Radio Broadcast Monday 06/08/2020

Righteousness is Credited by Faith

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P22 (06-08-20)


Now this faith in Christ is in conflict with the desires of the flesh. Do we really realize how wretched we are without Christ? Paul once thought he could obey the law. He thought he could conquer coveting. But he discovered that the more he tried to not covet, he coveted all the more. What is that? The flesh having mastery over you. He cried out, “Oh, what a wretched man I am! Who can save me from this? Praise be to God through Jesus Christ my Lord!”

So what do people try to do to conquer problems of the flesh, whether it be over-eating, drug addiction, bulimia, anorexia, alcoholism, or even to quit smoking? Can you stop? With enough will power and determination, as a non-believer, you could stop the behavior. But even if you did, does it solve the root problem of your behavior? All such behavior has one thing in common, it is sin-indwelling flesh at the core of the problem. Many psychologists are not believers and can only give you a solution from the world, to get you to stop your behavior … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 06/03/2020

Walk in Faith Today

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P21 (06-03-20)


We exercise faith every day. We trust the chair we sit in will hold us up, that the car we drive will get us to the intended destination, that the food we eat at a restaurant is not poisoned. In a similar way, faith in Christ Jesus is what allows us to access what He has already provided for us, to live in the new life He has given us. Our faith does not cause God to do something any more than swallowing causes you to live. The good food, not the junk food, is what causes you to live. Our faith allows us to access, or enter into what God has already given. Faith is trusting what God has said, in the promises that God has made, that He is able to fulfill what He has promised. As Jesus said, man shall live by the very words of God. That is our spiritual food that sustains us.

Can you think of the many promises God has made to us? How about that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life? Do you … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 06/02/2020

Jesus is the Faithful One

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P20 (06-02-20)


When you think of all those saints, those heroes of the faith that have gone on before us, we are to imitate their faith. What attitude of heart did they have? We read about many of them in the scriptures, and a sampling of them in Hebrews 11. Consider the faith of Abraham. The apostle Paul mentions the faith of Abraham when writing a letter to the Romans. God credited His faith as righteousness. Now, also consider Paul’s former way of life, when he was referred to as Saul of Tarsus. Paul described himself as the worst of all sinners. He had given approval to the death of Stephen. He went about trying to destroy the faith that he now proclaims. Did God ever give up on him? No. Has God ever given up on the Jews, these thousands of years? No. He has promised that all Israel will be saved. He will get their attention in the last days, and there will be a remnant who will accept Christ by faith. Even now there are Jews, and people all over the world, coming to Christ … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 06/01/2020

Faith is Confidence in What we Hope For

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P19 (06-01-20)


Listen as Bob George summarizes some key foundational concepts on faith, hope and love. Listen as he retells what he has shared the past several weeks, what true faith is, what faith is not, the examples of faith we read about in Hebrews 11, of Abraham and others, of their faith, where some escaped the sword while others were sawed in two, those who conquered kingdoms and others who were poor and destitute, but to all of them, God commended them for their faith. What can we learn from this? As you listen, follow along with the transcript, where additional scriptures are posted, so you can test and see for yourself if what he says is so.

Is faith something we have enough of to get God’s hands moved? Is faith what you call manipulating God, that I have enough faith to tell God what to do and then He has to do it because of the size of my faith? Or, is faith believing what God has said, believing what He has promised in Christ Jesus, in what He has already provided and done for … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/27/2020

Jesus is Our Righteousness From God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P18 (05-27-20)


This faith is in what God has promised, and that is that life is in His Son. Will you believe that? Will you place your trust in what God has said? Now, when you are in Christ, what do you have? Eternal life. What else do you have? Redemption and forgiveness of sins. What else do you have? The very righteousness of God credited to you. Forgiveness of sins does not give you righteousness. That clears the deck of the sins of the entire world so life can be given, and it came at a great price, the shedding of the blood of the eternal Son of God. But death does not give you life. Life gives you life. Righteousness is who God is, perfect without sin, holy and pure and blameless. So when you are in Him, you have every spiritual blessing in Christ, which includes His righteousness imputed to you, and eternal life, for He is God eternal. It is an exchanged life. He took away your sin, and then offered you eternal life. He took away your sins over 2000 years ago, and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 05/26/2020

Faith in Jesus Must be the Object of Faith

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P17 (05-26-20)


In this study on Faith, Hope and Love, we have looked into what faith is, what faith is not, and that there is misplaced faith, and then there is faith placed properly on what is true, and on the one who is the way, the truth and the life. This faith in Christ Jesus, who is God in the flesh, is the faith we are talking about. Now this truth is what men cannot grasp on their own. This truth must be revealed by the Spirit of God to the hearts of men.

Now, many times, people relegate faith to just this aspect of getting saved, but then so many people do not really understand what saved means. If you grew up never hearing the word “saved” then you might respond by saying, “What are you talking about? Saved from what?” Other people might have grown up in a denomination where the word “saved” was often heard. You might have heard someone say, “Come forward to get your sins forgiven?” So you come to think being saved is getting your sins forgiven, as if that is … Listen to Broadcast & Read More