Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/30/2024

The Peace of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P60 (01-30-24)

Are You Standing in The Promise of God or the Testimony of Man?

~ Who are you trusting in for your salvation? Who are you trusting in for your very Life? These questions need to be asked, and answered at some point in time in everyone’s life. The trials and tribulations of the world will eventually come upon all of us, and how we answer those questions will make a difference in our eternity future. So many folks are involved in the Christian religion today that are simply NOT saved. And folks, it is NOT wrong to judge, for the spiritual person judges All things [1 Corinthians 2:15]. For the people involved in the religion of Christianity are standing on the testimony of what Man has declared instead of the truth of the word of God.

Many of you, children of God, reading these words and listening to the Classic Christianity programs know from first hand experience, dealings with leaglists. Some of you have even been kicked out of churches for sharing the truth of the word of God. And some have experienced first hand, the rejection of those in the world … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/29/2024


Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P59 (01-29-24)

Without The Shedding of Blood There is No Forgiveness by God

~ Most people that you talk to today, think that they get their sins forgiven when they ask God to forgive them of this sin or that sin. That is walking around in unbelief and a lie from Satan, for without the shedding of blood by God there is no forgiveness. And God isn’t going to go to the cross ever again. Yet people would rather believe the lies of Satan than to believe the Truth of the Word of God. And when you tell a person, they are making a mockery of the cross, they get mad as a hornet. Folks, we have all been deceived from birth. And to this day, Satan, god of this world, controls the main narrative. But if a person wants to know the Truth, God will reveal it to them. But to the person that thinks they know it all, that person’s pride gets in the way of understanding all truth. They would much rather lean on their own understanding of things and what they have been taught from childhood days, instead of trusting … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/24/2024

Jesus Said It Is Finished

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P58 (01-24-24)

Jesus Said it is Finished ~ Tetelestai!

~ Most don’t believe what Jesus said. Most ignore the details in the word of God. They don’t believe it is finished. Nor do they understand what is finished. To most, it is simply words written down that Jesus said, and there is no meaning to the very words of God. It means nothing to them, because they are still going to their confession booths and streaming down the aisles to get forgiveness, praying the 1 John 1:9 words thinking they are getting more forgiveness from God, all the while showing by their actions that they have NOT placed faith in Jesus at all. They simply pretend to know Jesus. They are acting and are hypocrites and spokespeople for Satan. They are being used as controlled opposition and sharing the lies of Satan and they keep placing Jesus back up the cross over and over again. And people place these liars on a pedestal today. We can see that everywhere. Folks that should know better are too scared to call them out, because they think we ought not to judge, when in fact the child … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 01/23/2024

Jesus Took Away All Sins on The Cross

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P57 (01-23-24)

Jesus is Greater Than Your Traditions!

~ Today we have a generation of man followers, instead of followers of TRUTH. We sit around thinking we know it all, and I am going to believe based on what I was taught. I am going to believe based on what my pastor teaches. I am going to believe based on what my parents taught me. I am going to believe based on my religious traditions. I am going to put faith in the teaching of Man, instead of the teaching of God. We are no different than the Hebrews/Israelites of the old testament. They got so heavily involved in their traditions, and quite frankly became infested with infiltrators from Satan, that they trusted their traditions, and they thought they knew what the Scriptures meant instead of believing in the truth of the word of God. They passed over the details. They stumbled over the stumbling STONE, because their traditions didn’t match up to the Truth of the Word of God. They were so proud of their traditions that they couldn’t see Jesus, God in the flesh walking right in front of their faces. Yet … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 01/22/2024

The Sin of The World is Unbelief in Jesus

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P56 (01-22-24)

Quit Crucifying Jesus Over and Over Again!

~ The religion of “Christianity” is constantly crucifying Jesus over and over again. Both Catholics and Protestants keep on nailing Jesus to the cross. They don’t believe Jesus finished the work of forgiveness, for if they had believed God, they would not be making a mockery of the cross, and bringing to open shame what Jesus did on the cross. They count it as no value. If a person truly believes their sins have been forgiven (past tense), which is TRUTH, then they would be praising Him for the forgiveness that is theirs in Christ Jesus. But no, they say they believe in what Jesus did on the cross, but then by their fruits they bring to open shame the Truth. They deny the Truth of the word of God. And folks, we have said repeatedly that details matter. Most today are no different than the Hebrews of yesteryear. They make a public spectacle of asking for more forgiveness from God. They say how wonderful is the forgiveness of God, and then they say, “Lord please forgive me.” They have tasted the goodness of God’s … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 01/17/2024

Jesus is Truth and the Way

Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P55 (01-17-24)

Build Your Foundation on Jesus and Jesus Alone

~ The so called “Christian” world is brainwashed today, by believing the lies of Satan. And make no mistake about it, the lies of Satan are so many that it is impossible to name them all. We are told in the word of God to build our foundation on Christ Jesus and Jesus alone, but quite frankly most haven’t. Oh, they say they believe in Christ Jesus, but then by their fruits it is obvious that they have NOT placed faith in Him. They have placed faith on their own foundation of what they believe to be the case, instead of the word of God. A foundation built on the teaching of man, instead of the teaching of God. We have been warned repeatedly in the Scriptures about being careful who you listen to, for Satan has transformed his ministers into ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works [2 Corinthians 11:15]. Yet most listen to ministers that are teaching the lie of ongoing forgiveness. And 99.9999% of the “Christian” world believes in ongoing forgiveness by God. It isn’t hard to … Listen to Broadcast & Read More