Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 02/18/2021

The Light of Jesus Makes Everything Visible

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P609 (02-18-21)


As we grow in Christ, we start asking questions. That is what children do. But are they getting the right answers, the right nutrition to grow? It is fine if you are an infant to feed on the milk of the word, but you need to start moving on towards eating meat when the time is right. So where do you get your convictions formed? Do you believe something because your pastor says it is true or because that is what my denomination taught me since I was a child? How do you know it is true? Recall that the apostle Paul commended the people of Berea for diligently studying the scriptures to see if what he said was so.

Let us look at the teaching that is so prevalent in protestant churches about tithing being for today, and that you start giving ten percent, as so many pastors teach. Is that true for today? Where do most pastors tell you to turn to? Malachi. Have you ever read the entire chapter of Malachi 3 for yourself? Are you a descendant of Jacob? No. Then the book of Malachi is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More