Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/03/2021

Jesus is King of Kings Lord of Lords

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at The Finality of The Cross P39 (11-03-21)

Receive Jesus and His Eternal Life in You and His Righteousness Imputed to You

What transpired at the Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus reveals who Jesus is and what He came to do. Jesus is God, He died in our place in order to give us eternal life. He came to be a king of a new kingdom not of this world, for His kingdom is to be lived within you, His righteousness imputed to you.

As you read again in the gospel of John, in John 18:28-40, where Jesus appears on trial before Pontius Pilate, with the kinds of questions Jesus is asked and His answer, and the unbelievable hypocrisy of the Jewish leaders, and the willingness of the Roman rulers to be so complicit in what ultimately led to His crucifixion, what insight, what understanding can you glean as to who Jesus is and His purpose on this earth? Can you come to a conclusion on not only what he died for but what He came for, as it relates to the meaning of not only the cross but also the resurrection?

John 18:28

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Christmas P2 Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/22/2020

Jesus is The First Born of God

Classic Christianity – Christmas P2 (12-22-20)


When you hear again the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, the events that happened prior and the events that followed his birth, what goes on in your mind? What do you ponder? Imagine having seen an angel or heard the voice of an angel speak to you, if you are a young girl, that you will bear a child without having relations with any man, and you are to name your child Jesus, Immanuel, which means “God with us”, and who says “He will cause the rise and fall of many in Israel”, and “a sword will pierce your own soul too”? Would you not ponder all those things in your heart as to what they would all mean?

Should we not also ponder what that all means, to you personally? How is God going to be with us? Is God inside this baby? When this baby grows up and works in the carpenter shop with his earthly step-father, could he really be God? And then, later in life, this now grown man, over 33 years old, is hung on a cross? If you were Mary, and you see your child … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 05/01/2019

Seek His Righteousness

Classic Christianity – Book of John Part 15 (05-01-19)

Bob George shares from his heart, out of the depth of God’s love for him, to others. God truly lives in you and through you as you let him. Love bubbles out as you get to know the depths of God’s love for you. A simple thank you letter to your pastor of a church when you were young, or giving out a gospel tract to a neighbor, or sitting down and listening to a co-worker’s brokenness and struggles of life are all examples of God living His life through you. When you read the gospel of John concerning Jesus encounter with a woman at the well, what thoughts come to your mind? Does God have a purpose and plan for your life? Are you willing to finish the work God has assigned you to do? Do you realize that if you let Him, He will use you to reach the deepest need of the human heart, to know God and His Son Jesus Christ.

Bob shares again the story of Jesus encounter with a Samaritan woman at the well. As he shares, he recalls experiences in his life to explain … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message