Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P971 (09-20-24)
Allow the Holy Spirit to Live His Life in and Through You
~ Abiding in the Spirit is simply allowing the Holy Spirit to live His life in and through the believer. When a believer has the Holy Spirit in them, we are to focus on Him and not what we ourselves are doing. It’s sometimes a very subtle thing, because how does one know if it is Satan teaching lies or the Holy Spirit directing us in the direction of TRUTH? Well, it begins with understanding the word of God. And even there, Satan confuses the believer into thinking things that are not so. And to counteract that, we need to be constantly thinking about the word of God, and allow the Holy Spirit to teach us ALL Truth. And the path of Truth will indeed lead you the opposite of the way the world is going. The path of TRUTH is narrow, but the way of the world is very broad. And if Satan has you thinking in the way of the world, God will show you exactly where you are in error. For the true believer has the … Read More And Follow Along With The Message “Call-ins Radio Broadcast Friday 09/20/2024”