Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P25 (12-02-24)
As a New Creation, The Old Man is Dead, The New Man is Alive in Christ Jesus
~ For if we have become united in the likeness of His death, certainly also we will be of the resurrection, knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, so that the body of sin might be annulled, that we are no longer enslaved to sin. For the one having died has been freed from sin. Romans 6:5-7
When a person places faith in Jesus, the Spirit of God comes to take up residence in them. Prior to that, we are Man without the Spirit of God living in us. After new birth, we are Man WITH the Spirit of God living in us. He made us a New Creation in Christ Jesus. The Old has gone, behold all things have become NEW! And because of that He begins the process of HIM renewing our minds, He gets us to realize the lies of the world in which we live today. We were once a slave to sin, but now we are slaves to righteousness. He set us free from the Law … Listen to Broadcast & Read More