Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/29/2024

Being a Catholic or a Protestant Does Not Make a Christian

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P14 (10-29-24)

Self-Righteous is Always About What I am Doing, God’s Righteousness is About Jesus and What He Did

~ The self-righteous person today always comes up with things they need to be doing. They don’t focus on what Jesus God has done. They will come up with all types of things, and then when you confront them on how much do they have to do to be saved, or how much do they NOT have to do for God to not save them, or how many bad things can they do in order for God to declare them goners, they can never answer the question. Because the Truth of the matter is, that nothing less than perfection will do if a person is trying to live under the law. It’s not, do a little bit of this and a little bit of that, it’s about keeping the whole law of God, from the beginning of your life to the end of your life. And yet most people give lip service to the word of God, because they know in their hearts they cannot obey the law. And this goes for BOTH Hebrews and … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/28/2024

Law Was Given to The Hebrews

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P13 (10-28-24)

No One is Righteous in The Sight of God Through Obedience to The Law

~ The word of God for today is that Both the Hebrews of the Old Testament writings, and the Gentiles in the world were/are not righteous in the sight of God by observing the law. And the law was never given to the Gentiles in the first place, it was ONLY given to the Hebrews/Israelites. But be that as it may, neither is righteous in the sight of God by observing the law, because neither can observe the law. And that was proven out by the Hebrews/Israelites that could not observe the law in the first place when they tried their best in the desert. And we found out in the book of HEBREWS, that God found fault with the people, because no one could live up to the righteous requirements of the Law. So God instituted a New Covenant, by Faith in Jesus, the One who is righteous, and He alone fulfilled the Law for everyone, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God, both for Hebrew and Gentile.

Furthermore, just to clarify things, … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/23/2024

Law Shows Your Sin

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P12 (10-23-24)

Everyone is a Law Breaker, Though Most Will Not Admit it

~ People are condemning others for breaking the law, when they themselves are law breakers also. They do not recognize this in of themselves. People think they are more righteous than another person because they go to a Catholic church, or they go to a Protestant church on Sunday someplace. They think they are law keeping by getting baptized in water or going to the confession booth, or saying prayers repeatedly, or helping out with the poor. They have a holier than thou attitude towards everyone today and it is both Catholics and Protestants that are guilty of this. Their self-righteousness shows through as clear as day. They are so proud of themselves. They will even boast about it to others.

Yet these same people, the boastful ones, have idols on their pedestals left and right, and they don’t even see them as the sin of Idol worship. They talk about what this candidate or that candidate is going to do, yet don’t have a clue they are talking about demons, for they are ALL in it together. They will discuss … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Tuesday 10/22/2024

Trust in Jesus by Faith Not Law

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P11 (10-22-24)

Trust in Jesus, Not in Law Keeping

“Know that a man is not justified by works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.” Galatians 2:16

We are continuing where we left off in the previous radio broadcast. Note, because many of the original messages were nearly an hour long, and to fit it in to our current radio time slots we needed to edit it so that there will be some repeating of the message itself from one day to the next. However, these are all very important points that need to be covered today. Because there are indeed people spreading the lies of Satan, that salvation is all about some form of law keeping. You’ve got to do this, you’ve got to do that, you’ve got to perform for Jesus are some of the lies that are spread by false teachers. And with this type of false teaching, they cannot tell you how much … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Monday 10/21/2024

Not By Works of The Law

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P10 (10-21-24)

No One Can Keep The Law, No One is Righteous Under Law

~ We continue on our study in the book of Romans. And we are now going into the second chapter of Romans and we see Paul speaking about the law. And the details of this matter. Many will take the following verses of scripture and try to convince a person that they must keep the law. But here is the thing, only perfection will do. And that is what the apostle Paul is getting at here. He is showing how strict the law is, and if you want to be justified by law keeping, you have to keep it all. Paul shows people that here they are judging others by certain law keeping, yet they themselves don’t keep the law either. And it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about the Hebrews or the Gentiles, because both are sinners, and gentiles have a law unto themselves, their own conscience. For they know in their heart what is right and what is wrong, and the word of God declares that. People think they are obeying the law, when in their hearts … Listen to Broadcast & Read More

Radio Broadcast Wednesday 10/16/2024

Jesus Asks Who Do You Say I AM

Classic Christianity – Book of Romans P09 (10-16-24)

Time to Tell it Like it Is, Be a Truth Teller

~ We have been so deceived by Satan today that most are scared to tell it like it is. They are scared to say something is a sin. And think about it folks, if we are not able to call sin, sin, then what does a person need Jesus for? After all, it’s not sin in the eyes of the world. And so there is no need for God either. And everything is perverted today. In fact, the level of perversion is much much worse than most imagine today. People today, are worshipping demonic entities in transformed flesh suits, and have no clue about it. They hold these entities up as idols all day long. We have all done it too. We were all caught in the sin of idolatry big time. Our parents taught us that it was okay to have idols by their very actions, (they fell in love with singers, actors, technology gurus, sports players and sports teams and even political figures and promoted them all day long) and we too have followed suit. We justified it because … Listen to Broadcast & Read More