Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P56 (03-17-20)
Romans 13:8 summarizes for us this continual need of love in our hearts. So many people mistake the gospel that saves as the gospel of love, as if by your ability to love, to love God and your neighbor as yourself, is something you do so you become like Christ in order to be saved. That is not the gospel. Love is a fruit of the Spirit, something we never had and could never produce apart from the the Spirit of God. Without the Spirit of God living in us, we do not have anything. But when you are born again, the Spirit of God is placed in you, and by abiding in Him, you allow the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), love being one characteristic, to be produced in you and through you.
So among the Jews and the Gentiles, God formed a new body, the Ekklesia, the body of Christ, made up of both the born again Jew and the born again Gentile. As these born again people are being renewed in their minds, they learn to live in harmony with one another. When you believed in Christ … Click to Read More And Follow Along With The Message