Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P39 (01-09-23)
Grace is The Plan of God of Salvation For You and Me
~ “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21
~ “So when I see the grace of God, I see the grace of God more than just God’s unmerited favor. I believe that, obviously that is a part of what grace is all about. But I see, Bob that as I get above that, that I see grace as the ultimate plan of God. The law, there was a plan for the law, there was a reason for it. There’s a purpose for it. Paul explained all of that. And we’ve dealt with those issues. In our prior chapters. They’re everything that God does, he has a plan for it. The world is not heading helter skelter into nowhere. So like someone said, that if you don’t plan for something, you’ll hit it every time. And so but God has a plan for everything. We are headed toward a countdown. I kind of believe when when we’re born, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More