Radio Broadcast Wednesday 12/07/2022

How to Live by Faith by Christ Jesus in You

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P35 (12-07-22)

We Live By Faith in and Through the Holy Spirit ~ Not by Observing the Law

~ Those that want to live under both law and grace, Paul knew exactly how bad it really was. “As a matter of fact, he saw the destructive power of it. Because folks what it does, it keeps you from walking in the life that God intended you to walk in. And that’s a walk of faith. That’s the only way you can live under grace is by faith and without faith, it’s impossible to please God. And so this is what keeps you from walking by faith, you don’t walk by faith into the law, you walk by obedience to the law, you don’t walk by faith, you walk in personal fleshly, obedience to an outward law written on stone. And you can do that, to the best of your ability, whether you’re lost or whether you’re saved, you don’t have to be saved. In fact, people who still live under those rules and regulations in the millions of people are some of the meanest people on the face of this … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 12/06/2022

Reconciliation Jesus Took Away Your Sins on the Cross

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P34 (12-06-22)

Sin Lives in my Flesh Not in my Spirit When a Person is Born Again of the Spirit

~ “Now Paul under the law, and Romans 7:15 through 24. He said something, I don’t understand what I do. It’s really a good thing that Paul was not living in our generation, because we would immediately have sent him to probably some Christian psychologist. Because if you don’t understand what you do, you must have some real big problem. You’ve probably been potty trained too early, you may have had a mother, you may have come from a dysfunctional family. But Something is definitely wrong with you, Paul, if you don’t understand what you do, because all men should understand what they do. Why all men. They don’t. We don’t function in that confusion of don’t understand why you do something that’s really abnormal. And you say, Oh, really? It really Yeah. So here’s Paul saying, I don’t understand what I do. And I’ll guarantee his solution to that is not to go to his shrink, and it’s not to get on Prozac. He’s gonna say I don’t understand … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 12/05/2022

Jesus is Our Righteousness

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P33 (12-05-22)

The Law Can’t Make You Righteous ~ Only Jesus Can Make You Righteous

~ “We talked about what the law was powerless to do, it can’t bring me can’t make you righteous, no man will ever be declared righteous in the sight of God to obedience to the law. It can’t give you life. It can’t cleanse you of unrighteousness it can’t justify you. It can’t do any of those things except condemn you. So the law was powerless to bring to man what man needed life, righteousness, justification, all of those things. law can’t do that all the law could do is condemn. Now Christ came therefore to fulfill the law in which he did by walking in perfect love for some 33 years on this earth. And love became the fulfillment of the law. Now that’s what qualified him the life that he lived, lived is what qualified him for the death that he died. And the death that he died is what qualifies us for the life that we live. And so he fulfilled the law with his life went to the cross in order … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 11/30/2022

Taken Away Forever

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P32 (11-30-22)

Truth: All Your Sins Were Taken Away at the Cross

~ “So you say what are you going to do under that? What are you going to do under the law? If as a Christian, you’re still under the Law, what are you going to do with the violation? So we’ve come up and said, Well, no, the wages of sin as a Christian is no longer under the law. It’s out of fellowship. All we come up with all kinds of things that God’s grace is positional, but experiential. You’re really getting whacked. There’s no punishment, up in heaven, but down here, he’s going to beat the daylights out of you. Folks, there’s no such thing in Scripture as positional truth and experiential truth. That is a doctrine that is absolutely contrary to anything the Scripture. It is taught in some of our leading seminaries. There’s truth is truth. It is not truth that is positional, it is truth that is truth. So if, indeed, my sins have been taken away in heaven, that’s not positional, then they have been taken away in earth. God does not … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 11/29/2022

Law And Grace

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P31 (11-29-22)

If Righteousness Came Through the Law Then Christ Died For Nothing

~ “You’re never going to receive life. If you’re dead. Life cannot come from the law. Justification cannot come from the law. None of those things can come from the law. So there’s no reward. That’s what he’s saying. There’s no reward under the law, only condemnation. So why would you want to live under something that that the result of living under is a curse? And yet people want to and the other thing that I’ve noticed is when you have people who are objecting to the teaching of grace, it’s always why what you’re teaching is going to give them a license to sin. Have you ever noticed how it’s always them? Who’s going to have a license and never you but them that that by listen, and Bob Davis, I know him you take him under the law, and he just gonna go wild now me I’m wonderful. I’m never in a in an amazing how, how it’s always what how about them? Jesus said, Forget about them, you’re the problem, you are the … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 11/28/2022

Not By Works of The Law

Classic Christianity – A Closer Look at Law & Grace P30 (11-28-22)

No One Can Be Made Perfect Under Law and Only Perfection Will Do in The Sight of God

~ “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matthew 5:48

~ “I am not righteous in the sight of God, because of the club that I belong to, or the church that I belong to, or anybody that I belong to, outside of Christ Jesus. And so if a person is still out there thinking that they have salvation, because of any of those things, folks, I’m telling you, and I’m not telling you for my opinion, I’m telling you directly out of the Word of God, you are still lost. And there’s no need in staying that way. I mean, it isn’t something for that to be an insult, unless you want to remain lost working at it. But it’s, it’s to help you to recognize your condition so that you will receive His provision. You can’t do it. No one could do it.”

Listen in to today’s lesson with more in-depth teaching, from the Bible study booklet, A Closer Look at Listen to Broadcast & Read More