It’s an obligation to be paid to them. But here is a key point in all of this, if a person is working, to earn, then they are NOT receiving the Free Gift from God. They are calling God a liar by their very actions … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 08/23/2024

Live by Truth and Respond With Faith

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P963 (08-23-24)

Faith Says Thank You to God For What He Did For You!

~ In yesterday’s broadcast, we heard about Faith and Works. Today, we hear the direct application of how Faith and Works are tied together. No amount of working will cause God to save you. Only by Faith is a person Saved, by the Life of Jesus coming to live inside of them, through the Holy Spirit making them born again of the Spirit of God for eternal life. The work (singular) of the ministry is to Believe in Jesus that He did it all for You personally. That happens at a single point in time. It doesn’t happen over and over and over again, as though you can make God forgive you more, or save you more. Only by resting in Him, and what He alone did for you at the cross, having taken away your sins completely from the eyes of God, never to see them again, and now, He gives you His life (The Spirit of God) for Eternal life the very moment you place faith in Him. So if a person is asking over and over … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 08/22/2024

Faith is a Responder to the Grace of God

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P962 (08-22-24)

The Work of The Ministry is to Believe in Jesus

~ The book of James chapter 2 verses 18 through 26 gives two prime examples of Faith and Works. Yet most overlook the details in the Word of God, and simply take a quote from Scripture, out of context, and declare, “faith without works is dead” even though it doesn’t specifically say that in most of the translations. Most people have no clue what “Faith” is, and no clue what “Works” is either. They come up with all types of ideas of what constitutes a “good work” and it’s most people that are like this that have never exercised true Faith in the Faithful One of God, Jesus, God in Flesh. They do not know the work of the ministry is to Believe in Jesus.

Let’s get back to the two examples of faith and works to see how Faith and Works, works together. Details matter in Everything.

But someone will say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith by my works. You believe that God is one. You 
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