Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Faith, Hope & Love P22 (06-08-20)
Now this faith in Christ is in conflict with the desires of the flesh. Do we really realize how wretched we are without Christ? Paul once thought he could obey the law. He thought he could conquer coveting. But he discovered that the more he tried to not covet, he coveted all the more. What is that? The flesh having mastery over you. He cried out, “Oh, what a wretched man I am! Who can save me from this? Praise be to God through Jesus Christ my Lord!”
So what do people try to do to conquer problems of the flesh, whether it be over-eating, drug addiction, bulimia, anorexia, alcoholism, or even to quit smoking? Can you stop? With enough will power and determination, as a non-believer, you could stop the behavior. But even if you did, does it solve the root problem of your behavior? All such behavior has one thing in common, it is sin-indwelling flesh at the core of the problem. Many psychologists are not believers and can only give you a solution from the world, to get you to stop your behavior … Listen to Broadcast & Read More