Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/28/2019

Jesus Books

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 26 (05-28-19)

Bob George continues now in the book of John where we read about different miracles Jesus performed. The major theme Bob shared is to keep our focus on Christ rather than our circumstances. He is bigger than our circumstances for he is God. Peter and the disciples were beginning to see that through the miracles that Jesus did, that Jesus is God. When God says for the people to sit down then have the people sit down. Jesus fed over five thousand people that day with two fish and five barley loaves. If God tells you to walk on water, then keep your focus on Christ. For when you don’t, you sink. Yet God in his grace picks us up and tells us, “Oh, you of little faith. Why did you doubt?” God knows all men and knows our tendency to not believe truth when we hear it. Why did God perform miracles through Jesus? What does God want us to know?

We learned previously that Jesus only does what His Father tells him to do. Why was Jesus doing the miracles he was doing? The Father was telling him to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More