Classic Christianity – Book of Hebrews P96 (04-23-24)
It’s The Grace of God That Teaches Us All ~ Jesus is GRACE
~ It is the grace of God that teaches us to say no to ungodliness and worldly passions. Yet there are many people that falsely believe it is the law of God that teaches them instead of the Grace of God. As we have said numerous times, the cross changed the whole world situation forever. God is no longer counting your sins or your neighbor’s sins, or your spouse’s sins, or anyone’s sins against them. And Satan and the fallen angels took advantage of that situation, by enticing the whole world with lies, that sow to the flesh. It is the world that believes in the ongoing forgiveness by God. They think that when they sin, they simply go up to God as a forgiveness vending machine and put in their pardon requests to him, and magically God is going to forgive them. They are not resting in the finality of the cross. Nor do they even understand the finality of the cross. And most that are teaching the lies of Satan today are not saved. For if they … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message