Radio Broadcast Monday 01/09/2023

Faith is a Responder to the Grace of God

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P39 (01-09-23)

Grace is The Plan of God of Salvation For You and Me

~ “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21

~ “So when I see the grace of God, I see the grace of God more than just God’s unmerited favor. I believe that, obviously that is a part of what grace is all about. But I see, Bob that as I get above that, that I see grace as the ultimate plan of God. The law, there was a plan for the law, there was a reason for it. There’s a purpose for it. Paul explained all of that. And we’ve dealt with those issues. In our prior chapters. They’re everything that God does, he has a plan for it. The world is not heading helter skelter into nowhere. So like someone said, that if you don’t plan for something, you’ll hit it every time. And so but God has a plan for everything. We are headed toward a countdown. I kind of believe when when we’re born, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/14/2022

We Have Peace With God in Jesus

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P38 (12-14-22)

Fear Not, For I Jesus Have Overcome the World!

~ “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

~ “So he says, I can rejoice in my sufferings, I’m going to have sufferings as a child of God. But you see, what is the solution to that peace with God, in the midst of disturbance in the world. And so in this world, I’m gonna have tribulation, but he said, Fear not I have overcome the world. And we’re many times trying to get the peace of God, when we don’t have peace with God. And I think so many times Bob that verse in Philippians, two, in all things with prayer and supplication to let your requests be known to God, and then the peace of God that passes understanding, will quiet in your heart, your mind in Christ Jesus. So we’re trying to get the peace of God, but we don’t have peace with God. And so we look at that … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/13/2022

Forgiveness Does Not Produce Life

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P37 (12-13-22)

Most Teach a Perverted Gospel Message, Which is No Gospel At All!

~ Anyone teaching that you need more forgiveness by God today is teaching a lie, and a perverted gospel message which is no gospel at all. Most tolerate this big lie, that Satan continues to spread through controlled opposition teaching. People are so quick to gloss over it. Yet completed forgiveness at the cross is foundational for the rest of God’s word. If a person isn’t teaching this truth of completed forgiveness at the cross, then you can be sure that the other things they are teaching are not based on a proper foundation of truth also. Furthermore, why would anyone give money to jailers to build stronger bars to keep a person under the curse of the law? Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you truth.

~ “Now, the covenant in Hebrews eight we studied this had there’d been nothing wrong with the first covenant, then no place would have been sought for another. But God found fault with those who were at fault. And as people said, I found follow the people. And he … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 12/12/2022

Trust in Jesus by Faith Not Law

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P36 (12-12-22)

When You Are Living Under Law, You Are Living Under a Curse

~ Now in Galatians 3:1 to 5 As Paul tried to explain that and That was what was happening in the church of Galatia. And that’s why they call this commingling of law & Grace Galatianism. In other words, your theologians refer to it in that fashion. Now, I want you to see how, Bob how stringent Paul felt this heresy is because that’s what it is. Now, we don’t look at that as heresy. We look at that as it’s okay, this just good old Christianity. You get a little law, you get a little grace. That’s okay. After all, we need them both. I had someone say that one time, we had some people had been sitting under our teaching for a long time. And then he went back under this other teacher that I mean, is really legalistic, not a little, a lot. And someone said to them, golly, how in the world after being under Bob’s teaching on Grace, could you go back to that? And he said, Well, we we need … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/07/2022

How to Live by Faith by Christ Jesus in You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P35 (12-07-22)

We Live By Faith in and Through the Holy Spirit ~ Not by Observing the Law

~ Those that want to live under both law and grace, Paul knew exactly how bad it really was. “As a matter of fact, he saw the destructive power of it. Because folks what it does, it keeps you from walking in the life that God intended you to walk in. And that’s a walk of faith. That’s the only way you can live under grace is by faith and without faith, it’s impossible to please God. And so this is what keeps you from walking by faith, you don’t walk by faith into the law, you walk by obedience to the law, you don’t walk by faith, you walk in personal fleshly, obedience to an outward law written on stone. And you can do that, to the best of your ability, whether you’re lost or whether you’re saved, you don’t have to be saved. In fact, people who still live under those rules and regulations in the millions of people are some of the meanest people on the face of this … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/06/2022

Reconciliation Jesus Took Away Your Sins on the Cross

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P34 (12-06-22)

Sin Lives in my Flesh Not in my Spirit When a Person is Born Again of the Spirit

~ “Now Paul under the law, and Romans 7:15 through 24. He said something, I don’t understand what I do. It’s really a good thing that Paul was not living in our generation, because we would immediately have sent him to probably some Christian psychologist. Because if you don’t understand what you do, you must have some real big problem. You’ve probably been potty trained too early, you may have had a mother, you may have come from a dysfunctional family. But Something is definitely wrong with you, Paul, if you don’t understand what you do, because all men should understand what they do. Why all men. They don’t. We don’t function in that confusion of don’t understand why you do something that’s really abnormal. And you say, Oh, really? It really Yeah. So here’s Paul saying, I don’t understand what I do. And I’ll guarantee his solution to that is not to go to his shrink, and it’s not to get on Prozac. He’s gonna say I don’t understand … Listen to Broadcast & Read More