Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/20/2024

Classic Christianity and Scriptural Journey

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P971 (09-20-24)

Allow the Holy Spirit to Live His Life in and Through You

~ Abiding in the Spirit is simply allowing the Holy Spirit to live His life in and through the believer. When a believer has the Holy Spirit in them, we are to focus on Him and not what we ourselves are doing. It’s sometimes a very subtle thing, because how does one know if it is Satan teaching lies or the Holy Spirit directing us in the direction of TRUTH? Well, it begins with understanding the word of God. And even there, Satan confuses the believer into thinking things that are not so. And to counteract that, we need to be constantly thinking about the word of God, and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us ALL Truth. And the path of Truth will indeed lead you the opposite of the way the world is going. The path of TRUTH is narrow, but the way of the world is very broad. And if Satan has you thinking in the way of the world, God will show you exactly where you are in error. For the true believer has the … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/20/2024”

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/19/2024

Salvation is Eternal Life in Him

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P970 (09-19-24)

Salvation is When The Life of Jesus, The Holy Spirit Comes and Indwells the Believer for LIFE ETERNAL

~ Many people today think that if they simply name the name of Jesus, they are saved. Most have no idea what salvation really is. And those that are truly saved, the devil would like nothing better than to convince you that you are not saved. So it’s very important that everyone understand what salvation is, and what it is NOT. First off, salvation is not getting your sins forgiven. That is what most people believe salvation is, both Catholics and Protestants alike and most religions of the world have forgiveness as a key component to what they claim salvation is, as though you get better over time. Second off, salvation is NOT something in the future, as though it were after a believer dies, and only then do they get eternal life. Salvation is now, at this very moment in time for the believer. Salvation is the very LIFE of God, the Holy Spirit coming into a person, and taking residence with the true believer. God makes that person a new creation, … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Thursday 09/19/2024”

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 09/18/2024

Jesus is the Spirit of Love

Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P24 (09-18-24)

Carry Each Other’s Burdens in Love

~ “Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 Be understanding towards one another. Imagine if you were in their shoes, and don’t be so quick to condemn someone for troubles they are facing in life. Maybe they lost a loved one recently and they are struggling in life to make sense of it all. Help them to see Truth but with understanding of how they are having difficulty dealing with things. But don’t cover over Truth, with the lies of Satan either. Point out Truth as Jesus explained of Himself to Martha that He is the Resurrection and the Life. ‘Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me will live, even though he dies. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?”’ John 11:25,26 Remember also, just before Jesus raised Lazarus from physical death, that He actually was deeply troubled over the situation himself, for He knew and had compassion on the people. ‘Therefore Jesus, when He saw her weeping and the Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Wednesday 09/18/2024”

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 09/19/2024

Holy Spirit

Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P23 (09-17-24)

Restore Those Caught in a Sin With a Spirit of Gentleness, Especially for Those in Christ Jesus

~ We get it in our heads, that when a person is caught in a sin, it must be some type of “big sin” as though there are big sins and little sins as taught by the Catholic church for example. But the Truth of the matter is that sin is much more than what a person Does, it’s based on what a person thinks. For example, people can be involved in always be condescending to others, when they think they know more than you do. Or a spirit anger and rage when someone doesn’t do what I want them to do, or when I want them to do it. Or a spirit of pride in themselves, and how good they are based on some form of higher education when in fact they have actually been taught the lies of Satan more so than you, yet they don’t recognize it. Or a spirit of greed, when a person goes out and wants and wants and wants in what is nothing more than coveting more money … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Tuesday 09/19/2024”

Radio Broadcast Monday 09/16/2024

Jesus is God the Word of God

Classic Christianity – Book of Galatians P22 (09-16-24)

A Dead Person Needs Life

~ Today, many many people think they are alive, when in fact they are still dead in their unbelief. They do not have the Holy Spirit living in them for Life. They have not believed that Jesus is God in the flesh. They have not believed that God took away all their sins at the cross. They are the walking dead. Oh, they say they believe in Jesus, yet the Jesus they have placed Faith in is NOT the Jesus of the Word of God. They don’t understand that Jesus is actually God in the flesh. They don’t even realize that Jesus is actually the ONE who spoke everything into existence. He is the Creator of everything seen and unseen. They will say, Jesus was simply the son of God, having no clue what the “Son of God” title actually means either. They have placed Faith in what Man has taught Jesus to be, but they discount the word of God and what is said throughout the whole on the Truth of who Jesus actually is. And most will not even read the word of God today, … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Radio Broadcast Monday 09/16/2024”

Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/13/2024

Jesus Gives Life to the Dead

Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P969 (09-13-24)

The Law Was Given to Lead us to Christ Jesus

~ The reason we have an old testament and a now the New Testament, is because God needed the New Agreement, New testament, New Will, New Covenant is because God found fault with the people in that they could not live under the old Covenant and a New Covenant was needed to bring LIFE to a person. No one was alive as God intended Man to be in the old Covenant. They were dead without the Spirit of God living in them. That is key to understanding both the old covenant and the New Covenant, is that people were NOT indwelt by the Holy Spirit by default. In the Old Testament we see instances where the Holy Spirit would come upon a person temporarily, but then would leave that person as they were prior to having the Holy Spirit coming up on them for some particular service. In the New Covenant, when the day of Pentecost arrived, the Holy Spirit came not only on people, but indwelt people, to give them Life in Christ Jesus at that very moment in time. … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/13/2024”