Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/08/2023

Freed From The Law of Sin and Death

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P892 (12-08-23)

Jesus Set True Children of God Free From The Law of Sin and Death

~ When a person places faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live in side a true child of God and explain the meaning of things to them. If a person is still living under the law, then the Law has not done its job of leading a person to Christ. For the law condemns all people. Anyone trying to obey the law is said that they are under a curse. Cursed is everyone who does not do everything under the law. Galatians 3:10 Most people don’t have a clue what this means. They will try to be law keepers as if they think they can keep the law. But here is the thing, No one can keep the law perfectly all the time. And therefore, if any part of the law is broken, they are guilty of breaking all of the law. That kills and buries everyone. Yet there are people that will refuse to listen to the word of God, and simply want to pretend to follow all that Jesus taught. They are hypocrites. … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 12/07/2023

Confess Jesus is God in Flesh

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P891 (12-07-23)

Jesus is God in Flesh

~ Today there are people that spend their whole time trying to find contradictions in the bible. They will bring up different references from different points of view and say, “see there is a contradiction.” However, they are not looking at it from the proper perspective and no matter how much you tell a person that doesn’t have the Spirit of God living in them, they will simply want to not believe it. That is their choice not to believe in Jesus, God in the flesh, who came into the world to save sinners (of which we were all sinners to begin with). For Jesus went to a cross, to take upon the sins of the entire world from the beginning of time to the end of time. Jesus who knew no sin became sin for us so that in Him we could become the righteous of God. The bottom line today, is do you believe this? For most people actually do not believe this. And that is the reason people look for all types of things to justify their own unbelief. For they would much … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 12/01/2023

Jesus is Our Sabbath Rest Now Rest

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P890 (12-01-23)

Are You Busy and Barren Today or Resting in Jesus?

~ Many people are out there grunting and groaning in the energy of their flesh for Jesus Christ. They are not abiding in the Holy Spirit, but are listening to their flesh tell them to be a do do Christian. And they are listening to man saying to do this instead of listening to the Holy Spirit, if indeed the Holy Spirit lives in them. We are told to make sure that we enter His rest, whereby we rest from our works as Jesus rested from his too. Jesus showed us how man was to live, by abiding in the vine. We can do nothing on our own. Only when we allow God, the Holy Spirit to live His life in and through us can we then experience the Sabbath rest of God. Jesus did nothing and said nothing other than what the Father had him do and had him say. So when we learn to abide in the vine, God will use us the same way. Simply make your body available to Him, that is our perfect form of worship … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 11/30/2023

Jesus Wants us to Walk in Faith

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P889 (11-30-23)

Faith Comes by Hearing, and Hearing by the Word of God

~ A person is saved by hearing the word of God. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God. When a person hears the truth of the word of God, and they respond to it by faith, then the Holy Spirit comes to live inside them and give eternal life the very moment in time. Faith is a very practical word. It is not just a biblical word. Faith is properly responding to truth. In the book of Hebrews chapter 11 we have examples of faith. For example, when God told Noah that he was going to flood the whole world and that he needed to build an ark, did Noah sit on his butt and not do anything? No, he did not. He followed God’s instructions and built an ark. Today, we are told that salvation is found only in Jesus and there is only ONE WAY to be saved. By placing faith in Jesus, God in the flesh, who took away the world’s sins (that includes your sins), and the same life that raised Jesus from … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 10/26/2023

Jesus Saves a Person by Grace Through Faith

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P881 (10-26-23)

Only By Faith in Jesus is a Person Saved ~ NOT by Works

~ God does not assign winners and losers. God declared (elected it to be so) long ago that it is only by faith that a person will be declared righteous in the sight of God. And people give lip service to that. There is so much teaching of error (actually lies) going on today. People think nothing of it, because they hop from one false preacher to another. Most preachers are so far off the foundation (Jesus), that they are actually a spokesperson for Satan. That is the Truth, and we should not be covering it up, or glossing over that either. These pastors are telling you lies. A lie for example of telling you God chooses some and not others for salvation based on some randomness of God. Most don’t have a clear understanding of what election is from God’s perspective, because the teaching of these lies are so abundant today, that most don’t give a second thought to it. To most people, they could care less about the details, because after all they have their favorites … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 10/06/2023

Faith That Pleases God Jesus

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P876 (10-06-23)

What is Faith That Pleases God?

~ The misunderstanding and the lie of ongoing forgiveness and the false doctrine of asking God to forgive you is a lie that Satan loves promoting through his false ministers of righteousness. For we know that 99.9% of the so-called “Christian” world practices ongoing forgiveness. And most people will not stop, nor do they want to stop, because most of the time many will say, “it makes me feel better to keep asking for forgiveness,” or “this is what I have been taught in my denomination, so I’m going to keep on doing it.” They don’t understand that they have been taught lies and are not willing to endure sound doctrine today. And most pastors are guilty of teaching this as one of Satan’s biggest lies, that Jesus didn’t really die for the sins of the whole world and that you need to keep on asking God to forgive you to stay in right standing with God.

Faith that pleases God is when you agree with God. That is your confession of faith. Confession in the Greek means to “agree with,” it does NOT mean … Listen to Broadcast & Read More