Call-In Classic Christianity Radio – Bob George P661 (08-13-21)
Addressing Music Style, Modesty and Behavior in the Church
Common questions asked in the church are about proper behavior, music styles and modesty in the church assembly (see 1 Corinthians 6 in regard to lawsuits among believers or sexual immorality and 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 in regard to the abuse of the Lord’s Supper). A youth pastor might wonder about how to address those under his care on matters of dress code. At times, this can be a legalistic problem, and best left to the mother of her daughter to address, as addressed in a previous call-in program, in regard to skirts below the knee. As another example, a camp director was overbearing on such a matter, and forbade different sexes to be swimming together. As Bob had remarked to the camp director, that it is okay for he and his wife to sleep together in the privacy of their home but not to be swimming together in decency and modesty in a public place. As another example of legalistic behavior, that could be insisting that your church only serves the Lord’s Supper with real wine. In such a case, a pastor … Listen to Broadcast & Read More